People with institution matching "Technical University Braunschweig": Advanced Search
Name Institution Area Added by Date  
Jörg Grunenberg (Info) Technical University Braunschweig, Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg Computational Chemsitry gruni 2020‑10‑16
Henning Hopf (Info) Universität Karlsruhe, Universität Würzburg, Technische Universität Braunschweig Organic chemistry Z12Z53Z16 2013‑07‑24
Philipp Klahn (Info) Technische Universität Braunschweig, University of Gothenburg Natural Product Chemistry, Chemical Biology, Medicinal Chemistry PhilippK 2016‑09‑30
Rajeev S Menon (Info) Central University of Haryana Organic Synthesis rsm 2020‑05‑06
Wolf-Walther du Mont (Info) Technical University Braunschweig kontiki 2016‑05‑25
Govindasamy Mugesh (Info) IISc Bangalore Bioinorganic chemistry, chemical biology Vigyaanik 2017‑04‑09
Stefan Schulz (Info) Technische Universität Braunschweig PhilippK 2017‑02‑09
Herbert Schumann (Info) TU Berlin kontiki 2016‑05‑25
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