Year |
Citation |
Score |
2020 |
Smith LM, Stroup WW, Marx DB. POISSON COKRIGING AS A GENERALIZED LINEAR MIXED MODEL. Spatial Statistics. 35. PMID 32864321 DOI: 10.1016/J.Spasta.2019.100399 |
0.317 |
2019 |
Durso LA, Gilley JE, Marx DB, Thayer CA, Woodbury BL. Microbial Transport as Affected by Residue Cover and Manure Application Rate Transactions of the Asabe. 62: 687-694. DOI: 10.13031/Trans.13277 |
0.332 |
2019 |
Durso LM, Gilley JE, Marx DB, Thayer CA, Woodbury BL. Wheat Strip Effects on Microbial Transport Following Variable Applications of Beef Cattle Manure Transactions of the Asabe. 62: 263-270. DOI: 10.13031/Trans.12940 |
0.339 |
2019 |
Durso LA, Gilley JE, Marx DB, Woodbury BL. Narrow Grass Hedge Effects on Microbial Transport Following Variable Applications of Beef Cattle Manure Transactions of the Asabe. 62: 149-156. DOI: 10.13031/Trans.12892 |
0.336 |
2017 |
Schuster NR, Bartelt-Hunt SL, Durso LM, Gilley JE, Li X, Marx DB, Schmidt AM, Snow DD. Runoff water quality characteristics following swine slurry application under broadcast and injected conditions Transactions of the Asabe. 60: 53-66. DOI: 10.13031/Trans.11370 |
0.332 |
2016 |
Sharma V, Irmak S, Kilic A, Gilley JE, Meyer GE, Knezevic SZ, Marx D. Quantification and mapping of surface residue cover for maize and soybean fields in south central Nebraska Transactions of the Asabe. 59: 925-939. DOI: 10.13031/Trans.59.11489 |
0.331 |
2015 |
Soni B, Bartelt-Hunt SL, Snow DD, Gilley JE, Woodbury BL, Marx DB, Li X. Narrow grass hedges reduce tylosin and associated antimicrobial resistance genes in agricultural runoff. Journal of Environmental Quality. 44: 895-902. PMID 26024269 DOI: 10.2134/Jeq2014.09.0389 |
0.318 |
2013 |
Joy SR, Bartelt-Hunt SL, Snow DD, Gilley JE, Woodbury BL, Parker DB, Marx DB, Li X. Fate and transport of antimicrobials and antimicrobial resistance genes in soil and runoff following land application of swine manure slurry. Environmental Science & Technology. 47: 12081-8. PMID 24044357 DOI: 10.1021/Es4026358 |
0.32 |
2013 |
Gilley JE, Bartelt-Hunt SL, Li X, Marx DB, Snow DD, Parker DB, Woodbury BL. Runoff nutrient transport as affected by land application method, swine growth stage, and runoff rate American Society of Agricultural and Biological Engineers Annual International Meeting 2013, Asabe 2013. 1: 836-847. DOI: 10.13031/Trans.56.10146 |
0.322 |
2013 |
Gilley JE, Bartelt-Hunt SL, Lamb SJ, Li X, Marx DB, Snow DD, Parker DB, Woodbury BL. Narrow grass hedge effects on nutrient transport following swine slurry application Transactions of the Asabe. 56: 1441-1450. DOI: 10.13031/Trans.56.100105 |
0.329 |
2012 |
Gilley JE, Vogel JR, Eigenberg RA, Marx DB, Woodbury BL. Nutrient losses in runoff from feedlot surfaces as affected by unconsolidated surface materials Journal of Soil and Water Conservation. 67: 211-217. DOI: 10.2489/Jswc.67.3.211 |
0.305 |
2012 |
Thayer CA, Gilley JE, Durso LM, Marx DB. Wheat strip effects on nutrient loads following variable manure applications Transactions of the Asabe. 55: 439-449. DOI: 10.13031/2013.41393 |
0.311 |
2012 |
Thayer CA, Gilley JE, Durso LM, Marx DB. Runoff nutrient loads as affected by residue cover, manure application rate, and flow rate Transactions of the Asabe. 55: 249-258. DOI: 10.13031/2013.41252 |
0.321 |
2011 |
Gilley JE, Durso LM, Eigenberg RA, Marx DB, Woodbury BL. Narrow grass hedge control of nutrient loads following variable manure applications Transactions of the Asabe. 54: 847-855. DOI: 10.13031/2013.37110 |
0.315 |
2011 |
Adamchuk VI, Viscarra Rossel RA, Marx DB, Samal AK. Using targeted sampling to process multivariate soil sensing data Geoderma. 163: 63-73. DOI: 10.1016/J.Geoderma.2011.04.004 |
0.309 |
2010 |
Irmak A, Ranade PK, Marx D, Irmak S, Hubbard KG, Meyer GE, Martin DL. Spatial Interpolation of Climate Variables in Nebraska Transactions of the Asabe. 53: 1759-1771. DOI: 10.13031/2013.35803 |
0.327 |
2010 |
Gilley JE, Durso LM, Eigenberg RA, Marx DB, Woodbury BL. Nutrient transport in runoff as affected by diet, tillage, and manure application rate Transactions of the Asabe. 53: 1895-1902. DOI: 10.13031/2013.35799 |
0.32 |
2010 |
Schmer MR, Mitchell RB, Vogel KP, Schacht WH, Marx DB. Efficient methods of estimating switchgrass biomass supplies Bioenergy Research. 3: 243-250. DOI: 10.1007/S12155-009-9070-X |
0.318 |
2010 |
Schmer MR, Mitchell RB, Vogel KP, Schacht WH, Marx DB. Spatial and temporal effects on switchgrass stands and yield in the Great Plains Bioenergy Research. 3: 159-171. DOI: 10.1007/S12155-009-9045-Y |
0.304 |
2009 |
McClellan TA, Gaussoin RE, Shearman RC, Wortmann CS, Mamo M, Horst GL, Marx DB. Nutrient and chemical properties of aging golf course putting greens as impacted by soil depth and mat development Hortscience. 44: 452-458. DOI: 10.21273/Hortsci.44.2.452 |
0.306 |
2009 |
Gilley JE, Berry ED, Eigenberg RA, Marx DB, Woodbury BL. Nutrient transport in runoff from feedlots as affected by wet distiller's grain diet American Society of Agricultural and Biological Engineers Annual International Meeting 2009, Asabe 2009. 2: 1286-1300. DOI: 10.13031/2013.29569 |
0.324 |
2008 |
Gilley JE, Sabatka WF, Eghball B, Marx DB. Nutrient transport as affected by rate of overland flow Transactions of the Asabe. 51: 1287-1293. DOI: 10.13031/2013.25245 |
0.318 |
2008 |
Gilley JE, Eghball B, Marx DB. Narrow grass hedge effects on nutrient transport following compost application Transactions of the Asabe. 51: 997-1005. DOI: 10.13031/2013.24537 |
0.324 |
2008 |
Gilley JE, Berry ED, Eigenberg RA, Marx DB, Woodbury BL. Spatial variations in nutrient and microbial transport from feedlot surfaces Transactions of the Asabe. 51: 675-684. DOI: 10.13031/2013.24380 |
0.323 |
2008 |
Hay CH, Franti TG, Marx DB, Peters EJ, Hesse LW. Relationships between larval fish drift and abiotic factors in the Missouri River Journal of Freshwater Ecology. 23: 589-597. DOI: 10.1080/02705060.2008.9664246 |
0.686 |
2008 |
Sethuramasamyraja B, Adamchuk VI, Dobermann A, Marx DB, Jones DD, Meyer GE. Agitated soil measurement method for integrated on-the-go mapping of soil pH, potassium and nitrate contents Computers and Electronics in Agriculture. 60: 212-225. DOI: 10.1016/J.Compag.2007.08.003 |
0.31 |
2008 |
Hay CH, Franti TG, Marx DB, Peters EJ, Hesse LW. Macroinvertebrate drift density in relation to abiotic factors in the Missouri River Hydrobiologia. 598: 175-189. DOI: 10.1007/S10750-007-9149-3 |
0.693 |
2007 |
Hooks T, Pedersen JF, Marx DB, Gaussoin RE. Changing the support of a spatial covariate: A simulation study Crop Science. 47: 622-628. DOI: 10.2135/Cropsci2006.07.0490 |
0.737 |
2007 |
McClellan TA, Shearman RC, Gaussoin RE, Mamo M, Wortmann CS, Horst GL, Marx DB. Nutrient and chemical characterization of aging golf course putting greens: Establishment and rootzone mixture treatment effects Crop Science. 47: 193-199. DOI: 10.2135/Cropsci2006.02.0123 |
0.301 |
2007 |
Gilley JE, Eghball B, Marx DB. Nutrient concentrations of runoff during the year following manure application Transactions of the Asabe. 50: 1987-1999. DOI: 10.13031/2013.24102 |
0.319 |
2007 |
Sethuramasamyraja B, Adamchuk VI, Marx DB, Dobermann A, Meyer GE, Jones DD. Analysis of an ion-selective electrode based methodology for integrated on-the-go mapping of soil pH, potassium, and nitrate contents Transactions of the Asabe. 50: 1927-1935. DOI: 10.13031/2013.24088 |
0.3 |
2007 |
Gilley JE, Eghball B, Marx DB. Nitrogen and phosphorus concentrations of runoff as affected by moldboard plowing Transactions of the Asabe. 50: 1543-1548. DOI: 10.13031/2013.23951 |
0.323 |
2007 |
Nicolaisen JE, Gilley JE, Eghball B, Marx DB. Crop residue effects on runoff nutrient concentrations following manure application Transactions of the Asabe. 50: 939-944. DOI: 10.13031/2013.23158 |
0.325 |
2007 |
Bulley HNN, Merchant JW, Marx DB, Holz JC, Holz AA. A GIS-based approach to watershed classification for Nebraska reservoirs Journal of the American Water Resources Association. 43: 605-621. DOI: 10.1111/J.1752-1688.2007.00048.X |
0.301 |
2006 |
Hooks T, Pedersen JF, Marx DB, Vogel KP. Variation in the U.S. photoperiod insensitive sorghum collection for chemical and nutritional traits Crop Science. 46: 751-757. DOI: 10.2135/Cropsci2005.05-0047 |
0.727 |
2005 |
Sebolai B, Pedersen JF, Marx DB, Boykin DL. Effect of control plot density, control plot arrangement, and assumption of random or fixed effects on nonreplicated experiments for germplasm screening using spatial models Crop Science. 45: 1978-1984. DOI: 10.2135/Cropsci2004.0643 |
0.717 |
2005 |
Adamchuk VI, Lund ED, Sethuramasamyraja B, Morgan MT, Dobermann A, Marx DB. Direct measurement of soil chemical properties on-the-go using ion-selective electrodes Computers and Electronics in Agriculture. 48: 272-294. DOI: 10.1016/J.Compag.2005.05.001 |
0.302 |
2005 |
Burton MG, Mortensen DA, Marx DB. Environmental characteristics affecting Helianthus annuus distribution in a maize production system Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment. 111: 30-40. DOI: 10.1016/J.Agee.2005.04.026 |
0.318 |
2004 |
Burton MG, Mortensen DA, Marx DB, Lindquist JL. Factors affecting the realized niche of common sunflower (Helianthus annuus) in ridge-tillage corn Weed Science. 52: 779-787. DOI: 10.1614/P2001-101 |
0.316 |
2001 |
House ML, Powers WL, Eisenhauer DE, Marx DB, Fekersillassie D. Spatial analysis of machine-wheel traffic effects on soil physical properties Soil Science Society of America Journal. 65: 1376-1384. DOI: 10.2136/Sssaj2001.6551376X |
0.332 |
2001 |
Williams MM, Mortensen DA, Martin AR, Marx DB. Within-field soil heterogeneity effects on herbicide-mediated crop injury and weed biomass Weed Science. 49: 798-805. DOI: 10.1614/0043-1745(2001)049[0798:Wfsheo]2.0.Co;2 |
0.308 |
1988 |
Marx DB, Gilmour JT, Scott HD, Ferguson JA. Effects of long-term water management in a humid region on spatial variability of soil chemical status Soil Science. 145: 188-193. DOI: 10.1097/00010694-198803000-00005 |
0.326 |
1987 |
Wilson GV, Scott HD, Marx DB. Spatial dependence of soil-water potentials associated with septic systems Soil Science. 144: 159-166. DOI: 10.1097/00010694-198709000-00001 |
0.319 |
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