People with institution matching "Stockholm University": Advanced Search
Name Institution Area Added by Date  
Pia Ädelroth (Info) Stockholm University Nitric oxide reduction in heme-copper oxidases karlx 2013‑10‑03
Soumitra Agasti (Info) University of Manchester connectingresearchers 2019‑06‑13
Shintaro Aibara (Info) Stockholm University Amunts 2017‑12‑13
Björn Åkermark (Info) Stockholm University Artificial Photosynthesis Peonor 2013‑11‑11
Rauful Alam (Info) Penn Organic Chemistry rauful 2017‑02‑27
A. Amunts (Info) Stockholm University biochemistry, structural biology, protein synthesis, organelles Amunts 2017‑12‑13
Pher G. Andersson (Info) Stockholm University Organic Synthesis Peonor 2013‑11‑15
Gustaf Arrhenius (Info) UCSD Geochemistry, Geology, Biogeochemistry pq 2016‑03‑12
Svante August Arrhenius (Info) physical chemistry, astrophysics and immunochemistry. soderstrom 2011‑04‑15
Beneesh P. B. (Info) NIT Suratkal rsm 2020‑05‑06
Kristina Bäckstrand (Info) Stockholm University EFunk 2017‑07‑26
Jan-Erling Bäckvall (Info) Stockholm University, Uppsala Organic Chemistry Peonor 2013‑11‑12
Debasis Banerjee (Info) IIT Roorkee Design and synthesis of sustainable catalysts, enantioselective dual-catalysis, sustainable organic synthesis Vigyaanik 2018‑07‑04
David Bastviken (Info) Stockholm University EFunk 2017‑07‑26
Sebastian B. Beil (Info) Universität Kiel, Stockholm University, Johannes Gutenberg University Mainz, University of Ulm, Princeton, RUG, Max-Planck-Institute for Chemical Energy Conversion Organic Chemistry SBBeil 2022‑10‑25
Elena Benito-Peña (Info) Complutense University of Madrid Analytical Chemistry, Optical biosensors, Microarrays, Production of biorecognition materials, Synthesis of bioinspired recogntion materials, Phage display, Molecularly Imprinted Technology elenabp 2017‑06‑01
Gustav Berggren (Info) Uppsala NLK 2015‑06‑11
Andreas Bernsel (Info) Stockholm University mskwark 2014‑02‑23
Åsa Björklund (Info) Stockholm University mskwark 2014‑02‑23
Martin Bollmark (Info) Stockholm University Vigyaanik 2017‑02‑17
Oriana Brea (Info) Stockholm University Computational Chemistry orianabrea 2019‑02‑08
Peter Brzezinski (Info) Stockholm University structure and function of membrane proteins involved in electron and proton transport karlx 2013‑10‑03
Sergio Carrasco (Info) Stockholm University elenabp 2017‑06‑01
Tamara Church (Info) Cornell GWCoates 2024‑02‑27
Geoffrey William Coates (Info) Cornell Organic, Organometallic and Polymer Chemistry jandh 2011‑11‑21
Patrick M. Crill (Info) UNH Biogeochemistry, Soil Science Agriculture pq 2016‑05‑22
Paul J. Crutzen (Info) National Center for Atmospheric Research, Max-Planck-Institut für Chemie, Mainz, Utrecht, Stockholms Universitet Atmospheric and environmental chemistry jandh 2011‑07‑15
Colin Diner (Info) University of Alberta Colwell 2017‑10‑25
Nguyen Duc (Info) Stockholm University EFunk 2017‑07‑26
Diana Ekman (Info) Stockholm University mskwark 2014‑02‑23
Arne Elofsson (Info) Stockholm University Membrane proteins, Bioinformatics, Biochemistry, Protein structure prediction, Protein evolution mskwark 2014‑02‑22
Holger Erdtman (Info) KTH Royal Institute of Technology Organic chemistry Peonor 2013‑11‑11
Olivia Eriksson (Info) Stockholm University mskwark 2014‑02‑23
Heidi Erlandsen (Info) Stockholm University, UAB, University of Connecticut Protein Crystallography angela8476 2015‑07‑08
Ingrid Faye (Info) Stockholm University servio 2013‑03‑13
Inga Fischer-Hjalmars (Info) pharmacy, chemistry, theoretical physics soderstrom 2011‑04‑15
Per Garegg (Info) Stockholm University Organic Chemistry, Carbohydrate Chemistry acordova 2014‑11‑22
Robert B. Gennis (Info) UIUC Membrane protein structure/function; Expression of membrane proteins from hyperthermophiles; Structure and mechanism of prokaryotic respiratory enzymes that generate a membrane potential jandh 2013‑02‑13
Erik Granseth (Info) Stockholm University mskwark 2014‑02‑23
Örjan Gustafsson (Info) Stockholm University shohel 2017‑06‑02
Ulrich Haussermann (Info) Arizona State Inorganic Chemistry, Materials Science Engineering pq 2016‑04‑04
Linnea Hedin (Info) Stockholm University mskwark 2014‑02‑23
Aron Hennerdal (Info) Stockholm University mskwark 2014‑02‑23
Fahmi Himo (Info) Stockholm University rongzhenliao 2017‑06‑03
Axel Horst (Info) University of Toronto LizPhil 2022‑09‑06
Kristoffer Illergård (Info) Stockholm University mskwark 2014‑02‑23
Leif Issakson (Info) Stockholm University macvanin 2022‑02‑14
Yuzuru Itoh (Info) Stockholm University Amunts 2017‑12‑13
Ramasamy Jayarajan (Info) IIT Bombay connectingresearchers 2019‑06‑13
Tommy Johansson (Info) Stockholm University Vigyaanik 2017‑02‑17
Antoine Joosten (Info) INSA Rouen Normandie Organic chemistry Joostant 2020‑03‑11
Ville R. I. Kaila (Info) Stockholm University bioenergetics, complex I, enzyme function, PCET, biophysics kaila 2021‑09‑04
Marcin Kalek (Info) University of Warsaw Synthetic organic chemistry Vigyaanik 2017‑02‑17
Annika Kers (Info) Stockholm University Vigyaanik 2017‑02‑17
Inger Kers (Info) Stockholm University Vigyaanik 2017‑02‑17
Sumit Konar (Info) Edinburgh sumitkonar 2019‑04‑17
Martin Kullberg (Info) Stockholm University Vigyaanik 2017‑02‑17
Per Larsson (Info) UVA mskwark 2014‑02‑23
Gaston Laven (Info) Stockholm University Vigyaanik 2017‑02‑17
Man-Bo Li (Info) Anhui University organic chemistry/nanocluster 2019‑05‑02
Rong-Zhen Liao (Info) Huazhong University of Science and Technology, China computational catalysis rongzhenliao 2014‑09‑11
Sara Light (Info) Science for Life Laboratory Protein bioinformatics mskwark 2014‑02‑23
Ingver Lind (Info) Stockholm University Vigyaanik 2017‑02‑17
Bengt Lindberg (Info) Stockholm University Organic chemistry and Carbohydrate Chemistry acordova 2014‑11‑22
Aimin Liu (Info) University of Mississippi Medical Center, Georgia State, UT San Antonio, University of Minnesota - Minneapolis, Stockholm University, University of Newcastle Upon Tyne (United Kingdom), University of Science and Technology of China, USTC Biochemistry, Inorganic Chemistry, Molecular Biology pq 2016‑05‑10
Jianguo Liu (Info) Stockholm University, Mid Sweden University, Chinese Academic Science, National University of Singapore, Southeast University jianguoiridium79 2019‑11‑19
Jie Liu (Info) Leibniz institute for catalysis, Stockholm University, Wuhan University Homogenous Catalysis liujie90212 2018‑02‑05
Madeleine Livendahl (Info) Umeå University organic chemistry, medicinal chemistry, chemical biology, organometallic chemistry mlivendahl 2016‑02‑18
Johan N. Lundstrom (Info) Karolinska Olfaction, Multisensory Perception JLand52 2005‑08‑08
Mirjana Macvanin (Info) Vinca Institute of Nuclear Sciences, National Cancer Institute (NIH), Uppsala University Genetics, Microbiology, Molecular Biology, Biochemistry, Pharmacology, Bioinformatics macvanin 2022‑02‑14
Srimanta Manna (Info) Stockholm University Organic chemistry SManna 2017‑01‑22
Belén Martín-Matute (Info) Universidad Autónoma de Madrid, Spain aechav 2015‑06‑27
Pierre Mialane (Info) Université de Versailles Saint Quentin Polyoxometallates Peonor 2013‑11‑14
Ismael Mingarro (Info) University of Valencia, Spain membrane proteins, apoptosis, virus proteins Mingarro 2020‑11‑08
Anja Verena Mudring (Info) Stockholm University, Ruhr-Universität Bochum, Iowa State, Aarhus University Solid State and Materials Chemistry, Chemistry with Relativity, Ionic Liquids, Energy, Green Chemistry 2018‑08‑31
Alexander Muehleip (Info) Stockholm University Amunts 2017‑12‑13
Anders Nilsson (Info) Stockholm University hirohito 2015‑08‑01
Johan Nilsson (Info) Stockholm University Vigyaanik 2017‑02‑17
Sten Nilsson Lill (Info) AstraZeneca Mölndal Sweden stenil 2013‑11‑18
Mark Nolan (Info) Trinity College Dublin Markpjn 2020‑02‑07
Per-Ola Norrby (Info) Royal Danish School of Pharmacy, Technical University of Denmark, University of Gothenburg, AstraZeneca Gothenburg, Sweden molecular modeling, homogeneous catalysis, reaction mechanisms Peonor 2013‑11‑11
Hirohito Ogasawara (Info) SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory Surface and Interface Chemistry hirohito 2015‑08‑01
Thomas Ohlsson (Info) Stockholm University mskwark 2014‑02‑23
Ruth Astrid Olivia (Info) Stockholm University Feradical 2022‑06‑27
Berit Olofsson (Info) Stockholms Universitet Synthesis of Hypervalent Iodine Reagents, Metal-Free Application Areas for Hypervalent Iodine Reagents, Natural Products Vigyaanik 2020‑11‑29
Sascha Ott (Info) Uppsala Molecular inorganic chemistry Vigyaanik 2018‑01‑21
Rajeev Prabhakar (Info) University of Miami rb0 2018‑08‑12
Tor Regberg (Info) Stockholm University Vigyaanik 2017‑02‑17
Joachim Reimann (Info) Radboud University Nijmegen NWO-ALW A No-go to make oxygen karlx 2013‑10‑03
Ilona Riipinen (Info) Stockholm University ppxxyy 2013‑05‑13
Björn O. Roos (Info) Lund University self-consistent field (SCF) calculations jandh 2011‑11‑24
Rauan Sagit (Info) Stockholm University protein evolution mskwark 2014‑02‑23
Abdus Salam (Info) Technische Universität Wien (TU Wien), Dalhousie University, University of Dhaka Air pollution, Aerosol chemistry, Environmental chemistry, Biomass burning. shohel 2017‑06‑01
Joseph S. M. Samec (Info) Stockholm University joseph.samec 2018‑05‑10
Michael Sannemo Targama (Info) Stockholm University Quasicrystals, intermetallics, oxyhydrides, perovskites msannemo 2022‑10‑26
Nicklas Selander (Info) Stockholm University dbcm 2019‑07‑29
Xiang Sheng (Info) Tianjin Institute of Industrial Biotechnology Chinese Academy of Sciences computational chemistry, quantum chemical calculation, biocatalysis xiangsheng 2021‑07‑06
Per Siegbahn (Info) Stockholm University stenil 2013‑11‑18
Abhishek Sirohiwal (Info) Stockholm University Biophysics, Quantum Chemistry, Bioenergetics, Excited States, Spectroscopy absirohiwal 2024‑03‑25
Britt-Marie Sjöberg (Info) Stockholm University GustavBerggren 2020‑07‑02
Marcin J. Skwark (Info) Cambridge protein structure prediction, bioinformatics, drug discovery mskwark 2014‑02‑22
Adam Slabon (Info) ETH Zürich, UC Berkeley, RWTH Aachen University, Stockholm University Inorganic Chemistry, Electrochemistry, Photochemistry AdamSlabon 2018‑01‑09
Zdenek Spacil (Info) University of Washington turecek 2017‑08‑08
Jacek Stawinski (Info) Institute of Bio-Organic Chemistry, Polish Academy of Sciences, Stockholm University Nucleic acid chemistry, bio-organic chemistry Vigyaanik 2017‑02‑17
Pål Stenmark (Info) Stockholm University angela8476 2015‑07‑08
Roger Strömberg (Info) Stockholm University Vigyaanik 2017‑02‑17
Licheng Sun (Info) KTH Royal Institute of Technology Artificial Photosynthesis Peonor 2013‑11‑14
Shao-Cong Sun (Info) MD Anderson Cancer Center NFkB, NK cells, T-cells, Immunology, HTLV-1, autoimmunity servio 2013‑03‑13
Kálmán J. Szabó (Info) Stockholm University Colwell 2017‑10‑25
Tomas Szabo (Info) Stockholm University Vigyaanik 2017‑02‑17
Vania Maria Teixeira (Info) Universidade Federal de Viçosa (UFV) vinivianam 2022‑07‑15
Osamu Terasaki (Info) Stockholm University mesoporous materials jandh 2014‑10‑05
Mats Thelin (Info) Stockholm University Vigyaanik 2017‑02‑17
Victor Tobiasson (Info) Stockholm University Amunts 2017‑12‑13
Gergely L. Tolnai (Info) Eötvös University, Hungary BeritO 2021‑02‑09
Ernesto de Valdivia (Info) Stockholm University macvanin 2022‑02‑14
Oscar Verho (Info) Harvard tarselli 2015‑08‑05
Håkan Viklund (Info) Stockholm University mskwark 2014‑02‑23
Chandra M. R. Volla (Info) IIT Bombay Organic chemistry Volla 2017‑02‑10
Hans von Euler-Chelpin (Info) Royal University at Stockholm Biochemistry jandh 2011‑07‑06
Gunnar von Heijne (Info) Stockholm University Membrane insertion of proteins RNA 2011‑12‑28
Björn Wallner (Info) Linköping University Protein bioinformatics mskwark 2014‑02‑23
Rahul Watile (Info) IIT Bombay connectingresearchers 2019‑06‑13
Erik Westman (Info) Stockholm University Vigyaanik 2017‑02‑17
Martin Wik (Info) Stockholm University EFunk 2017‑07‑26
Bin Yang (Info) Stockholm University Organic Chemistry binyang1987 2017‑05‑06
Hai-Bin Yang (Info) Shanghai institute of Organic Chemistry, CAS, Stockholm University, UC Riverside, Guangdong University of Technology dbcm 2019‑07‑29
Rula Zain (Info) Stockholm University Vigyaanik 2017‑02‑17
Can Zhu (Info) Stockholm University, Munster University, Stockholm University, Shanghai Institute of Organic Chemistry Organic Chemistry zhucaner 2018‑12‑18
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