People with institution matching "The Scripps Research Institute, La Jolla, CA": Advanced Search
Name Institution Area Added by Date  
Phil S. Baran (Info) Scripps Institute Natural Product Total Synthesis, New Methods jandh 2011‑12‑15
Jochen Becker (Info) Westfälische Wilhelms-Universität Münster Chemistry JochenBecker 2021‑04‑06
Brittney Beyer (Info) Calibr llairson 2016‑07‑20
Donna G. Blackmond (Info) Imperial College asymmetric catalysis jandh 2011‑12‑19
Dale L. Boger (Info) Scripps Institute synthetic organic chemistry jandh 2011‑11‑03
Charles L. Brooks (Info) University of Michigan computational biophysics jandh 2012‑03‑06
Jordi Bures (Info) The University of Manchester Organic Chemistry jordibures 2021‑04‑15
Michael P. Cassidy (Info) Emory synthesis of heterocyclic compounds pq 2015‑11‑08
Joshua S. Chappie (Info) Cornell, USDA-ARS Fort Collins, CO X-ray crystallography, cryo-EM, GTPases, ATPases, nucleases, anti-phage defense systems, host-pathogen interactions, plant viruses jschappie 2019‑04‑17
Gang Chen (Info) Southeast University, SIOC,CAS, The Scripps Research Institute, La Jolla, CA, Shanghai JiaoTong University aldehyde 2020‑04‑10
Vadim Cherezov (Info) Scripps Institute seangay 2017‑07‑17
Emily Chin (Info) Calibr llairson 2016‑07‑20
Benjamin F. Cravatt (Info) Scripps Institute Medicinal Chemistry melphick 2010‑11‑05
Justin T Cruite (Info) Dartmouth Biochemistry jcruite 2019‑03‑06
Sheng Ding (Info) Scripps Institute, Gladstone and UCSF pq 2015‑11‑07
Keary Mark Engle (Info) Scripps Institute organic synthesis, organometallics, catalysis onlybenchandcurls4life 2015‑03‑03
M.G. Finn (Info) Georgia Tech Click chemistry jandh 2014‑10‑02
Mark P Foster (Info) Ohio State NMR, Structural Biology, Biochemistry, Protein Dynamics, RNA-Protein Interactions, DNA Recombinases, Molecular Recognition, RNA Dynamics markpfoster 2019‑11‑20
Joel M. Gottesfeld (Info) Scripps Institute Biochemistry, Molecular Biology pq 2016‑05‑21
Chelsea Green (Info) Calibr llairson 2016‑07‑20
Min Guo (Info) The Scripps Research Institute, Scripps Florida PFang 2023‑08‑04
Erika James (Info) The Scripps Research Institute, La Jolla, CA llairson 2021‑03‑09
Malkanthi K. Karunananda (Info) Saint Louis University Inorganic Chemistry, Catalysis, Computational Chemistry, Organometallic Chemistry Malkanthi 2018‑03‑28
Ilja V. Khavrutskii (Info) Emory Theoretical Chemistry pq 2015‑09‑30
Mildred Kissai (Info) The Scripps Research Institute, La Jolla, CA llairson 2021‑03‑09
Luke L. Lairson (Info) The Scripps Research Institute, La Jolla, CA Lorenzo 2016‑06‑15
Francisco Martinez-Pena (Info) The Scripps Research Institute, La Jolla, CA llairson 2021‑03‑09
Ronald Milligan (Info) Scripps Institute General Biophysics, Biochemistry pq 2016‑03‑18
Katharine Moore (Info) Scripps Institute llairson 2016‑07‑20
K. C. Nicolaou (Info) Scripps Institute, Rice University chemistry, biology, and medicine of natural and designed molecules david 2011‑08‑07
Joseph R. Pinchman (Info) Indiana University Bloomington tarselli 2015‑07‑31
Stanislav Presolski (Info) Yale-NUS College Organic Chemistry david 2015‑07‑10
Jiaming Qi (Info) Columbia Chemical biology jqcolumbia 2019‑10‑17
Floyd E. Romesberg (Info) Scripps Institute jianliuxmu 2015‑06‑26
Philipp Sander (Info) Scripps Institute llairson 2021‑03‑09
Paul Schimmel (Info) Scripps Institute Biophysical Chemistry & Translational Medicine greengluon 2013‑02‑20
K. Barry Sharpless (Info) MIT, Scripps Institute Click chemistry jandh 2011‑07‑17
Amit Kumar Simlandy (Info) The Scripps Research Institute, La Jolla, CA Asymmetric catalysis, organometallic, olefin functionalization ASIMLANDY90 2023‑06‑04
Stephan Spangenberg (Info) Scripps Institute llairson 2021‑03‑09
Amanda Sul (Info) Scripps Institute llairson 2021‑03‑09
Eileen Tang (Info) Scripps Institute llairson 2021‑03‑09
Andrew K. Udit (Info) Caltech, Occidental College Bioinorganic chemistry, Electron-transfer chemistry pq 2015‑11‑07
Naja Vergani (Info) Calibr llairson 2016‑07‑20
Qian Wang (Info) University of South Carolina, Columbia protein based biomaterials chemistry; bioconjugation; self-assembly qwang100 2020‑06‑06
Wesley W. Wang (Info) The Scripps Research Institute, La Jolla, CA Chemical Biology, Drug Discovery wangweigby 2019‑09‑05
Thomas West (Info) Scripps Institute llairson 2021‑03‑09
Peter E. Wright (Info) Scripps Institute NMR dtheobald 2011‑10‑25
guoqin xia (Info) The Scripps Research Institute, California, USA organometallic chemistry guoqinx 2018‑01‑05
Jin-Quan Yu (Info) Scripps Institute Organic Chemistry, C–H Activation jonlam 2013‑02‑14
Jiajun Zhang (Info) The Scripps Research Institute, La Jolla, CA weishayuelfjj 2022‑03‑30
Qianghui Zhou (Info) SIOC,CAS, Wuhan University aldehyde 2019‑08‑27
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