Bruce David Marsh - Publications

Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, MD 
Igneous Petrology, Geophysics, Magma Dynamics

69 high-probability publications. We are testing a new system for linking publications to authors. You can help! If you notice any inaccuracies, please sign in and mark papers as correct or incorrect matches. If you identify any major omissions or other inaccuracies in the publication list, please let us know.

Year Citation  Score
2020 Zhao X, Tang S, Li J, Wang H, Helz R, Marsh B, Zhu X, Zhang H. Titanium isotopic fractionation during magmatic differentiation Contributions to Mineralogy and Petrology. 175: 1-16. DOI: 10.1007/S00410-020-01704-1  0.324
2019 Choi SH, Mukasa SB, Ravizza G, Fleming TH, Marsh BD, Bédard JH. Fossil subduction zone origin for magmas in the Ferrar Large Igneous Province, Antarctica: Evidence from PGE and Os isotope systematics in the Basement Sill of the McMurdo Dry Valleys Earth and Planetary Science Letters. 506: 507-519. DOI: 10.1016/J.Epsl.2018.11.027  0.319
2018 Zhang H, Wang Y, He Y, Teng F, Jacobsen SB, Helz RT, Marsh BD, Huang S. No Measurable Calcium Isotopic Fractionation During Crystallization of Kilauea Iki Lava Lake Geochemistry Geophysics Geosystems. 19: 3128-3139. DOI: 10.1029/2018Gc007506  0.386
2016 Hilpert M, Marsh BD, Geiser P. The radiator-enhanced geothermal system: Benefits of emulating a natural hydrothermal system Interpretation. 4: SR35-SR48. DOI: 10.1190/Int-2016-0032.1  0.339
2016 Wright TL, Marsh B. Quantification of the intrusion process at Kīlauea volcano, Hawai'i Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research. 328: 34-44. DOI: 10.1016/J.Jvolgeores.2016.09.019  0.462
2016 Quick LC, Marsh BD. Heat transfer of ascending cryomagma on Europa Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research. 319: 66-77. DOI: 10.1016/J.Jvolgeores.2016.03.018  0.333
2015 Currier RM, Marsh BD. Mapping real time growth of experimental laccoliths: The effect of solidification on the mechanics of magmatic intrusion Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research. 302: 211-224. DOI: 10.1016/J.Jvolgeores.2015.07.009  0.742
2013 Marsh BD. On some fundamentals of igneous petrology Contributions to Mineralogy and Petrology. 166: 665-690. DOI: 10.1007/S00410-013-0892-3  0.552
2012 Zieg MJ, Marsh BD. Multiple reinjections and crystal-mush compaction in the Beacon sill, McMurdo Dry Valleys, Antarctica Journal of Petrology. 53: 2567-2591. DOI: 10.1093/Petrology/Egs059  0.797
2011 Patwardhan K, Marsh BD. Dynamics of the development of the Isle au Haut gabbro-diorite layered complex: Quantitative implications for Mafic-Silicic Magma interactions Journal of Petrology. 52: 2365-2395. DOI: 10.1093/Petrology/Egr049  0.765
2010 Jerram DA, Davis GR, Mock A, Charrier A, Marsh BD. Quantifying 3D crystal populations, packing and layering in shallow intrusions: A case study from the Basement Sill, Dry Valleys, Antarctica Geosphere. 6: 537-548. DOI: 10.1130/Ges00538.1  0.712
2009 Mcbirney AR, Boudreau AE, Marsh BD. Comments on: 'Textural maturity of cumulates: A record of chamber filling, liquidus assemblage, cooling rate and large-scale convection in mafic layered intrusions' and 'a textural record of solidification and cooling in the skaergaard intrusion, East Greenland' Journal of Petrology. 50: 93-95. DOI: 10.1093/Petrology/Egn073  0.394
2009 Marsh BD, Coleman NM. Magma flow and interaction with waste packages in a geologic repository at Yucca Mountain, Nevada Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research. 182: 76-96. DOI: 10.1016/J.Jvolgeores.2009.01.029  0.434
2007 Hersum TG, Marsh BD. Igneous textures: On the kinetics behind the words Elements. 3: 247-252. DOI: 10.2113/Gselements.3.4.247  0.527
2007 Marsh BD. Crystallization of silicate magmas deciphered using crystal size distributions Journal of the American Ceramic Society. 90: 746-757. DOI: 10.1111/J.1551-2916.2006.01473.X  0.522
2007 Bédard JHJ, Marsh BD, Hersum TG, Naslund HR, Mukasa SB. Large-scale mechanical redistribution of orthopyroxene and plagioclase in the basement sill, ferrar dolerites, McMurdo Dry Valleys, Antarctica: Petrological, mineral-chemical and field evidence for channelized movement of crystals and melt Journal of Petrology. 48: 2289-2326. DOI: 10.1093/Petrology/Egm060  0.481
2007 Hersum TG, Marsh BD, Simon AC. Contact partial melting of granitic country rock, melt segregation, and re-injection as dikes into Ferrar dolerite sills, McMurdo Dry Valleys, Antarctica Journal of Petrology. 48: 2125-2148. DOI: 10.1093/Petrology/Egm054  0.783
2006 Marsh BD. Dynamics of magmatic systems Elements. 2: 287-292. DOI: 10.2113/Gselements.2.5.287  0.495
2006 Sen G, Borges M, Marsh BD. A case for short duration of Deccan Trap Eruption Eos, Transactions American Geophysical Union. 87: 197-200. DOI: 10.1029/2006Eo200001  0.331
2006 Hersum TG, Marsh BD. Igneous microstructures from kinetic models of crystallization Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research. 154: 34-47. DOI: 10.1016/J.Jvolgeores.2005.09.018  0.781
2005 Zieg MJ, Marsh BD. The Sudbury Igneous Complex: Viscous emulsion differentiation of a superheated impact melt sheet Bulletin of the Geological Society of America. 117: 1427-1450. DOI: 10.1130/B25579.1  0.557
2005 Hersum T, Hilpert M, Marsh B. Permeability and melt flow in simulated and natural partially molten basaltic magmas Earth and Planetary Science Letters. 237: 798-814. DOI: 10.1016/J.Epsl.2005.07.008  0.766
2004 Coleman NM, Abramson LR, Marsh BD. Testing claims about volcanic disruption of a potential geologic repository at Yucca Mountain, Nevada Geophysical Research Letters. 31: 1-4. DOI: 10.1029/2004Gl021032  0.302
2004 Marsh B. A magmatic mush column rosetta stone: The McMurdo Dry Valleys of Antarctica Eos, Transactions American Geophysical Union. 85: 497-502. DOI: 10.1029/2004Eo470001  0.49
2004 Olsen SN, Marsh BD, Baumgartner LP. Modelling mid-crustal migmatite terrains as feeder zones for granite plutons: the competing dynamics of melt transfer by bulk versus porous flow Transactions of the Royal Society of Edinburgh-Earth Sciences. 95: 49-58. DOI: 10.1017/S0263593300000912  0.495
2002 Marsh BD, Higgins MD. Inherited correlation in crystal size distribution: COMMENT Geology. 30: 284-285. DOI: 10.1130/0091-7613(2002)030<0284:Icicsd>2.0.Co;2  0.401
2002 Zieg MJ, Marsh BD. Crystal Size Distributions and Scaling Laws in the Quantification of Igneous Textures Journal of Petrology. 43: 85-101. DOI: 10.1093/Petrology/43.1.85  0.795
2002 Marsh BD. On bimodal differentiation by solidification front instability in basaltic magmas, part 1: Basic mechanics Geochimica Et Cosmochimica Acta. 66: 2211-2229. DOI: 10.1016/S0016-7037(02)00905-5  0.48
2002 Myers JD, Marsh BD, Frost CD, Linton JA. Petrologic constraints on the spatial distribution of crustal magma chambers, Atka Volcanic Center, central Aleutian arc Contributions to Mineralogy and Petrology. 143: 567-586. DOI: 10.1007/S00410-002-0356-7  0.791
1999 Hort M, Marsh BD, Resmini RG, Smith MK. Convection and Crystallization in a Liquid Cooled from above: an Experimental and Theoretical Study Journal of Petrology. 40: 1271-1300. DOI: 10.1093/Petroj/40.8.1271  0.485
1998 Marsh BD. On the Interpretation of Crystal Size Distributions in Magmatic Systems Journal of Petrology. 39: 553-599. DOI: 10.1093/Petroj/39.4.553  0.505
1998 Gunnarsson B, Marsh BD, Taylor HP. Generation of Icelandic rhyolites: silicic lavas from the Torfajokull central volcano Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research. 83: 1-45. DOI: 10.1016/S0377-0273(98)00017-1  0.553
1996 Marsh BD. Solidification fronts and magmatic evolution Mineralogical Magazine. 60: 5-40. DOI: 10.1180/Minmag.1996.060.398.03  0.585
1995 Resmini RG, Marsh BD. Steady-state volcanism, paleoeffusion rates, and magma system volume inferred from plagioclase crystal size distributions in mafic lavas: Dome Mountain, Nevada Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research. 68: 273-296. DOI: 10.1016/0377-0273(95)00003-5  0.473
1993 Murphy MT, Marsh BD. Textures and magmatic evolution of intermediate-composition dome complexes: Evidence from the northern Tatoosh complex, southern Washington Cascades Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research. 54: 197-220. DOI: 10.1016/0377-0273(93)90064-X  0.463
1993 Hort M, Marsh BD, Spohn T. Igneous layering through oscillatory nucleation and crystal settling in well-mixed magmas Contributions to Mineralogy and Petrology. 114: 425-440. DOI: 10.1007/Bf00321748  0.526
1992 Mangan MT, Marsh BD. Solidification Front Fractionation in Phenocryst-Free Sheet-Like Magma Bodies The Journal of Geology. 100: 605-620. DOI: 10.1086/629611  0.544
1991 Fournelle J, Marsh BD. Shishaldin Volcano: Aleutian high-alumina basalts and the question of plagioclase accumulation Geology. 19: 234-237. DOI: 10.1130/0091-7613(1991)019<0234:Svahab>2.3.Co;2  0.371
1990 Sparks RSJ, Marsh BD. Crystal capture, sorting, and retention in convecting magma: Discussion and reply Geological Society of America Bulletin. 102: 847-850. DOI: 10.1130/0016-7606(1990)102<0847:Ccsari>2.3.Co;2  0.445
1990 Brandeis G, Marsh BD. Transient Magmatic Convection Prolonged By Solidification Geophysical Research Letters. 17: 1125-1128. DOI: 10.1029/Gl017I008P01125  0.502
1989 Marsh BD. On convective style and vigor in sheet-like magma chambers Journal of Petrology. 30: 479-530. DOI: 10.1093/Petrology/30.3.479  0.399
1989 Brandeis G, Marsh BD. The convective liquidus in a solidifying magma chamber - A fluid dynamic investigation Nature. 339: 613-616. DOI: 10.1038/339613A0  0.492
1988 Marsh BD. Crystal capture, sorting, and retention in convecting magma Geological Society of America Bulletin. 100: 1720-1737. DOI: 10.1130/0016-7606(1988)100<1720:Ccsari>2.3.Co;2  0.564
1988 Marsh B. Origins of Igneous Layering Eos, Transactions American Geophysical Union. 69: 851-851. DOI: 10.1029/88Eo01112  0.494
1988 Cashman KV, Marsh BD. Crystal size distribution (CSD) in rocks and the kinetics and dynamics of crystallization II: Makaopuhi lava lake Contributions to Mineralogy and Petrology. 99: 292-305. DOI: 10.1007/Bf00375363  0.676
1988 Marsh BD. Crystal size distribution (CSD) in rocks and the kinetics and dynamics of crystallization - I. Theory Contributions to Mineralogy and Petrology. 99: 277-291. DOI: 10.1007/Bf00375362  0.5
1987 Myers JD, Marsh BD. Aleutian lead isotopic data: Additional evidence for the evolution of lithospheric plumbing systems Geochimica Et Cosmochimica Acta. 51: 1833-1842. DOI: 10.1016/0016-7037(87)90173-6  0.716
1986 Brophy JG, Marsh BD. On the origin of high-alumina arc basalt and the mechanics of melt extraction Journal of Petrology. 27: 763-789. DOI: 10.1093/Petrology/27.4.763  0.455
1986 von Drach V, Marsh BD, Wasserburg GJ. Nd and Sr isotopes in the Aleutians: multicomponent parenthood of island-arc magmas Contributions to Mineralogy and Petrology. 92: 13-34. DOI: 10.1007/Bf00373960  0.449
1986 Myers JD, Marsh BD, Sinha AK. Geochemical and strontium isotopic characteristics of parental Aleutian arc magmas: evidence from the basaltic lavas of Atka Contributions to Mineralogy and Petrology. 94: 1-11. DOI: 10.1007/Bf00371221  0.727
1985 Marsh BD, Maxey MR. On the distribution and separation of crystals in convecting magma Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research. 24: 95-150. DOI: 10.1016/0377-0273(85)90030-7  0.514
1985 Myers JD, Marsh BD, Sinha AK. Strontium isotopic and selected trace element variations between two Aleutian volcanic centers (Adak and Atka): implications for the development of arc volcanic plumbing systems Contributions to Mineralogy and Petrology. 91: 221-234. DOI: 10.1007/Bf00413349  0.749
1984 Myers JD, Sinha AK, Marsh BD. Assimilation of crustal material by basaltic magma: Strontium isotopic and trace element data from the edgecumbe volcanic field, SE Alaska Journal of Petrology. 25: 1-26. DOI: 10.1093/Petrology/25.1.1  0.739
1984 Marsh BD. On the mechanics of caldera resurgence Journal of Geophysical Research. 89: 8245-8251. DOI: 10.1029/Jb089Ib10P08245  0.392
1984 Marsh BD, Marsh JG, Williamson RG. On gravity from SST, geoid from SEASAT, and plate age and fracture zones in the Pacific Journal of Geophysical Research. 89: 6070-6078. DOI: 10.1029/Jb089Ib07P06070  0.344
1983 Hsui AT, Marsh BD, Toksöz MN. On melting of the subducted oceanic crust: Effects of subduction induced mantle flow Tectonophysics. 99: 207-220. DOI: 10.1016/0040-1951(83)90103-8  0.45
1982 Marsh BD. On the mechanics of igneous diapirism, stoping, and zone melting American Journal of Science. 282: 808-855. DOI: 10.2475/Ajs.282.6.808  0.422
1982 Regan RD, Marsh BD. The Bangui Magnetic Anomaly: Its geological origin Journal of Geophysical Research. 87: 1107-1120. DOI: 10.1029/Jb087Ib02P01107  0.305
1981 Myers JD, Marsh BD. Geology and petrogenesis of the edgecumbe volcanic field, SE Alaska: The interaction of basalt and sialic crust Contributions to Mineralogy and Petrology. 77: 272-287. DOI: 10.1007/Bf00373543  0.441
1981 Marsh BD. On the crystallinity, probability of occurrence, and rheology of lava and magma Contributions to Mineralogy and Petrology. 78: 85-98. DOI: 10.1007/Bf00371146  0.521
1979 Marsh BD, Leitz RE. Geology of Amak Island, Aleutian Islands, Alaska The Journal of Geology. 87: 715-723. DOI: 10.1086/628461  0.395
1979 Marsh BD. Island Arc Development: Some Observations, Experiments, and Speculations The Journal of Geology. 87: 687-713. DOI: 10.1086/628460  0.334
1979 Elsasser WM, Olson P, Marsh BD. Correction [ to “The depth of mantle convection”] Journal of Geophysical Research. 84: 613-613. DOI: 10.1029/Jb084Ib02P00613  0.302
1979 Elsasser WM, Olson P, Marsh BD. The depth of mantle convection Journal of Geophysical Research. 84: 147-155. DOI: 10.1029/Jb084Ib01P00147  0.386
1978 Marsh BD. On the Cooling of Ascending Andesitic Magma Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society A. 288: 611-625. DOI: 10.1098/Rsta.1978.0037  0.438
1978 Marsh BD, Kantha LH. On the heat and mass transfer from an ascending magma Earth and Planetary Science Letters. 39: 435-443. DOI: 10.1016/0012-821X(78)90032-8  0.385
1976 Marsh BD. Some Aleutian Andesites: Their Nature and Source The Journal of Geology. 84: 27-45. DOI: 10.1086/628172  0.479
1976 Marsh BD, Marsh JG. On global gravity anomalies and two-scale mantle convection Journal of Geophysical Research. 81: 5267-5280. DOI: 10.1029/Jb081I029P05267  0.326
1974 Marsh BD, Carmichael ISE. Benioff zone magmatism Journal of Geophysical Research. 79: 1196-1206. DOI: 10.1029/Jb079I008P01196  0.45
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