People with institution matching "Royal Institution": Advanced Search
Name Institution Area Added by Date  
William T. Astbury (Info) University of Leeds Molecular biology jandh 2014‑03‑18
John Desmond Bernal (Info) Birkbeck College Crystallography jandh 2011‑07‑10
Colin Blake (Info) Oxford jandh 2024‑03‑03
William Thomas Brande (Info) Royal Institution Analytical chemistry, inorganic chemistry Vigyaanik 2019‑03‑30
Wilhelm G. Burgers (Info) Philips Research, Delft University of Technology X-ray crystallography jandh 2011‑06‑13
Stanley Bywater (Info) Cambridge, Royal Institution, National Research Council, Canada Polymer Science jandh 2024‑06‑19
C. Richard A. Catlow (Info) UCL Computational Chemistry aronwalsh 2014‑02‑28
Peter Day (Info) Oxford, Institut Laue-Langevin, UCL mixed valence compounds, solid state chemisrty, neutron diffraction kripke 2016‑03‑20
Jack David Dunitz (Info) ETH Zürich X-ray crystallography jandh 2011‑08‑15
Edward Frankland (Info) Royal College of Chemistry Organometallic chemistry, Organotin chemistry jm 2013‑04‑23
Julian D. Gale (Info) Curtin University of Technology Computational chemistry jdu 2016‑05‑20
John Hall Gladstone (Info) Ludwigs-Universität Giessen, St. Thomas Hospital, London, Royal Institution chemiekusss 2018‑03‑05
David J. Haas (Info) SUNY Buffalo School of Medicine crystallography, biophysics tbperson 2016‑07‑09
Anthony Harriman (Info) CyaPa 2018‑09‑11
Louise N. Johnson (Info) Oxford x-ray crystallography jandh 2014‑05‑08
Kuppuswamy Kalyanasundaram (Info) EPFL Photochemistry, Solar Energy Conversion jandh 2015‑06‑23
Cameron Kepert (Info) University of Sydney yuewu 2015‑11‑09
Srinivasan Natarajan (Info) JNCASR, IISc Bangalore Solid-state and structural chemistry debajit1207 2017‑08‑25
David Phillips (Info) University of Southampton, Royal Institution, Imperial College London Physical Chemistry connectingresearchers 2019‑11‑22
David Chilton Phillips (Info) Oxford biocs 2010‑04‑13
George Porter (Info) Royal Institution Physical chemistry, chemical kinetics jandh 2011‑07‑11
Mata Prasad (Info) The Institute of Science, Mumbai Physical chemistry, inorganic chemistry Vigyaanik 2017‑08‑24
Eric Keightley Rideal (Info) Cambridge Surface Chemistry jandh 2011‑07‑11
John Monteath Robertson (Info) University of Glasgow X-ray crystallography jandh 2011‑08‑15
John Meurig Thomas (Info) Cambridge Heterogeneous catalysis STang 2013‑07‑22
Michael R. Topp (Info) Penn Femtosecond Pump-Probe Spectroscopy jandh 2012‑07‑18
Chieu D. Tran (Info) The Royal Institution of Great Britain, Brookhaven National Lab, Marquette University Analytical Chemistry, Near-infrared Imaging, Green Chemistry, Materials Science. DWARMSTRONG 2015‑09‑08
John Tyndall (Info) The Royal Institution of Great Britain Chemistry, Physics, Philosophy, Mathematics danielkazal 2022‑04‑16
Alfred René Jean Paul Ubbelohde (Info) Queen's University Belfast, Imperial College London Thermodynamics jandh 2023‑09‑03
Ida Woodward (Info) Queen's University Belfast jandh 2023‑09‑03
Subramanian Yashonath (Info) IISc Bangalore Theoretical Chemistry, Physical Chemistry Vigyaanik 2020‑01‑12
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