People with institution matching "Seoul National University":
Advanced Search
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Dae-Ro Ahn (Info) |
Korea Institute of Science and Technology (KIST) |
Nucleic acid chemistry |
madahn |
2017‑08‑10 |
Kyung Hyun Ahn (Info) |
Seoul National University College of Engineering |
| |
2017‑05‑12 |
Sangeun Ahn (Info) |
Seoul National University |
seahn |
2020‑11‑17 |
Mark Borris Aldonza (Info) |
cancer biology, resistance evolution, drug resistance, metastasis, systems pharmacology, chemical biology |
Borris |
2018‑03‑29 |
Jihyun An (Info) |
Seoul National University |
Metal Organic Frameworks, Science Education |
pq |
2015‑09‑29 |
Joon Soo An (Info) |
Princeton |
Natural Product Chemist |
ahnjunsoo |
2023‑08‑31 |
Kwangjin An (Info) |
nanomat7150 |
2018‑12‑17 |
Chaewon Bae (Info) |
Seoul National University |
ChaewonBae |
2020‑11‑18 |
Euiyoung Bae (Info) |
UW Madison, Seoul National University |
Biochemistry, X-ray diffraction, computational biology |
pq |
2015‑11‑12 |
Jeehwan Bae (Info) |
Seoul National University |
youngryel |
2016‑06‑29 |
Minkyung Baek (Info) |
Seoul National University |
chaokseok |
2022‑08‑29 |
Junbeom Bahk (Info) |
Seoul National University |
sigmafelix |
2019‑03‑18 |
Yecheol Bak (Info) |
Seoul National University |
qkrdpcjf |
2020‑11‑19 |
Mark Bathe (Info) |
tarselli |
2015‑07‑06 |
Varun V. Begur (Info) |
IISc Bangalore |
Vigyaanik |
2019‑05‑24 |
Alex Brannan (Info) |
Seoul National University |
Aaa7476 |
2020‑11‑03 |
Gerbrand Ceder (Info) |
UC Berkeley, MIT, UC Berkeley |
batteries, materials genome |
pratyushtiw |
2015‑03‑04 |
Tai Hak Chang (Info) |
Seoul National University |
kashifbutt |
2021‑10‑20 |
Kookheon Char (Info) |
Seoul National University |
kojhyun |
2018‑03‑10 |
Eun-Bum Cho (Info) |
Seoul National University, SungKyunKwan University, Clarkson University, Seoul National University of Science and Technology, Kent State, Samsung Advanced Institute of Technology, LG Chem Research Park |
dl9 |
2020‑06‑25 |
Je-Yoel Cho (Info) |
Seoul National University |
Borris |
2018‑10‑15 |
Jinhan Cho (Info) |
Seoul National University, Max Planck Institute of Colloids and Interfaces, University of Melbourne, LG Chem, Ltd. Information & Electronics , Kookmin University, Korea University |
dl9 |
2020‑06‑09 |
Namki Cho (Info) |
National Cancer Institute |
jbeutler |
2018‑10‑29 |
Kyuhong Choe (Info) |
Seoul National University |
chaokseok |
2022‑08‑29 |
Hee-Jung Choi (Info) |
Seoul National University |
bill.weis |
2021‑06‑18 |
Insung S. Choi (Info) |
biomineralization, micro-pattern formation, and conrolled attachment of biomolecules |
jandh |
2015‑09‑07 |
Isaac Choi (Info) |
Seoul National University, Universität Göttingen, Chungbuk National University |
ammiisaac |
2018‑11‑09 |
Jaeyoo Choi (Info) |
Seoul National University, LBNL |
dl9 |
2020‑06‑13 |
Jang W. Choi (Info) |
Caltech |
solid-state quantum physics, materials science, basic surface science, Microfluidics-based assays of blood proteins, artificial antibodies |
pq |
2015‑11‑12 |
Jayun Choi (Info) |
Seoul National University |
chaokseok |
2022‑12‑17 |
Jin Choi (Info) |
Scripps Institute |
Organic Synthesis |
chjmist |
2022‑09‑18 |
Jonghoon Choi (Info) |
Korea Advanced Inst. of Science and Technology (KAIST), Seoul National University, HU Berlin, Chonnam National University |
Aaa7476 |
2020‑11‑03 |
Junghyun Choi (Info) |
Seoul National University |
chaokseok |
2022‑08‑29 |
Tae-Lim Choi (Info) |
Seoul National University |
newton1225 |
2018‑07‑02 |
Yeonjeong Choi (Info) |
Seoul National University |
YeonjeongChoi |
2020‑11‑18 |
Young Kyun Choi (Info) |
Seoul National University |
Chemistry |
qywx7 |
2013‑03‑24 |
Younggyun Choi (Info) |
Daegu University |
kashifbutt |
2021‑10‑20 |
Yun-Hyuk Choi (Info) |
Seoul National University, Samsung Advanced Institute of Technology, Seoul National University, Seoul National University, Texas A & M, Daegu Catholic University |
hexagonal |
2017‑04‑02 |
Yun-Jaie Choi (Info) |
Seoul National University |
slee126 |
2024‑05‑02 |
Jin-Ho Choy (Info) |
Seoul National University |
seung-tae.hong |
2018‑09‑20 |
Bo Sup Chung (Info) |
Seoul National University |
jbeutler |
2018‑10‑30 |
Doo Soo Chung (Info) |
Seoul National University |
zhengdianzi |
2015‑10‑17 |
In Chung (Info) |
Seoul National University |
Solid state chemistry, energy harvesting materials, synthesis of inorganic solids |
eineide |
2016‑11‑30 |
Junho Chung (Info) |
Seoul National University School of Medicine |
cbarbas |
2013‑09‑27 |
Soo Chung (Info) |
Seoul National University |
jyyoon |
2023‑10‑02 |
Taek Dong Chung (Info) |
Seoul National University |
Electrochemistry |
tdchung |
2016‑02‑20 |
Mark Constantine (Info) |
Seoul National University |
sigmafelix |
2019‑03‑18 |
Gina M DeNicola (Info) |
Moffitt Cancer Center & Research Institute |
redox biology, cancer metabolism |
gdenicola |
2020‑07‑30 |
Gideon Dreyfuss (Info) |
Penn |
Spinal Muscular Atrophy, RNA binding proteins, Splicing, High-Throughput Screening |
cdengler |
2009‑08‑05 |
Soo Hyun Eom (Info) |
Gwangju Institute of Science and Technology |
Structural Biology, DNA polymerase, Channels |
eom |
2012‑07‑25 |
Nam-Chul Ha (Info) |
Seoul National University |
bill.weis |
2021‑06‑18 |
Ji-Sook Hahn (Info) |
Seoul National University, University of Michigan, Duke, Seoul National University |
dl9 |
2020‑05‑26 |
Byung Woo W. Han (Info) |
Seoul National University |
Structural biology, X-ray crystallography, Pharmacy, Immunology |
bwhan |
2012‑07‑22 |
Donghoon Han (Info) |
Seoul National University, Notre Dame, The Catholic University of Korea |
tdchung |
2016‑02‑20 |
Jaehong Han (Info) |
University of Michigan |
Design, Synthesis, Structures and Reactivities of Metal Clusters and Supramolecules |
pq |
2015‑11‑16 |
Jiwoo Han (Info) |
Seoul National University |
sigmafelix |
2019‑03‑18 |
Kyung Ho Han (Info) |
Seoul National University, Scripps Institute |
dl9 |
2020‑05‑26 |
Lim Heo (Info) |
Seoul National University |
chaokseok |
2022‑08‑29 |
Byung Hee HONG (Info) |
Seoul National University |
taihopark |
2019‑10‑06 |
Changgi Hong (Info) |
Seoul National University |
ckdrl0430 |
2020‑11‑17 |
HunGi Hong (Info) |
Seoul National University |
Surface chemistry |
tmallouk |
2013‑06‑22 |
Jong-In Hong (Info) |
Seoul National University |
Electrochem |
2013‑06‑18 |
Mannkyu Hong (Info) |
Scripps Research Institute |
hongmannkyu |
2022‑03‑22 |
Seung-Tae Hong (Info) |
solid state chemistry, battery electrode materials |
seung-tae.hong |
2018‑09‑20 |
Seunghun Hong (Info) |
Seoul National University |
CNT based Bioelectronic sensor |
seunghun |
2019‑04‑29 |
Sukwon Hong (Info) |
Northwestern |
Catalyic Chemistry |
pq |
2015‑11‑09 |
Yan Huang (Info) |
Seoul National University |
youngryel |
2016‑06‑29 |
Nathaniel S. Hwang (Info) |
Johns Hopkins |
Biomedical Engineering, Cell Biology |
pq |
2016‑05‑28 |
Yorum Hwang (Info) |
Seoul National University |
youngryel |
2016‑06‑29 |
Changbong Hyeon (Info) |
University of Maryland, Korea Institute for Advanced Study |
Theoretical Biophysics |
pq |
2016‑04‑07 |
Taeghwan Hyeon (Info) |
Seoul National University |
nanotechnology |
jandh |
2014‑08‑25 |
Kenneth A. Jacobson (Info) |
GPCRs, adenosine, P2 receptors |
kajacobs |
2009‑11‑01 |
Du-Jeon Jang (Info) |
Seoul National University |
hanjungpark |
2016‑06‑15 |
Junhyung Jang (Info) |
Seoul National University |
jaewooknam |
2024‑01‑31 |
Jyongsik Jang (Info) |
Seoul National University |
p023msh |
2018‑05‑02 |
Yoon-Jung Jang (Info) |
kyyoonchem |
2020‑08‑28 |
Noo Li Jeon (Info) |
UC Irvine, Seoul National University |
3D cell culture, microfluidics, cancer cell migration, angiogenesis, organ-on-chip |
jandh |
2015‑09‑14 |
Seokwoo Jeon (Info) |
david |
2015‑07‑14 |
Soohyun Jeon (Info) |
Seoul National University |
youngryel |
2016‑06‑29 |
Dong-Won Jeong (Info) |
Seoul National University |
37kevin2 |
2017‑08‑18 |
Jina Jeong (Info) |
Seoul National University |
youngryel |
2016‑06‑29 |
Wooyeop Jeong (Info) |
Seoul National University |
chaokseok |
2022‑12‑17 |
Chongya Jiang (Info) |
Seoul National University |
youngryel |
2016‑06‑29 |
Jeong Chan Joo (Info) |
Seoul National University, Kwangwoon University, University of Toronto, Korean Research Institute of Chemical Technology, The Catholic University of Korea |
dl9 |
2021‑03‑17 |
Jin Joo (Info) |
Kyungpook National University |
nanomat7150 |
2018‑12‑17 |
Kim Joon-min (Info) |
Dept. of Pharmacology, College of Medicine, Seoul National University |
Alzheimer's desease, learning and memory |
jmcow |
2007‑05‑30 |
Han Na Jung (Info) |
Seoul National University |
hannajung86 |
2020‑11‑18 |
Heechan Jung (Info) |
Seoul National University |
jaewooknam |
2024‑01‑31 |
Nuri Jung (Info) |
Seoul National University |
chaokseok |
2022‑12‑17 |
Sang Taek Jung (Info) |
UT Austin, Caltech, Kookmin University, Korea University, Seoul National University |
dl9 |
2023‑02‑10 |
Yoon Seok Jung (Info) |
Yonsei University (Republic of Korea) |
Electrochemistry; Batteries; Solid-state batteries |
haploid |
2021‑02‑15 |
YounJoon Jung (Info) |
Seoul National University |
Theoretical Chemistry, Statistical Mechanics |
younjoon |
2012‑11‑01 |
Yousung Jung (Info) |
Theoretical Chemistry |
pq |
2015‑11‑06 |
Beomchang Kang (Info) |
Seoul National University |
chaokseok |
2022‑08‑29 |
Cheol Kang (Info) |
Cornell |
kyyoonchem |
2020‑09‑02 |
Heon Kang (Info) |
POSTECH, Seoul National University |
connectingresearchers |
2022‑04‑01 |
Jong Hun Kang (Info) |
Seoul National University, Caltech |
Zeolites synthesis, Heterogeneous Catalyst |
jkang2 |
2015‑05‑14 |
Jun Hee Kang (Info) |
EMBL Heidelberg |
nuclear pore complex, super-resolution |
jun.hee.kang |
2016‑08‑16 |
Kisuk Kang (Info) |
Seoul National University |
gceder |
2017‑08‑08 |
Shinhoo Kang (Info) |
Seoul National University |
david |
2015‑09‑23 |
Yun Pyo Kang (Info) |
Seoul National University |
gdenicola |
2024‑08‑15 |
Kunwoo Khim (Info) |
Seoul National University, Seoul National University, University of Delaware |
Chemical Engineering |
kwkhim |
2023‑09‑20 |
Chan Hyuk Kim (Info) |
2016‑07‑12 |
Changheon Kim (Info) |
Seoul National Univ. |
Biosensors |
xxx3049 |
2020‑11‑17 |
Cheal Kim (Info) |
Seoul National University of Science and Technology |
ncsuchemistry |
2020‑04‑27 |
Choongik Kim (Info) |
Sogang University |
jandh |
2015‑09‑16 |
Deukjoon Kim (Info) |
Seoul National University |
jongkook |
2016‑06‑15 |
Do-Nyun Kim (Info) |
Seoul National University College of Engineering |
markb8989 |
2019‑12‑11 |
Dongjae Kim (Info) |
SungKyunKwan University, Seoul National University, Columbia, Soonchunhyang University |
Coating process, nanowires, fluidized bed, image analysis, carbon capture |
jaewooknam |
2018‑11‑21 |
Dongwoo Kim (Info) |
Seoul National University |
| |
2020‑11‑17 |
Hak Joong Kim (Info) |
Korea University |
Chemical biology, Medicinal chemistry, Organic synthesis, Natural product chemistry, Enzymology |
hakkim |
2016‑07‑11 |
Hakjean Kim (Info) |
Seoul National University |
chaokseok |
2022‑12‑17 |
Hasuck Kim (Info) |
Seoul National University |
tdchung |
2016‑02‑20 |
Hee Joong Kim (Info) |
polymer |
khjoongi |
2019‑01‑16 |
Hongkyeong Kim (Info) |
Seoul National University, Korea National University of Transportation |
dl9 |
2020‑06‑09 |
Hwan D Kim (Info) |
Korea National University of Transportation |
Vascular Biology, Tissue Engineering, Biomaterials, Regenerative Medicine |
bmsce1008 |
2018‑04‑19 |
Hye-Sun Kim (Info) |
College of Medicine, Seoul National University |
Alzheimer's Disease |
neuromir1479 |
2013‑06‑16 |
Hyerim Kim (Info) |
Seoul National University |
Biomaterials, Hydrogel, Tissue engineering |
HyerimKim |
2020‑11‑18 |
Ikyon Kim (Info) |
Yonsei University |
Organic Chemistry |
pq |
2015‑09‑26 |
Jae Bum Kim (Info) |
Seoul National University |
khkim79 |
2020‑01‑27 |
Jae-Ho Kim (Info) |
UIUC, Seoul National University |
Nanophotonics |
mokoko |
2024‑06‑17 |
Jaeyun Kim (Info) |
SungKyunKwan University |
nanomat7150 |
2018‑12‑17 |
Jang-Joo Kim (Info) |
Seoul National University |
peachfog |
2018‑12‑26 |
Jiyun Kim (Info) |
Seoul National University |
jyoonkim31 |
2020‑11‑20 |
Jongmin Kim (Info) |
Seoul National University |
youngryel |
2016‑06‑29 |
Joon Kim (Info) |
University of Nebraska - Lincoln |
baldocchi |
2016‑08‑03 |
Jung Hyeun Kim (Info) |
Seoul National University, University of Maryland, University of Seoul |
dl9 |
2020‑05‑20 |
Kang Ho Kim (Info) |
Baylor College of Medicine |
khkim79 |
2020‑01‑27 |
Minkyu Kim (Info) |
Seoul National University, Florida State, Georgia Tech, Dankook University |
Material synthesis |
uniquel1324 |
2018‑10‑14 |
Sang-Wook Kim (Info) |
Ajou University |
nanomat7150 |
2018‑12‑17 |
Sanghee Kim (Info) |
Seoul Nation University |
song2 |
2023‑10‑04 |
Seeun Kim (Info) |
Seoul National University |
chaokseok |
2022‑12‑17 |
Seji Kim (Info) |
Seoul National University |
Aaa7476 |
2020‑11‑03 |
Seong Keun Kim (Info) |
Seoul National University |
Molecular Reaction Dynamics |
ksmin0228 |
2013‑04‑02 |
Seung-Joo Kim (Info) |
Ajou University |
chungyulyoo |
2022‑05‑13 |
Soo-Un Kim (Info) |
Seoul National University |
jaehongh |
2017‑07‑21 |
Soobin Kim (Info) |
Korea Institute of Science and Technology (KIST) |
sangho.cho |
2022‑07‑12 |
Soohyun Kim (Info) |
Stanford |
Antibody |
skim481 |
2021‑12‑20 |
Soyoun Kim (Info) |
Seoul National University |
youngryel |
2016‑06‑29 |
Taeho Kim (Info) |
Michigan State |
nanomat7150 |
2018‑12‑17 |
Young Ho Kim (Info) |
Chungnam University |
jbeutler |
2018‑10‑30 |
Young-Woo Kim (Info) |
Dongguk.University |
Medicinal Chemistry, Peptide Chemistry |
gobuckeye |
2024‑01‑01 |
Yubeen Kim (Info) |
Seoul National University |
chaokseok |
2022‑12‑17 |
Yung Sam Kim (Info) |
Two-Dimensional Infrared Spectroscopy, Ultrafast Spectroscopy |
kimysunist |
2015‑11‑01 |
Zee Hwan H. Kim (Info) |
Seoul National University |
Laser chemistry, Plasmonics, and Molecular Spectroscopy |
zeehwanee |
2013‑09‑12 |
Hyungsuk Kimm (Info) |
Seoul National University |
youngryel |
2016‑06‑29 |
Jaehan Ko (Info) |
Seoul National University |
kid070200 |
2020‑11‑17 |
Junsu Ko (Info) |
Seoul National University |
chaokseok |
2022‑08‑29 |
Jai Hyun Koh (Info) |
Korea Institute of Science and Technology (KIST) |
Polymer, Lithography, Energy, Catalysis |
kojhyun |
2018‑03‑10 |
Minseob Koh (Info) |
Scripps Institute, Pusan National University |
Protein chemistry |
bioseob |
2016‑07‑11 |
Hyungryeol Kwak (Info) |
Seoul National University |
jaewooknam |
2024‑01‑31 |
Jeonghun Kwak (Info) |
Seoul National University College of Engineering |
chlee7 |
2019‑10‑13 |
Hyunguk Kwon (Info) |
University of Pittsburgh |
gmpourmp |
2023‑04‑12 |
Min Sang Kwon (Info) |
Seoul National Univ. |
Polymer chemistry, Organic chemistry, Photochemistry |
kwonms83 |
2019‑04‑01 |
Oh-Hoon Kwon (Info) |
Chemistry, Physical Chemistry, Ultrafast Spectroscopy, Femtochemistry, Ultrafast Electron Microscopy |
femtokid |
2018‑02‑11 |
Sohee Kwon (Info) |
Seoul National University |
chaokseok |
2022‑08‑29 |
Yong Tae Kwon (Info) |
University of Pittsburgh, Seoul National University |
jandh |
2019‑10‑15 |
Yongchai Kwon (Info) |
Seoul National University of Science and Technology |
first |
2024‑01‑10 |
Yonghoon Kwon (Info) |
Seoul National University |
Organic Chemistry |
gooaik |
2020‑05‑01 |
Prem Lama (Info) |
CSIR-Indian Institute of Petroleum |
connectingresearchers |
2021‑11‑13 |
Bongjoon Lee (Info) |
Polymer physics |
peachfog |
2018‑12‑26 |
Chang-Han Lee (Info) |
UT Austin, Ajou University, Seoul National University College of Medicine |
Antibody discovery and engineering, Fc receptors, Complement, Effector cells, Onco-immunology |
dl9 |
2023‑02‑10 |
Changhee Lee (Info) |
LG Chem Research Park, Inha University, Seoul National University, Samsung Display Co |
OLED Display, Quantum Dot Display, Organic Electronics, Organic Optoelectronic Devices |
chlee7 |
2019‑10‑13 |
Changsoo Lee (Info) |
Seoul National University |
chaokseok |
2022‑12‑17 |
Chulbom Lee (Info) |
Seoul National University |
chjmist |
2022‑09‑18 |
Chung Whan Lee (Info) |
LG Chem Research Park, Gachon University |
Organic Chemistry |
chungwhanlee |
2020‑02‑01 |
Dongseon Lee (Info) |
Seoul National University |
chaokseok |
2022‑08‑29 |
Dongwhan Lee (Info) |
Indiana University Bloomington, Seoul National University |
synthetic inorganic and organic chemistry of functional molecules and materials |
jandh |
2015‑07‑14 |
Doohee Lee (Info) |
Seoul Nation University |
drug delivery |
doohee4544 |
2020‑11‑17 |
Dowon Lee (Info) |
Seoul National University |
youngryel |
2016‑06‑29 |
Eun Lee (Info) |
Seoul National University |
Organic Chemistry |
newton1225 |
2014‑10‑12 |
Galam Lee (Info) |
Seoul National University |
youngryel |
2016‑06‑29 |
Gyu Rie Lee (Info) |
Seoul National University |
chaokseok |
2022‑08‑29 |
Gyubok Lee (Info) |
Seoul National University |
96leebok |
2020‑11‑17 |
Hasup Lee (Info) |
Seoul National University |
chaokseok |
2022‑08‑29 |
Hee-Yoon Lee (Info) |
Organic Chemistry, Organic Synthesis |
newton1225 |
2013‑12‑04 |
Hyung Ho Lee (Info) |
Seoul National University |
Structural Biology |
lhh2216 |
2019‑02‑24 |
Hyunsu Lee (Info) |
Seoul National University |
hyun118soo |
2020‑11‑18 |
In-Hwan Lee (Info) |
Ajou University |
kyyoonchem |
2020‑08‑28 |
Jaewoo Lee (Info) |
Nanyang Technological University, Seoul National University, Jeonbuk National University |
dl9 |
2020‑05‑16 |
Jane Lee (Info) |
Seoul National University |
youngryel |
2016‑06‑29 |
Jeewoo Lee (Info) |
Seoul National University |
hongmannkyu |
2022‑03‑22 |
Jeong-Seob Lee (Info) |
Yonsei University, Seoul National University, Ohio State |
Process chemistry, discovery chemistry |
ippjslee |
2024‑07‑21 |
Jieun Lee (Info) |
Seoul National University |
jelee3891 |
2020‑11‑18 |
Jihyeon Lee (Info) |
Seoul National University |
chaokseok |
2022‑12‑17 |
Jinwoo Lee (Info) |
nanomat7150 |
2018‑12‑17 |
Jong-Chan Lee (Info) |
Seoul National University |
khjoongi |
2019‑01‑16 |
Jongkook Lee (Info) |
Kangwon National University |
Pharmaceutical chemistry |
jongkook |
2016‑06‑15 |
Juhoon Lee (Info) |
UT Austin |
Dalbykn |
2020‑07‑14 |
Junmo Lee (Info) |
Seoul National University |
jaewooknam |
2024‑01‑31 |
Juyong Lee (Info) |
Kangwon National University |
prathit.chatterjee |
2021‑07‑28 |
Kanghyun Lee (Info) |
Seoul National University, UW Madison, UCSF |
dl9 |
2020‑05‑26 |
Kangwon Lee (Info) |
University of Michigan, Harvard, Korea Institute of Science and Technology (KIST), Seoul National University |
Tissue engineering, Biomaterials, Biomedical engineering, Biosensor |
pq |
2015‑11‑21 |
Kyu Tae Lee (Info) |
Seoul National University |
Electrochemistry, Batteries |
ktlee128 |
2019‑12‑27 |
Minho Lee (Info) |
Seoul National University |
jaewooknam |
2024‑01‑31 |
Myoungmi Lee (Info) |
Seoul National University of Science and Technology, Duke |
ncsuchemistry |
2020‑11‑13 |
Nohyun Lee (Info) |
Kookmin University |
nanomat7150 |
2018‑12‑17 |
Sang Kook Lee (Info) |
Seoul National University |
Borris |
2018‑10‑15 |
Sang Bok Lee (Info) |
University of Maryland |
Electrochem |
2013‑04‑07 |
Sang Jae Lee (Info) |
Pohang Accelerator Laboratory |
sanzelee |
2024‑12‑18 |
Sang-Mok Lee (Info) |
Brigham and Women's Hospital & Harvard Medical School |
Host-microbe interactions, Metabolomics, Systems biology |
slee126 |
2024‑05‑02 |
Sangho Lee (Info) |
SungKyunKwan University |
Structural biology, polyubiquitin |
chempia |
2012‑07‑21 |
Sangyoub Lee (Info) |
Seoul National University |
younjoon |
2012‑11‑01 |
Seho Lee (Info) |
Seoul National University |
chaokseok |
2022‑12‑17 |
Seonghoon Lee (Info) |
Seoul National University |
jhoon823 |
2022‑12‑26 |
Seung Jong Lee (Info) |
Seoul National University College of Engineering |
Rheology and processing | |
2017‑05‑12 |
Seungjun Lee (Info) |
Seoul National University |
youngryel |
2016‑06‑29 |
Su Seong Lee (Info) |
Seoul National University, Nanostructured Materials Research Laboratory - MIT |
Sotelea |
2020‑01‑31 |
Sumin Lee (Info) |
Seoul National University |
chaokseok |
2022‑12‑17 |
Yong Rok Lee (Info) |
Yeungnam University |
Pandit5051 |
2020‑06‑17 |
Younkyung Lee (Info) |
Seoul National University |
chaokseok |
2022‑08‑29 |
Yunho Lee (Info) |
Korea Advanced Inst. of Science and Technology (KAIST), Seoul National University |
Inorganic chemistry |
Aaa7476 |
2016‑09‑28 |
Jaehoon Lim (Info) |
Sungkyunkwan University (SKKU) |
Semiconductor Nanocrystals, Quantum Dots, Light-emitting Diodes |
jhoon823 |
2022‑12‑25 |
Jong Kuk Lim (Info) |
Chosun University |
Physical Chemistry |
jeykeylim |
2013‑09‑03 |
Michael Z. Lin (Info) |
Stanford |
Protein engineering applied to visualizing and controlling signal transduction |
michaelzlin |
2008‑06‑07 |
Daishun Ling (Info) |
Zhejiang University |
nanomat7150 |
2018‑12‑17 |
Jun O. Liu (Info) |
Johns Hopkins Medical School |
edatan |
2016‑04‑22 |
Yang Lu (Info) |
Hefei Univ. of Technology |
nanomat7150 |
2018‑12‑17 |
Dal-Hee Min (Info) |
Chicago |
chemical biology of cell adhesion |
pq |
2015‑11‑11 |
Kyeongsik Min (Info) |
LG Life Sciences Ltd. |
Structural Biology, Drug Discovery |
ksmin |
2012‑08‑13 |
Kyung Suk Min (Info) |
Seoul National University |
Physical Chemistry |
ksmin0228 |
2013‑04‑02 |
KyungSuk Min (Info) |
LG Chem |
TEM, EELS, LIB, in-situ/Operando microscopy |
mks0228 |
2024‑06‑20 |
Sa Hoon Min (Info) |
UNC Chapel Hill |
Computational chemistry |
p023msh |
2018‑05‑02 |
Byung Joon MOON (Info) |
KIST (Korea Institute of Science and Technology) |
taihopark |
2019‑10‑06 |
Il Moon (Info) |
Yonsei University, Carnegie Mellon |
dl9 |
2020‑05‑10 |
Kyuho Moon (Info) |
Princeton |
yifanzhang |
2020‑01‑30 |
Hyon Bin Na (Info) |
MyongJi University |
nanomat7150 |
2018‑12‑17 |
Jaewook Nam (Info) |
Seoul National University, UMN, Rice University, SungKyunKwan University, Seoul National University |
pasquali |
2016‑01‑19 |
Jwa-Min Nam (Info) |
Northwestern |
Nanomaterials |
pq |
2015‑11‑09 |
Ki Tae Nam (Info) |
Seoul National University |
ronz |
2016‑06‑15 |
Erwin Neher (Info) |
Max Planck Institute for Biophysical Chemistry |
hanks |
2005‑10‑12 |
Jeong-wook Oh (Info) |
Seoul National University |
hasuckim |
2019‑08‑12 |
Joon Hak Oh (Info) |
connectingresearchers |
2020‑10‑05 |
Seung Mo Oh (Info) |
Seoul National University |
ktlee128 |
2019‑12‑27 |
Simaek Oh (Info) |
Seoul National University |
chaokseok |
2022‑12‑17 |
Nabanita Pal (Info) |
Seoul National University of Science and Technology, Mahatma Gandhi Institute of Technology |
dl9 |
2020‑06‑25 |
Chong Rae Park (Info) |
Seoul National University |
Carbon nanomaterials & porous materials |
jkang2 |
2016‑08‑05 |
Eunsook Park (Info) |
UC Davis |
GeorgiaDrakakaki |
2020‑01‑14 |
Gun-Sik Park (Info) |
Seoul National University |
connectingresearchers |
2022‑10‑23 |
Hahnbeom Park (Info) |
Seoul National University |
chaokseok |
2022‑08‑29 |
Han Jung Park (Info) |
University of Tennessee at Chattanooga |
Photoacoustic effect |
hanjungpark |
2016‑06‑15 |
Jaiwook Park (Info) |
Organometallics |
newton1225 |
2013‑12‑29 |
Jin A Park (Info) |
Seoul National University |
sigmafelix |
2019‑03‑18 |
Jiyong Park (Info) |
Institute for Basic Science, South Korea |
Computational chemistry, Biophysics |
jiyongpark77 |
2019‑04‑10 |
Jongnam Park (Info) |
nanomat7150 |
2018‑12‑17 |
Jungjae Park (Info) |
UC Berkeley |
Geography, Physical Geography, Palynology, Paleoecology |
pq |
2016‑03‑15 |
Jungwon Park (Info) |
Seoul National University |
jaewooknam |
2024‑01‑31 |
Sangook Park (Info) |
Seoul National University |
hasuckim |
2019‑08‑12 |
Sangwoo Park (Info) |
Seoul National University |
chaokseok |
2022‑08‑29 |
Seung B. Park (Info) |
Texas A & M |
Organic Chemistry, Biochemistry |
pq |
2016‑01‑31 |
Seung Bum Park (Info) |
Seoul National University |
bioseob |
2021‑08‑24 |
Soo Young Park (Info) |
Seoul National University |
kwonms83 |
2019‑04‑01 |
Sujin Park (Info) |
Seoul National University |
chaokseok |
2022‑12‑17 |
Taeyong Park (Info) |
Seoul National University |
chaokseok |
2022‑08‑29 |
Yong Il Park (Info) |
Chonnam National University |
nanomat7150 |
2018‑12‑17 |
Youngwook Park (Info) |
Fritz Haber Institute of the Max Planck Society |
connectingresearchers |
2022‑04‑01 |
Animesh Patra (Info) |
S. N. Bose National Centre for Basics Sciences |
Spectroscopy, THz, Solvation, Physical Chemistry |
animesh.patra |
2020‑03‑03 |
Yuanze Piao (Info) |
Seoul National University |
hasuckim |
2019‑08‑12 |
Yuanzhe Piao (Info) |
Seoul National University |
nanomat7150 |
2018‑12‑17 |
Bo Quan (Info) |
Yanbian University |
quanbo |
2023‑03‑29 |
Jung-Hye Roe (Info) |
Seoul National University, UW Madison |
dl9 |
2020‑05‑26 |
Soo-Ryoon Ryoo (Info) |
Northwestern |
cutesalt |
2016‑12‑26 |
ILL RYU (Info) |
Seoul National University |
Computational Mechanics, Computational Materials Science |
iryu |
2017‑07‑26 |
Youngryel Ryu (Info) |
Seoul National University |
youngryel |
2016‑06‑29 |
Dong-Hwa Seo (Info) |
Ulsan National Institute of Science & Technology |
batteries, computational materials science |
dhseo00 |
2023‑03‑02 |
Chaok Seok (Info) |
Seoul National University |
chaokseok |
2022‑08‑29 |
Jimin Seok (Info) |
Seoul National University |
Bioprinting, Biomaterials, Tissue Engineering |
jimins |
2020‑11‑18 |
Hyunbo Shim (Info) |
Ewha University |
Antibody engineering |
Hshim01 |
2014‑01‑25 |
Sangwoo Shim (Info) |
Harvard |
Quantum Dynamics, Quantum Monte Carlo |
borishim |
2013‑02‑02 |
Inchul Shin (Info) |
UT San Antonio, Georgia State, Institute for Basic Science, Daegu Gyeongbuk Institute of Science & Technology, Seoul National University |
structural biology, enzymology, molecular biology |
Feradical |
2022‑07‑03 |
Injae Shin (Info) |
UMN, Scripps Research Institute, Yonsei University (Republic of Korea) |
kristenw |
2016‑07‑14 |
Seokmin Shin (Info) |
Seoul National University |
yeohoon |
2014‑06‑27 |
Woong-Hee Shin (Info) |
Seoul National University |
chaokseok |
2022‑08‑29 |
Jiho Sim (Info) |
Seoul National University |
chaokseok |
2022‑12‑17 |
Byeong-Hyeok Sohn (Info) |
Seoul National University |
daeyeon |
2015‑01‑01 |
Jae Sung Son (Info) |
nanomat7150 |
2018‑12‑17 |
Seung Uk Son (Info) |
Sungkyunkwam University |
nanomat7150 |
2018‑12‑17 |
Younggon Son (Info) |
University of Connecticut, Seoul National University, Cheil R & D Center, NIST, Kongju National University |
dl9 |
2020‑06‑09 |
Hyun Kyu Song (Info) |
National Cancer Center, Korea University |
Protein degradation, ubiquitylation, autophagy, structural biology |
hksong |
2012‑07‑21 |
Hyung-Jun Song (Info) |
Seoul National University of Science and Technology |
chlee7 |
2019‑10‑13 |
Jung-Ah Song (Info) |
Seoul National University, UC Santa Barbara |
kyyoonchem |
2020‑08‑28 |
Yeonghun Song (Info) |
Seoul National University |
song2 |
2023‑10‑04 |
Youngkeun Song (Info) |
Seoul National University |
youngryel |
2016‑06‑29 |
Junghun Suh (Info) |
Seoul National University |
Bioorganic Chemistry |
Hshim01 |
2014‑01‑25 |
Myunghyun Paik Suh (Info) |
Seoul National University |
connectingresearchers |
2021‑11‑13 |
Se Won Suh (Info) |
Seoul National University |
protein crystallography |
sewonsuh |
2012‑07‑21 |
Sae Jin Sung (Info) |
Korea Research Institute of Chemical Technology |
perovskite solar cells |
sjsung |
2021‑10‑15 |
Sang Hyun Sung (Info) |
Seoul National University |
jbeutler |
2018‑10‑30 |
Younghun Sung (Info) |
UC Berkeley College of Chemistry, Samsung Electronics, Seoul National University |
Nanotechnology |
youngba |
2017‑10‑06 |
Patrick Theato (Info) |
Karlsruhe Institute of Technology, University of Hamburg |
dimidola |
2019‑02‑06 |
Kathavarayan Thenmozhi (Info) |
Vellore institute of Technology, TamilNadu, India |
TheKtr |
2024‑09‑18 |
Truong Thanh Tung (Info) |
Copenhagen University, University of Pittsburgh |
Medicinal chemistry |
Medchemorgchem |
2018‑07‑07 |
Shashi B. Verma (Info) |
University of Nebraska - Lincoln |
Environmental Sciences, Biogeochemistry |
pq |
2016‑03‑18 |
William Weis (Info) |
Stanford Medical School |
mmps |
2018‑10‑28 |
Jonghun Won (Info) |
Seoul National University |
chaokseok |
2022‑08‑29 |
Hyeonuk Woo (Info) |
Seoul National University |
chaokseok |
2022‑12‑17 |
Chungmo Yang (Info) |
Seoul National University |
Polymeric nanoparticles, gasotransmitters, hydrogel, tissue engineering. |
elise88 |
2020‑11‑17 |
Jinsol Yang (Info) |
Seoul National University |
chaokseok |
2022‑08‑29 |
Sanghee Yang (Info) |
Seoul National University |
kyyoonchem |
2021‑03‑22 |
Young Duk Yang (Info) |
CHA university |
mva |
2012‑06‑25 |
Insu Yeon (Info) |
Seoul National University |
hyungsuk3 |
2024‑08‑29 |
Hyungjoo Yim (Info) |
Seoul National University |
jaewooknam |
2024‑01‑31 |
Byung-Kuk YOO (Info) |
École Polytechnique, ENS Paris, Caltech |
Biophysics |
femtobio |
2012‑03‑07 |
Hyun Deog Yoo (Info) |
University of Illinois, Chicago, Pusan National University |
energy storage, electrochemistry |
kripke |
2017‑11‑23 |
Young Je Yoo (Info) |
Seoul National University |
TheKtr |
2024‑09‑18 |
Do Y. Yoon (Info) |
Seoul National University |
connectingresearchers |
2020‑07‑09 |
Jeong-Yeol Yoon (Info) |
UCLA, University of Arizona |
biosensor |
pq |
2015‑11‑12 |
Ki-Young Yoon (Info) |
Chemistry |
kyyoonchem |
2019‑04‑03 |
Garim You (Info) |
ncsuchemistry |
2019‑12‑19 |
Hong-Duk Youn (Info) |
Seoul National University |
edatan |
2017‑04‑27 |
Taekyung Yu (Info) |
Kyung Hee University |
nanomat7150 |
2018‑12‑17 |
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