Michale W. Hamburger - Publications

Indiana University, Bloomington, Bloomington, IN, United States 

34 high-probability publications. We are testing a new system for linking publications to authors. You can help! If you notice any inaccuracies, please sign in and mark papers as correct or incorrect matches. If you identify any major omissions or other inaccuracies in the publication list, please let us know.

Year Citation  Score
2016 Chen C, Gilbert H, Andronicos C, Hamburger MW, Larson T, Marshak S, Pavlis GL, Yang X. Shear velocity structure beneath the central United States: Implications for the origin of the Illinois Basin and intraplate seismicity Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems. 17: 1020-1041. DOI: 10.1002/2015Gc006206  0.517
2014 Yang X, Pavlis GL, Hamburger MW, Sherrill E, Gilbert H, Marshak S, Rupp J, Larson TH. Seismicity of the Ste. genevieve seismic zone based on observations from the EarthScope OIINK flexible array Seismological Research Letters. 85: 1285-1294. DOI: 10.1785/0220140079  0.381
2014 Galgana GA, Newman AV, Hamburger MW, Solidum RU. Geodetic observations and modeling of time-varying deformation at Taal Volcano, Philippines Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research. 271: 11-23. DOI: 10.1016/j.jvolgeores.2013.11.005  0.322
2011 Hamburger MW, Shoemaker K, Horton S, DeShon H, Withers M, Pavlis GL, Sherrill E. Aftershocks of the 2008 Mt. Carmel, Illinois, earthquake: Evidence for conjugate faulting near the termination of the wabash valley fault system Seismological Research Letters. 82: 735-747. DOI: 10.1785/Gssrl.82.5.735  0.469
2010 Galgana GA, Hamburger MW. Geodetic observations of active intraplate crustal deformation in the Wabash Valley seismic zone and the southern Illinois basin Seismological Research Letters. 81: 699-714. DOI: 10.1785/gssrl.81.5.699  0.356
2010 Zubovich AV, Wang XQ, Scherba YG, Schelochkov GG, Reilinger R, Reigber C, Mosienko OI, Molnar P, Michajljow W, Makarov VI, Li J, Kuzikov SI, Herring TA, Hamburger MW, Hager BH, et al. GPS velocity field for the Tien Shan and surrounding regions Tectonics. 29. DOI: 10.1029/2010Tc002772  0.478
2006 Eagar KC, Pavlis GL, Hamburger MW. Evidence of possible induced seismicity in the Wabash Valley seismic zone from improved microearthquake locations Bulletin of the Seismological Society of America. 96: 1718-1728. DOI: 10.1785/0120050190  0.434
2003 Bartel BE, Hamburger MW, Meertens CM, Lowry AR, Corpuz E. Dynamics of active magmatic and hydrothermal systems at Taal Volcano, Philippines, from continuous GPS measurements Journal of Geophysical Research B: Solid Earth. 108.  0.37
2001 Lowry AR, Hamburger MW, Meertens CM, Ramos EG. GPS monitoring of crustal deformation at Taal Volcano Philippines Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research. 105: 35-47. DOI: 10.1016/S0377-0273(00)00238-9  0.34
1999 Ramos EG, Hamburger MW, Pavlis GL, Laguerta EP. The low-frequency earthquake swarms at Mount Pinatubo, Philippines: Implications for magma dynamics Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research. 92: 295-320. DOI: 10.1016/S0377-0273(99)00091-8  0.461
1999 Shevchenko VI, Guseva TV, Lukk AA, Mishin AV, Prilepin MT, Reilinger RE, Hamburger MW, Shempelev AG, Yunga SL. Recent geodynamics of the Caucasus mountains from GPS and seismological evidence Izvestiya - Physics of the Solid Earth. 35: 691-704.  0.493
1998 Millen DW, Hamburger MW. Seismological evidence for tearing of the Pacific plate at the northern termination of the Tonga subduction zone Geology. 26: 659-662. DOI: 10.1130/0091-7613(1998)026<0659:Seftot>2.3.Co;2  0.486
1998 Millen DW, Hamburger MW. Seismological evidence for tearing of the Pacific plate at the northern termination of the Tonga subduction zone Geology. 26: 659-662. DOI: 10.1130/0091-7613(1998)026<0659:SEFTOT>2.3.CO;2  0.485
1998 Ghose S, Hamburger MW, Ammon CJ. Source parameters of moderate-sized earthquakes in the tien Shan, central Asia from regional moment tensor inversion Geophysical Research Letters. 25: 3181-3184. DOI: 10.1029/98Gl02362  0.479
1998 Ghose S, Hamburger MW, Virieux J. Three-dimensional velocity structure and earthquake locations beneath the northern Tien Shan of Kyrgyzstan, central Asia Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth. 103: 2725-2748.  0.521
1997 Pavlis TL, Hamburger MW, Pavlis GL. Erosional processes as a control on the structural evolution of an actively deforming fold and thrust belt: An example from the Pamir-Tien Shan region, central Asia Tectonics. 16: 810-822. DOI: 10.1029/97Tc01414  0.477
1997 Reilinger RE, McClusky SC, Souter BJ, Hamburger MW, Prilepin MT, Mishin A, Guseva T, Balassanian S. Preliminary estimates of plate convergence in the Caucasus collision zone from global positioning system measurements Geophysical Research Letters. 24: 1815-1818.  0.547
1997 Ghose S, Mellors RJ, Korjenkov AM, Hamburger MW, Pavlis TL, Pavlis GL, Omuraliev M, Mamyrov E, Muraliev AR. The Ms = 7.3 1992 Suusamyr, Kyrgyzstan, earthquake in the Tien Shan: 2. Aftershock focal mechanisms and surface deformation Bulletin of the Seismological Society of America. 87: 23-38.  0.476
1997 Mellors RJ, Vernon FL, Pavlis GL, Abers GA, Hamburger MW, Ghose S, Iliasov B. The Ms = 7.3 1992 Suusamyr, Kyrgyzstan, earthquake: 1. Constraints on fault geometry and source parameters based on aftershocks and body-wave modeling Bulletin of the Seismological Society of America. 87: 11-22.  0.456
1996 Abdrakhmatov KY, Aldazhanov SA, Hager BH, Hamburger MW, Herring TA, Kalabaev KB, Makarov VI, Molnar P, Panasyuk SV, Prilepin MT, Reilinger RE, Sadybakasov IS, Souter BJ, Trapeznikov YA, Tsurkov VY, et al. Relatively recent construction of the Tien Shan inferred from GPS measurements of present-day crustal deformation rates Nature. 384: 450-453. DOI: 10.1038/384450A0  0.322
1995 Mellors RJ, Pavlis GL, Hamburger MW, Al-Shukri HJ, Lukk AA. Evidence for a high-velocity slab associated with the Hindu Kush seismic zone Journal of Geophysical Research. 100: 4067-4078. DOI: 10.1029/94Jb02642  0.572
1995 Lukk AA, Yunga SL, Shevchenko VI, Hamburger MW. Earthquake focal mechanisms, deformation state, and seismotectonics of the Pamir-Tien Shan region, Central Asia Journal of Geophysical Research. 100.  0.519
1995 Bingjun Zheng, Hamburger MW, Popandopulo GA. Precursory seismicity changes preceding moderate and large earthquakes in the Garm region, Central Asia Bulletin - Seismological Society of America. 85: 571-589.  0.414
1993 Hamburger MW, Swanson WA, Popandopulo GA. Velocity structure and seismicity of the Garm region, Central Asia Geophysical Journal International. 115: 497-511.  0.583
1992 Hamburger MW, Sarewitz DR, Pavlis TL, Popandopulo GA. Structural and seismic evidence for intracontinental subduction in the Peter the First Range, central Asia Geological Society of America Bulletin. 104: 397-408. DOI: 10.1130/0016-7606(1992)104<0397:SASEFI>2.3.CO;2  0.547
1992 Eneva M, Hamburger MW, Popandopulo GA. Spatial distribution of earthquakes in aftershock zones of the Garm region, Soviet central Asia Geophysical Journal International. 109: 38-53.  0.328
1991 Pavlis GL, Hamburger MW. Aftershock sequences of intermediate-depth earthquakes in the Pamir- Hindu Kush seismic zone Journal of Geophysical Research. 96: 18,107-18,117. DOI: 10.1029/91Jb01510  0.424
1990 Hamburger MW, Everingham IB, Isacks BL, Barazangi M. Seismicity and crustal structure of the Fiji Platform, southwest Pacific Journal of Geophysical Research. 95: 2553-2573. DOI: 10.1029/Jb095Ib03P02553  0.545
1989 Pavlis GL, Hamburger MW, Nersesov IL. Anomalies in the magnitude-frequency relation of earthquakes in the Garm region, Soviet Central Asia Bulletin - Seismological Society of America. 79: 1913-1926.  0.353
1989 Eneva M, Hamburger MW. Spatial and temporal patterns of earthquake distribution in Soviet central Asia: application of pair analysis statistics Bulletin - Seismological Society of America. 79: 1457-1476.  0.409
1988 Hamburger MW, Everingham IB, Isacks BL, Barazangi M. Active tectonism within the Fiji platform, southwest Pacific Geology. 16: 237-241. DOI: 10.1130/0091-7613(1988)016<0237:Atwtfp>2.3.Co;2  0.578
1988 Hamburger MW, Rupp JA. The June 1987 southeastern Illinois earthquake: possible tectonism associated with the La Salle anticlinal belt Seismological Research Letters. 59: 151-157.  0.565
1988 Hamburger MW, Isacks BL. Diffuse back-arc deformation in the Southwestern Pacific Nature. 332: 599-604.  0.535
1983 Hamburger MW, Cardwell RK, Isacks BL. Seismotectonics of the northern Philippine island arc The Tectonic and Geologic Evolution of Southeast Asian Seas and Islands. Part 2. 1-22.  0.644
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