People with institution matching "Seoul National University": Advanced Search
Name Institution Area Added by Date  
Dae-Ro Ahn (Info) Korea Institute of Science and Technology (KIST) Nucleic acid chemistry madahn 2017‑08‑10
Kyung Hyun Ahn (Info) Seoul National University College of Engineering 2017‑05‑12
Sangeun Ahn (Info) Seoul National University seahn 2020‑11‑17
Mark Borris Aldonza (Info) KAIST cancer biology, resistance evolution, drug resistance, metastasis, systems pharmacology, chemical biology Borris 2018‑03‑29
Jihyun An (Info) Seoul National University Metal Organic Frameworks, Science Education pq 2015‑09‑29
Joon Soo An (Info) Princeton Natural Product Chemist ahnjunsoo 2023‑08‑31
Kwangjin An (Info) UNIST nanomat7150 2018‑12‑17
Chaewon Bae (Info) Seoul National University ChaewonBae 2020‑11‑18
Euiyoung Bae (Info) UW Madison, Seoul National University Biochemistry, X-ray diffraction, computational biology pq 2015‑11‑12
Jeehwan Bae (Info) Seoul National University youngryel 2016‑06‑29
Minkyung Baek (Info) Seoul National University chaokseok 2022‑08‑29
Junbeom Bahk (Info) Seoul National University sigmafelix 2019‑03‑18
Yecheol Bak (Info) Seoul National University qkrdpcjf 2020‑11‑19
Mark Bathe (Info) MIT tarselli 2015‑07‑06
Varun V. Begur (Info) IISc Bangalore Vigyaanik 2019‑05‑24
Alex Brannan (Info) Seoul National University Aaa7476 2020‑11‑03
Gerbrand Ceder (Info) UC Berkeley, MIT, UC Berkeley batteries, materials genome pratyushtiw 2015‑03‑04
Tai Hak Chang (Info) Seoul National University kashifbutt 2021‑10‑20
Kookheon Char (Info) Seoul National University kojhyun 2018‑03‑10
Eun-Bum Cho (Info) Seoul National University, SungKyunKwan University, Clarkson University, Seoul National University of Science and Technology, Kent State, Samsung Advanced Institute of Technology, LG Chem Research Park dl9 2020‑06‑25
Je-Yoel Cho (Info) Seoul National University Borris 2018‑10‑15
Jinhan Cho (Info) Seoul National University, Max Planck Institute of Colloids and Interfaces, University of Melbourne, LG Chem, Ltd. Information & Electronics , Kookmin University, Korea University dl9 2020‑06‑09
Namki Cho (Info) National Cancer Institute jbeutler 2018‑10‑29
Kyuhong Choe (Info) Seoul National University chaokseok 2022‑08‑29
Hee-Jung Choi (Info) Seoul National University bill.weis 2021‑06‑18
Insung S. Choi (Info) KAIST biomineralization, micro-pattern formation, and conrolled attachment of biomolecules jandh 2015‑09‑07
Isaac Choi (Info) Seoul National University, Universität Göttingen, Chungbuk National University ammiisaac 2018‑11‑09
Jaeyoo Choi (Info) Seoul National University, LBNL dl9 2020‑06‑13
Jang W. Choi (Info) Caltech solid-state quantum physics, materials science, basic surface science, Microfluidics-based assays of blood proteins, artificial antibodies pq 2015‑11‑12
Jayun Choi (Info) Seoul National University chaokseok 2022‑12‑17
Jin Choi (Info) Scripps Institute Organic Synthesis chjmist 2022‑09‑18
Jonghoon Choi (Info) Korea Advanced Inst. of Science and Technology (KAIST), Seoul National University, HU Berlin, Chonnam National University Aaa7476 2020‑11‑03
Junghyun Choi (Info) Seoul National University chaokseok 2022‑08‑29
Tae-Lim Choi (Info) Seoul National University newton1225 2018‑07‑02
Yeonjeong Choi (Info) Seoul National University YeonjeongChoi 2020‑11‑18
Young Kyun Choi (Info) Seoul National University Chemistry qywx7 2013‑03‑24
Younggyun Choi (Info) Daegu University kashifbutt 2021‑10‑20
Yun-Hyuk Choi (Info) Seoul National University, Samsung Advanced Institute of Technology, Seoul National University, Seoul National University, Texas A & M, Daegu Catholic University hexagonal 2017‑04‑02
Yun-Jaie Choi (Info) Seoul National University slee126 2024‑05‑02
Jin-Ho Choy (Info) Seoul National University seung-tae.hong 2018‑09‑20
Bo Sup Chung (Info) Seoul National University jbeutler 2018‑10‑30
Doo Soo Chung (Info) Seoul National University zhengdianzi 2015‑10‑17
In Chung (Info) Seoul National University Solid state chemistry, energy harvesting materials, synthesis of inorganic solids eineide 2016‑11‑30
Junho Chung (Info) Seoul National University School of Medicine cbarbas 2013‑09‑27
Soo Chung (Info) Seoul National University jyyoon 2023‑10‑02
Taek Dong Chung (Info) Seoul National University Electrochemistry tdchung 2016‑02‑20
Mark Constantine (Info) Seoul National University sigmafelix 2019‑03‑18
Gina M DeNicola (Info) Moffitt Cancer Center & Research Institute redox biology, cancer metabolism gdenicola 2020‑07‑30
Gideon Dreyfuss (Info) Penn Spinal Muscular Atrophy, RNA binding proteins, Splicing, High-Throughput Screening cdengler 2009‑08‑05
Soo Hyun Eom (Info) Gwangju Institute of Science and Technology Structural Biology, DNA polymerase, Channels eom 2012‑07‑25
Nam-Chul Ha (Info) Seoul National University bill.weis 2021‑06‑18
Ji-Sook Hahn (Info) Seoul National University, University of Michigan, Duke, Seoul National University dl9 2020‑05‑26
Byung Woo W. Han (Info) Seoul National University Structural biology, X-ray crystallography, Pharmacy, Immunology bwhan 2012‑07‑22
Donghoon Han (Info) Seoul National University, Notre Dame, The Catholic University of Korea tdchung 2016‑02‑20
Jaehong Han (Info) University of Michigan Design, Synthesis, Structures and Reactivities of Metal Clusters and Supramolecules pq 2015‑11‑16
Jiwoo Han (Info) Seoul National University sigmafelix 2019‑03‑18
Kyung Ho Han (Info) Seoul National University, Scripps Institute dl9 2020‑05‑26
Lim Heo (Info) Seoul National University chaokseok 2022‑08‑29
Byung Hee HONG (Info) Seoul National University taihopark 2019‑10‑06
Changgi Hong (Info) Seoul National University ckdrl0430 2020‑11‑17
HunGi Hong (Info) Seoul National University Surface chemistry tmallouk 2013‑06‑22
Jong-In Hong (Info) Seoul National University Electrochem 2013‑06‑18
Mannkyu Hong (Info) Scripps Research Institute hongmannkyu 2022‑03‑22
Seung-Tae Hong (Info) DGIST solid state chemistry, battery electrode materials seung-tae.hong 2018‑09‑20
Seunghun Hong (Info) Seoul National University CNT based Bioelectronic sensor seunghun 2019‑04‑29
Sukwon Hong (Info) Northwestern Catalyic Chemistry pq 2015‑11‑09
Yan Huang (Info) Seoul National University youngryel 2016‑06‑29
Nathaniel S. Hwang (Info) Johns Hopkins Biomedical Engineering, Cell Biology pq 2016‑05‑28
Yorum Hwang (Info) Seoul National University youngryel 2016‑06‑29
Changbong Hyeon (Info) University of Maryland, Korea Institute for Advanced Study Theoretical Biophysics pq 2016‑04‑07
Taeghwan Hyeon (Info) Seoul National University nanotechnology jandh 2014‑08‑25
Kenneth A. Jacobson (Info) NIDDK, NIH GPCRs, adenosine, P2 receptors kajacobs 2009‑11‑01
Du-Jeon Jang (Info) Seoul National University hanjungpark 2016‑06‑15
Junhyung Jang (Info) Seoul National University jaewooknam 2024‑01‑31
Jyongsik Jang (Info) Seoul National University p023msh 2018‑05‑02
Yoon-Jung Jang (Info) UMN kyyoonchem 2020‑08‑28
Noo Li Jeon (Info) UC Irvine, Seoul National University 3D cell culture, microfluidics, cancer cell migration, angiogenesis, organ-on-chip jandh 2015‑09‑14
Seokwoo Jeon (Info) UIUC david 2015‑07‑14
Soohyun Jeon (Info) Seoul National University youngryel 2016‑06‑29
Dong-Won Jeong (Info) Seoul National University 37kevin2 2017‑08‑18
Jina Jeong (Info) Seoul National University youngryel 2016‑06‑29
Wooyeop Jeong (Info) Seoul National University chaokseok 2022‑12‑17
Chongya Jiang (Info) Seoul National University youngryel 2016‑06‑29
Jeong Chan Joo (Info) Seoul National University, Kwangwoon University, University of Toronto, Korean Research Institute of Chemical Technology, The Catholic University of Korea dl9 2021‑03‑17
Jin Joo (Info) Kyungpook National University nanomat7150 2018‑12‑17
Kim Joon-min (Info) Dept. of Pharmacology, College of Medicine, Seoul National University Alzheimer's desease, learning and memory jmcow 2007‑05‑30
Han Na Jung (Info) Seoul National University hannajung86 2020‑11‑18
Heechan Jung (Info) Seoul National University jaewooknam 2024‑01‑31
Nuri Jung (Info) Seoul National University chaokseok 2022‑12‑17
Sang Taek Jung (Info) UT Austin, Caltech, Kookmin University, Korea University, Seoul National University dl9 2023‑02‑10
Yoon Seok Jung (Info) Yonsei University (Republic of Korea) Electrochemistry; Batteries; Solid-state batteries haploid 2021‑02‑15
YounJoon Jung (Info) Seoul National University Theoretical Chemistry, Statistical Mechanics younjoon 2012‑11‑01
Yousung Jung (Info) KAIST Theoretical Chemistry pq 2015‑11‑06
Beomchang Kang (Info) Seoul National University chaokseok 2022‑08‑29
Cheol Kang (Info) Cornell kyyoonchem 2020‑09‑02
Heon Kang (Info) POSTECH, Seoul National University connectingresearchers 2022‑04‑01
Jong Hun Kang (Info) Seoul National University, Caltech Zeolites synthesis, Heterogeneous Catalyst jkang2 2015‑05‑14
Jun Hee Kang (Info) EMBL Heidelberg nuclear pore complex, super-resolution jun.hee.kang 2016‑08‑16
Kisuk Kang (Info) Seoul National University gceder 2017‑08‑08
Shinhoo Kang (Info) Seoul National University david 2015‑09‑23
Yun Pyo Kang (Info) Seoul National University gdenicola 2024‑08‑15
Kunwoo Khim (Info) Seoul National University, Seoul National University, University of Delaware Chemical Engineering kwkhim 2023‑09‑20
Chan Hyuk Kim (Info) KAIST CHKIM 2016‑07‑12
Changheon Kim (Info) Seoul National Univ. Biosensors xxx3049 2020‑11‑17
Cheal Kim (Info) Seoul National University of Science and Technology ncsuchemistry 2020‑04‑27
Choongik Kim (Info) Sogang University jandh 2015‑09‑16
Deukjoon Kim (Info) Seoul National University jongkook 2016‑06‑15
Do-Nyun Kim (Info) Seoul National University College of Engineering markb8989 2019‑12‑11
Dongjae Kim (Info) SungKyunKwan University, Seoul National University, Columbia, Soonchunhyang University Coating process, nanowires, fluidized bed, image analysis, carbon capture jaewooknam 2018‑11‑21
Dongwoo Kim (Info) Seoul National University 2020‑11‑17
Hak Joong Kim (Info) Korea University Chemical biology, Medicinal chemistry, Organic synthesis, Natural product chemistry, Enzymology hakkim 2016‑07‑11
Hakjean Kim (Info) Seoul National University chaokseok 2022‑12‑17
Hasuck Kim (Info) Seoul National University tdchung 2016‑02‑20
Hee Joong Kim (Info) UMN polymer khjoongi 2019‑01‑16
Hongkyeong Kim (Info) Seoul National University, Korea National University of Transportation dl9 2020‑06‑09
Hwan D Kim (Info) Korea National University of Transportation Vascular Biology, Tissue Engineering, Biomaterials, Regenerative Medicine bmsce1008 2018‑04‑19
Hye-Sun Kim (Info) College of Medicine, Seoul National University Alzheimer's Disease neuromir1479 2013‑06‑16
Hyerim Kim (Info) Seoul National University Biomaterials, Hydrogel, Tissue engineering HyerimKim 2020‑11‑18
Ikyon Kim (Info) Yonsei University Organic Chemistry pq 2015‑09‑26
Jae Bum Kim (Info) Seoul National University khkim79 2020‑01‑27
Jae-Ho Kim (Info) UIUC, Seoul National University Nanophotonics mokoko 2024‑06‑17
Jaeyun Kim (Info) SungKyunKwan University nanomat7150 2018‑12‑17
Jang-Joo Kim (Info) Seoul National University peachfog 2018‑12‑26
Jiyun Kim (Info) Seoul National University jyoonkim31 2020‑11‑20
Jongmin Kim (Info) Seoul National University youngryel 2016‑06‑29
Joon Kim (Info) University of Nebraska - Lincoln baldocchi 2016‑08‑03
Jung Hyeun Kim (Info) Seoul National University, University of Maryland, University of Seoul dl9 2020‑05‑20
Kang Ho Kim (Info) Baylor College of Medicine khkim79 2020‑01‑27
Minkyu Kim (Info) Seoul National University, Florida State, Georgia Tech, Dankook University Material synthesis uniquel1324 2018‑10‑14
Sang-Wook Kim (Info) Ajou University nanomat7150 2018‑12‑17
Sanghee Kim (Info) Seoul Nation University song2 2023‑10‑04
Seeun Kim (Info) Seoul National University chaokseok 2022‑12‑17
Seji Kim (Info) Seoul National University Aaa7476 2020‑11‑03
Seong Keun Kim (Info) Seoul National University Molecular Reaction Dynamics ksmin0228 2013‑04‑02
Seung-Joo Kim (Info) Ajou University chungyulyoo 2022‑05‑13
Soo-Un Kim (Info) Seoul National University jaehongh 2017‑07‑21
Soobin Kim (Info) Korea Institute of Science and Technology (KIST) sangho.cho 2022‑07‑12
Soohyun Kim (Info) Stanford Antibody skim481 2021‑12‑20
Soyoun Kim (Info) Seoul National University youngryel 2016‑06‑29
Taeho Kim (Info) Michigan State nanomat7150 2018‑12‑17
Young Ho Kim (Info) Chungnam University jbeutler 2018‑10‑30
Young-Woo Kim (Info) Dongguk.University Medicinal Chemistry, Peptide Chemistry gobuckeye 2024‑01‑01
Yubeen Kim (Info) Seoul National University chaokseok 2022‑12‑17
Yung Sam Kim (Info) UNIST Two-Dimensional Infrared Spectroscopy, Ultrafast Spectroscopy kimysunist 2015‑11‑01
Zee Hwan H. Kim (Info) Seoul National University Laser chemistry, Plasmonics, and Molecular Spectroscopy zeehwanee 2013‑09‑12
Hyungsuk Kimm (Info) Seoul National University youngryel 2016‑06‑29
Jaehan Ko (Info) Seoul National University kid070200 2020‑11‑17
Junsu Ko (Info) Seoul National University chaokseok 2022‑08‑29
Jai Hyun Koh (Info) Korea Institute of Science and Technology (KIST) Polymer, Lithography, Energy, Catalysis kojhyun 2018‑03‑10
Minseob Koh (Info) Scripps Institute, Pusan National University Protein chemistry bioseob 2016‑07‑11
Hyungryeol Kwak (Info) Seoul National University jaewooknam 2024‑01‑31
Jeonghun Kwak (Info) Seoul National University College of Engineering chlee7 2019‑10‑13
Hyunguk Kwon (Info) University of Pittsburgh gmpourmp 2023‑04‑12
Min Sang Kwon (Info) Seoul National Univ. Polymer chemistry, Organic chemistry, Photochemistry kwonms83 2019‑04‑01
Oh-Hoon Kwon (Info) UNIST Chemistry, Physical Chemistry, Ultrafast Spectroscopy, Femtochemistry, Ultrafast Electron Microscopy femtokid 2018‑02‑11
Sohee Kwon (Info) Seoul National University chaokseok 2022‑08‑29
Yong Tae Kwon (Info) University of Pittsburgh, Seoul National University jandh 2019‑10‑15
Yongchai Kwon (Info) Seoul National University of Science and Technology first 2024‑01‑10
Yonghoon Kwon (Info) Seoul National University Organic Chemistry gooaik 2020‑05‑01
Prem Lama (Info) CSIR-Indian Institute of Petroleum connectingresearchers 2021‑11‑13
Bongjoon Lee (Info) UMN Polymer physics peachfog 2018‑12‑26
Chang-Han Lee (Info) UT Austin, Ajou University, Seoul National University College of Medicine Antibody discovery and engineering, Fc receptors, Complement, Effector cells, Onco-immunology dl9 2023‑02‑10
Changhee Lee (Info) LG Chem Research Park, Inha University, Seoul National University, Samsung Display Co OLED Display, Quantum Dot Display, Organic Electronics, Organic Optoelectronic Devices chlee7 2019‑10‑13
Changsoo Lee (Info) Seoul National University chaokseok 2022‑12‑17
Chulbom Lee (Info) Seoul National University chjmist 2022‑09‑18
Chung Whan Lee (Info) LG Chem Research Park, Gachon University Organic Chemistry chungwhanlee 2020‑02‑01
Dongseon Lee (Info) Seoul National University chaokseok 2022‑08‑29
Dongwhan Lee (Info) Indiana University Bloomington, Seoul National University synthetic inorganic and organic chemistry of functional molecules and materials jandh 2015‑07‑14
Doohee Lee (Info) Seoul Nation University drug delivery doohee4544 2020‑11‑17
Dowon Lee (Info) Seoul National University youngryel 2016‑06‑29
Eun Lee (Info) Seoul National University Organic Chemistry newton1225 2014‑10‑12
Galam Lee (Info) Seoul National University youngryel 2016‑06‑29
Gyu Rie Lee (Info) Seoul National University chaokseok 2022‑08‑29
Gyubok Lee (Info) Seoul National University 96leebok 2020‑11‑17
Hasup Lee (Info) Seoul National University chaokseok 2022‑08‑29
Hee-Yoon Lee (Info) KAIST Organic Chemistry, Organic Synthesis newton1225 2013‑12‑04
Hyung Ho Lee (Info) Seoul National University Structural Biology lhh2216 2019‑02‑24
Hyunsu Lee (Info) Seoul National University hyun118soo 2020‑11‑18
In-Hwan Lee (Info) Ajou University kyyoonchem 2020‑08‑28
Jaewoo Lee (Info) Nanyang Technological University, Seoul National University, Jeonbuk National University dl9 2020‑05‑16
Jane Lee (Info) Seoul National University youngryel 2016‑06‑29
Jeewoo Lee (Info) Seoul National University hongmannkyu 2022‑03‑22
Jeong-Seob Lee (Info) Yonsei University, Seoul National University, Ohio State Process chemistry, discovery chemistry ippjslee 2024‑07‑21
Jieun Lee (Info) Seoul National University jelee3891 2020‑11‑18
Jihyeon Lee (Info) Seoul National University chaokseok 2022‑12‑17
Jinwoo Lee (Info) KAIST nanomat7150 2018‑12‑17
Jong-Chan Lee (Info) Seoul National University khjoongi 2019‑01‑16
Jongkook Lee (Info) Kangwon National University Pharmaceutical chemistry jongkook 2016‑06‑15
Juhoon Lee (Info) UT Austin Dalbykn 2020‑07‑14
Junmo Lee (Info) Seoul National University jaewooknam 2024‑01‑31
Juyong Lee (Info) Kangwon National University prathit.chatterjee 2021‑07‑28
Kanghyun Lee (Info) Seoul National University, UW Madison, UCSF dl9 2020‑05‑26
Kangwon Lee (Info) University of Michigan, Harvard, Korea Institute of Science and Technology (KIST), Seoul National University Tissue engineering, Biomaterials, Biomedical engineering, Biosensor pq 2015‑11‑21
Kyu Tae Lee (Info) Seoul National University Electrochemistry, Batteries ktlee128 2019‑12‑27
Minho Lee (Info) Seoul National University jaewooknam 2024‑01‑31
Myoungmi Lee (Info) Seoul National University of Science and Technology, Duke ncsuchemistry 2020‑11‑13
Nohyun Lee (Info) Kookmin University nanomat7150 2018‑12‑17
Sang Kook Lee (Info) Seoul National University Borris 2018‑10‑15
Sang Bok Lee (Info) University of Maryland Electrochem 2013‑04‑07
Sang Jae Lee (Info) Pohang Accelerator Laboratory XFEL, SBDD sanzelee 2024‑12‑18
Sang-Mok Lee (Info) Brigham and Women's Hospital & Harvard Medical School Host-microbe interactions, Metabolomics, Systems biology slee126 2024‑05‑02
Sangho Lee (Info) SungKyunKwan University Structural biology, polyubiquitin chempia 2012‑07‑21
Sangyoub Lee (Info) Seoul National University younjoon 2012‑11‑01
Seho Lee (Info) Seoul National University chaokseok 2022‑12‑17
Seonghoon Lee (Info) Seoul National University jhoon823 2022‑12‑26
Seung Jong Lee (Info) Seoul National University College of Engineering Rheology and processing 2017‑05‑12
Seungjun Lee (Info) Seoul National University youngryel 2016‑06‑29
Su Seong Lee (Info) Seoul National University, Nanostructured Materials Research Laboratory - MIT Sotelea 2020‑01‑31
Sumin Lee (Info) Seoul National University chaokseok 2022‑12‑17
Yong Rok Lee (Info) Yeungnam University Pandit5051 2020‑06‑17
Younkyung Lee (Info) Seoul National University chaokseok 2022‑08‑29
Yunho Lee (Info) Korea Advanced Inst. of Science and Technology (KAIST), Seoul National University Inorganic chemistry Aaa7476 2016‑09‑28
Jaehoon Lim (Info) Sungkyunkwan University (SKKU) Semiconductor Nanocrystals, Quantum Dots, Light-emitting Diodes jhoon823 2022‑12‑25
Jong Kuk Lim (Info) Chosun University Physical Chemistry jeykeylim 2013‑09‑03
Michael Z. Lin (Info) Stanford Protein engineering applied to visualizing and controlling signal transduction michaelzlin 2008‑06‑07
Daishun Ling (Info) Zhejiang University nanomat7150 2018‑12‑17
Jun O. Liu (Info) Johns Hopkins Medical School edatan 2016‑04‑22
Yang Lu (Info) Hefei Univ. of Technology nanomat7150 2018‑12‑17
Dal-Hee Min (Info) Chicago chemical biology of cell adhesion pq 2015‑11‑11
Kyeongsik Min (Info) LG Life Sciences Ltd. Structural Biology, Drug Discovery ksmin 2012‑08‑13
Kyung Suk Min (Info) Seoul National University Physical Chemistry ksmin0228 2013‑04‑02
KyungSuk Min (Info) LG Chem TEM, EELS, LIB, in-situ/Operando microscopy mks0228 2024‑06‑20
Sa Hoon Min (Info) UNC Chapel Hill Computational chemistry p023msh 2018‑05‑02
Byung Joon MOON (Info) KIST (Korea Institute of Science and Technology) taihopark 2019‑10‑06
Il Moon (Info) Yonsei University, Carnegie Mellon dl9 2020‑05‑10
Kyuho Moon (Info) Princeton yifanzhang 2020‑01‑30
Hyon Bin Na (Info) MyongJi University nanomat7150 2018‑12‑17
Jaewook Nam (Info) Seoul National University, UMN, Rice University, SungKyunKwan University, Seoul National University pasquali 2016‑01‑19
Jwa-Min Nam (Info) Northwestern Nanomaterials pq 2015‑11‑09
Ki Tae Nam (Info) Seoul National University ronz 2016‑06‑15
Erwin Neher (Info) Max Planck Institute for Biophysical Chemistry hanks 2005‑10‑12
Jeong-wook Oh (Info) Seoul National University hasuckim 2019‑08‑12
Joon Hak Oh (Info) POSTECH connectingresearchers 2020‑10‑05
Seung Mo Oh (Info) Seoul National University ktlee128 2019‑12‑27
Simaek Oh (Info) Seoul National University chaokseok 2022‑12‑17
Nabanita Pal (Info) Seoul National University of Science and Technology, Mahatma Gandhi Institute of Technology dl9 2020‑06‑25
Chong Rae Park (Info) Seoul National University Carbon nanomaterials & porous materials jkang2 2016‑08‑05
Eunsook Park (Info) UC Davis GeorgiaDrakakaki 2020‑01‑14
Gun-Sik Park (Info) Seoul National University connectingresearchers 2022‑10‑23
Hahnbeom Park (Info) Seoul National University chaokseok 2022‑08‑29
Han Jung Park (Info) University of Tennessee at Chattanooga Photoacoustic effect hanjungpark 2016‑06‑15
Jaiwook Park (Info) POSTECH Organometallics newton1225 2013‑12‑29
Jin A Park (Info) Seoul National University sigmafelix 2019‑03‑18
Jiyong Park (Info) Institute for Basic Science, South Korea Computational chemistry, Biophysics jiyongpark77 2019‑04‑10
Jongnam Park (Info) UNIST nanomat7150 2018‑12‑17
Jungjae Park (Info) UC Berkeley Geography, Physical Geography, Palynology, Paleoecology pq 2016‑03‑15
Jungwon Park (Info) Seoul National University jaewooknam 2024‑01‑31
Sangook Park (Info) Seoul National University hasuckim 2019‑08‑12
Sangwoo Park (Info) Seoul National University chaokseok 2022‑08‑29
Seung B. Park (Info) Texas A & M Organic Chemistry, Biochemistry pq 2016‑01‑31
Seung Bum Park (Info) Seoul National University bioseob 2021‑08‑24
Soo Young Park (Info) Seoul National University kwonms83 2019‑04‑01
Sujin Park (Info) Seoul National University chaokseok 2022‑12‑17
Taeyong Park (Info) Seoul National University chaokseok 2022‑08‑29
Yong Il Park (Info) Chonnam National University nanomat7150 2018‑12‑17
Youngwook Park (Info) Fritz Haber Institute of the Max Planck Society connectingresearchers 2022‑04‑01
Animesh Patra (Info) S. N. Bose National Centre for Basics Sciences Spectroscopy, THz, Solvation, Physical Chemistry animesh.patra 2020‑03‑03
Yuanze Piao (Info) Seoul National University hasuckim 2019‑08‑12
Yuanzhe Piao (Info) Seoul National University nanomat7150 2018‑12‑17
Bo Quan (Info) Yanbian University quanbo 2023‑03‑29
Jung-Hye Roe (Info) Seoul National University, UW Madison dl9 2020‑05‑26
Soo-Ryoon Ryoo (Info) Northwestern cutesalt 2016‑12‑26
ILL RYU (Info) Seoul National University Computational Mechanics, Computational Materials Science iryu 2017‑07‑26
Youngryel Ryu (Info) Seoul National University youngryel 2016‑06‑29
Dong-Hwa Seo (Info) Ulsan National Institute of Science & Technology batteries, computational materials science dhseo00 2023‑03‑02
Chaok Seok (Info) Seoul National University chaokseok 2022‑08‑29
Jimin Seok (Info) Seoul National University Bioprinting, Biomaterials, Tissue Engineering jimins 2020‑11‑18
Hyunbo Shim (Info) Ewha University Antibody engineering Hshim01 2014‑01‑25
Sangwoo Shim (Info) Harvard Quantum Dynamics, Quantum Monte Carlo borishim 2013‑02‑02
Inchul Shin (Info) UT San Antonio, Georgia State, Institute for Basic Science, Daegu Gyeongbuk Institute of Science & Technology, Seoul National University structural biology, enzymology, molecular biology Feradical 2022‑07‑03
Injae Shin (Info) UMN, Scripps Research Institute, Yonsei University (Republic of Korea) kristenw 2016‑07‑14
Seokmin Shin (Info) Seoul National University yeohoon 2014‑06‑27
Woong-Hee Shin (Info) Seoul National University chaokseok 2022‑08‑29
Jiho Sim (Info) Seoul National University chaokseok 2022‑12‑17
Byeong-Hyeok Sohn (Info) Seoul National University daeyeon 2015‑01‑01
Jae Sung Son (Info) UNIST nanomat7150 2018‑12‑17
Seung Uk Son (Info) Sungkyunkwam University nanomat7150 2018‑12‑17
Younggon Son (Info) University of Connecticut, Seoul National University, Cheil R & D Center, NIST, Kongju National University dl9 2020‑06‑09
Hyun Kyu Song (Info) National Cancer Center, Korea University Protein degradation, ubiquitylation, autophagy, structural biology hksong 2012‑07‑21
Hyung-Jun Song (Info) Seoul National University of Science and Technology chlee7 2019‑10‑13
Jung-Ah Song (Info) Seoul National University, UC Santa Barbara kyyoonchem 2020‑08‑28
Yeonghun Song (Info) Seoul National University song2 2023‑10‑04
Youngkeun Song (Info) Seoul National University youngryel 2016‑06‑29
Junghun Suh (Info) Seoul National University Bioorganic Chemistry Hshim01 2014‑01‑25
Myunghyun Paik Suh (Info) Seoul National University connectingresearchers 2021‑11‑13
Se Won Suh (Info) Seoul National University protein crystallography sewonsuh 2012‑07‑21
Sae Jin Sung (Info) Korea Research Institute of Chemical Technology perovskite solar cells sjsung 2021‑10‑15
Sang Hyun Sung (Info) Seoul National University jbeutler 2018‑10‑30
Younghun Sung (Info) UC Berkeley College of Chemistry, Samsung Electronics, Seoul National University Nanotechnology youngba 2017‑10‑06
Patrick Theato (Info) Karlsruhe Institute of Technology, University of Hamburg dimidola 2019‑02‑06
Kathavarayan Thenmozhi (Info) Vellore institute of Technology, TamilNadu, India TheKtr 2024‑09‑18
Truong Thanh Tung (Info) Copenhagen University, University of Pittsburgh Medicinal chemistry Medchemorgchem 2018‑07‑07
Shashi B. Verma (Info) University of Nebraska - Lincoln Environmental Sciences, Biogeochemistry pq 2016‑03‑18
William Weis (Info) Stanford Medical School mmps 2018‑10‑28
Jonghun Won (Info) Seoul National University chaokseok 2022‑08‑29
Hyeonuk Woo (Info) Seoul National University chaokseok 2022‑12‑17
Chungmo Yang (Info) Seoul National University Polymeric nanoparticles, gasotransmitters, hydrogel, tissue engineering. elise88 2020‑11‑17
Jinsol Yang (Info) Seoul National University chaokseok 2022‑08‑29
Sanghee Yang (Info) Seoul National University kyyoonchem 2021‑03‑22
Young Duk Yang (Info) CHA university mva 2012‑06‑25
Insu Yeon (Info) Seoul National University hyungsuk3 2024‑08‑29
Hyungjoo Yim (Info) Seoul National University jaewooknam 2024‑01‑31
Byung-Kuk YOO (Info) École Polytechnique, ENS Paris, Caltech Biophysics femtobio 2012‑03‑07
Hyun Deog Yoo (Info) University of Illinois, Chicago, Pusan National University energy storage, electrochemistry kripke 2017‑11‑23
Young Je Yoo (Info) Seoul National University TheKtr 2024‑09‑18
Do Y. Yoon (Info) Seoul National University connectingresearchers 2020‑07‑09
Jeong-Yeol Yoon (Info) UCLA, University of Arizona biosensor pq 2015‑11‑12
Ki-Young Yoon (Info) Chemistry kyyoonchem 2019‑04‑03
Garim You (Info) NCSU ncsuchemistry 2019‑12‑19
Hong-Duk Youn (Info) Seoul National University edatan 2017‑04‑27
Taekyung Yu (Info) Kyung Hee University nanomat7150 2018‑12‑17
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