Similar researchers to Sushmita Yadav: Advanced Search
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Sushmita Yadav (Info) University of Delhi Vigyaanik 2021‑04‑19
Chen-Tung Yen (Info) National Taiwan University (Neurotree) changch 2010‑11‑19 Sim(0.21)
Shirly Pinto (Info) Merck (Neurotree) timtully 2012‑04‑06 Sim(0.22)
Timothy A. Ryan (Info) Weill Cornell Medical College (Neurotree) synaptic vesicle cycle, endocytosis, exocytosis patluri 2006‑07‑20 Sim(0.26)
Seung R. Paik (Info) Seoul National University (Neurotree) synuclein 2009‑09‑17 Sim(0.27)
Warren C. Vosburgh (Info) Duke jandh 2013‑02‑12 Sim(0.27)
Carmen G. Feijoo (Info) Universidad Andrés Bello (Neurotree) Developmental biology feijoocg 2011‑04‑20 Sim(0.28)
Christopher C.J. Miller (Info) Institute of Psychiatry, King's College London (Neurotree) synuclein 2009‑09‑17 Sim(0.28)
Christian Beckmann (Info) Imperial College (Neurotree) mojtaba 2009‑03‑19 Sim(0.29)
Monica Gori (Info) Istituto italiano di tecnologia (IIT) (Neurotree) luigi.cuturi 2018‑01‑12 Sim(0.29)
W Martin Usrey (Info) UC Davis (Neurotree) Vision wmusrey86 2009‑02‑12 Sim(0.29)
Daniel J. Brown (Info) University of Sydney (Neurotree) Auditory physiology, Ménière's disease gobeirne 2009‑10‑07 Sim(0.29)
Steven G. Britt (Info) UT Austin (Neurotree) Drosophila visual system development and function 2006‑10‑23 Sim(0.3)
Yoshihiko Tsukamoto (Info) Hyogo College of Medicine (Neurotree) Retinal biology masaaki 2011‑06‑11 Sim(0.3)
Enders Kai-On NG (Info) The University of Hong Kong (Neurotree) Circulating biomarker discovery for breast cancer diagnosis and prognosis marywaye 2010‑12‑23 Sim(0.31)
Laura A. Baker (Info) USC (Neurotree) Behavior Genetics, Genetics of antisocial behavior yugao 2009‑04‑07 Sim(0.31)
Amrita M. Puri (Info) University of Central Arkansas (Neurotree) Visual Attention & Perception, Cognitive Control padberg 2006‑12‑10 Sim(0.31)
Ben Yang (Info) Northwestern (Neurotree) Parkinson's Disease, post-traumatic stress disorder youngbio 2014‑03‑12 Sim(0.31)
Mingkun Fu (Info) Purdue Analytical Chemistry pq 2016‑02‑16 Sim(0.32)
Roger B. Myerson (Info) Chicago (Econometree) mechanism design theory jameseye 2008‑01‑17 Sim(0.32)
Jeremy J, Clark (Info) University of Washington (Neurotree) pemp 2006‑12‑13 Sim(0.32)
Alex H. Babayan (Info) UC Irvine (Neurotree) Synaptic Plasticity ababayab 2010‑03‑03 Sim(0.32)
Ian A. Mendez (Info) UT El Paso (Neurotree) Motivation, Reward, Decision Making, Feeding bsetlow 2008‑02‑29 Sim(0.33)
Donald J. Hagler (Info) UCSD (Neurotree) vision, attention, working memory kathleen 2006‑02‑23 Sim(0.33)
Soojin J. Park (Info) Johns Hopkins (Neurotree) jgolomb 2006‑12‑12 Sim(0.33)
David P. Darrow (Info) UMN (Neurotree) Neurosurgery, Neuromodulation, Medicine, Cognition, Epilepsy, Parkinson's Disease, Depression jenniferzick 2019‑06‑17 Sim(0.33)
Karen J. Smillie (Info) Edinburgh (Neurotree) shubhag82 2009‑03‑07 Sim(0.33)
María Laura Ceci (Info) Cajal Institute (Neurotree) Cortical development,Cell migrations, Cajal-Rerzius cells jdecarlos 2012‑02‑29 Sim(0.34)
Dwight Bergles (Info) Johns Hopkins Medical School (Neurotree) Glutamate transport, Glia DVMadison 2006‑12‑05 Sim(0.34)
Vesna Pulko (Info) College of Medicine - Mayo Clinic (Cell Biology Tree) Immunology pq 2016‑07‑06 Sim(0.34)
Ricardo B. Leite (Info) Center for Marine Sciences CCMAR (Computational Biology Tree) marine; genomics; bioinformatics; molecular biology rleite 2020‑01‑23 Sim(0.34)
Herbert Weingartner (Info) NIH (Neurotree) kas0179 2007‑08‑19 Sim(0.35)
Christopher Schnaitmann (Info) (Neurotree) belsheba 2012‑04‑22 Sim(0.35)
Toshihiko Hosoya (Info) RIKEN Tokyo (Neurotree) Retina Meister 2005‑11‑10 Sim(0.35)
Xavier Leinekugel (Info) INSERM (Neurotree) cell asssemblies xlkg 2011‑11‑19 Sim(0.35)
Jingshun Zhang (Info) Centers for Disease Control (CDC) (E-Tree) food safety Arshun 2016‑10‑12 Sim(0.35)
Marsida Kallupi (Info) Scripps Institute (Neurotree) Neuropharmacology, Addiction marsida 2011‑03‑05 Sim(0.35)
Matthew Buckley (Info) (PsychTree) MarkHaselgrove 2010‑12‑21 Sim(0.35)
Lars-Göran Nilsson (Info) Stockholm University (Neurotree) marlar 2009‑03‑10 Sim(0.35)
W. Ross Adey (Info) UCLA Biophysics, neurobiology, EEG CJM3 2009‑03‑31 Sim(0.36)
Lynne Reder (Info) Carnegie Mellon (Neurotree) Memory radiana 2007‑05‑03 Sim(0.36)
Dan Kelley (Info) UW Madison (Neurotree) fMRI, DTI Bandettini 2006‑03‑22 Sim(0.36)
Stewart Kendall Kurtz (Info) Penn State wanghaykan 2017‑12‑11 Sim(0.36)
Haim Sompolinsky (Info) Hebrew University (Neurotree) hanks 2005‑11‑04 Sim(0.36)
Yohan Attal (Info) (Neurotree) sbaillet 2009‑12‑09 Sim(0.36)
Nicholas Griggs (Info) University of Michigan (Neurotree) bassdude44 2019‑01‑18 Sim(0.36)
Maurice L. Moffett (Info) National Council on Compensation Insurance (Epi Tree) Public and Social Welfare, Health Economics, Health Services Research pq 2016‑03‑13 Sim(0.36)
Lizabeth A. Perkins (Info) MGH (FlyTree) karama 2008‑12‑02 Sim(0.37)
David Arnoldussen (Info) Nottingham (Neurotree) Visual system, fMRI, amblyopia dschluppeck 2014‑06‑12 Sim(0.37)
Joshua Craig Brumberg (Info) Queens College, CUNY (Neurotree) Somatosensory System brumberg 2006‑03‑20 Sim(0.37)
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