Alexander Mark van der Bliek - Publications

UCLA Medical School, Los Angeles, CA, United States 

16 high-probability publications. We are testing a new system for linking publications to authors. You can help! If you notice any inaccuracies, please sign in and mark papers as correct or incorrect matches. If you identify any major omissions or other inaccuracies in the publication list, please let us know.

Year Citation  Score
2014 Wexler-Cohen Y, Stevens GC, Barnoy E, van der Bliek AM, Johnson PJ. A dynamin-related protein contributes to Trichomonas vaginalis hydrogenosomal fission. Faseb Journal : Official Publication of the Federation of American Societies For Experimental Biology. 28: 1113-21. PMID 24297697 DOI: 10.1096/fj.13-235473  0.4
1991 van der Bliek AM, Meyerowitz EM. Dynamin-like protein encoded by the Drosophila shibire gene associated with vesicular traffic. Nature. 351: 411-4. PMID 1674590 DOI: 10.1038/351411a0  0.315
1990 Lincke CR, van der Bliek AM, Schuurhuis GJ, van der Velde-Koerts T, Smit JJ, Borst P. Multidrug resistance phenotype of human BRO melanoma cells transfected with a wild-type human mdr1 complementary DNA. Cancer Research. 50: 1779-85. PMID 1968359  0.379
1989 van der Bliek AM, Borst P. Multidrug resistance. Advances in Cancer Research. 52: 165-203. PMID 2662712 DOI: 10.1016/s0065-230x(08)60213-4  0.408
1988 van der Bliek AM, Lincke CR, Borst P. Circular DNA of 3T6R50 double minute chromosomes. Nucleic Acids Research. 16: 4841-51. PMID 3290843 DOI: 10.1093/Nar/16.11.4841  0.421
1988 van der Bliek AM, Kooiman PM, Schneider C, Borst P. Sequence of mdr3 cDNA encoding a human P-glycoprotein. Gene. 71: 401-11. PMID 2906314 DOI: 10.1016/0378-1119(88)90057-1  0.491
1988 Van der Bliek AM, Baas F, Van der Velde-Koerts T, Biedler JL, Meyers MB, Ozols RF, Hamilton TC, Joenje H, Borst P. Genes amplified and overexpressed in human multidrug-resistant cell lines. Cancer Research. 48: 5927-32. PMID 2901906  0.397
1987 Borst P, Van der Bliek AM, Van der Velde-Koerts T, Hes E. Structure of amplified DNA, analyzed by pulsed field gradient gel electrophoresis. Journal of Cellular Biochemistry. 34: 247-58. PMID 3624321 DOI: 10.1002/Jcb.240340404  0.42
1987 Jongsma AP, Spengler BA, Van der Bliek AM, Borst P, Biedler JL. Chromosomal localization of three genes coamplified in the multidrug-resistant CHRC5 Chinese hamster ovary cell line. Cancer Research. 47: 2875-8. PMID 3567908  0.4
1987 Van der Bliek AM, Baas F, Ten Houte de Lange T, Kooiman PM, Van der Velde-Koerts T, Borst P. The human mdr3 gene encodes a novel P-glycoprotein homologue and gives rise to alternatively spliced mRNAs in liver. The Embo Journal. 6: 3325-31. PMID 2892668  0.415
1987 Deuchars KL, Du RP, Naik M, Evernden-Porelle D, Kartner N, van der Bliek AM, Ling V. Expression of hamster P-glycoprotein and multidrug resistance in DNA-mediated transformants of mouse LTA cells. Molecular and Cellular Biology. 7: 718-24. PMID 2881196 DOI: 10.1128/Mcb.7.2.718  0.4
1987 Van der Bliek AM, Baas F, Ten Houte de Lange T, Kooiman PM, Van der Velde-Koerts T, Borst P. The human mdr3 gene encodes a novel P-glycoprotein homologue and gives rise to alternatively spliced mRNAs in liver. The Embo Journal. 6: 3325-3331. DOI: 10.1002/J.1460-2075.1987.Tb02653.X  0.503
1986 Van der Bliek AM, Meyers MB, Biedler JL, Hes E, Borst P. A 22-kd protein (sorcin/V19) encoded by an amplified gene in multidrug-resistant cells, is homologous to the calcium-binding light chain of calpain. The Embo Journal. 5: 3201-8. PMID 3028774  0.412
1986 de Bruijn MH, Van der Bliek AM, Biedler JL, Borst P. Differential amplification and disproportionate expression of five genes in three multidrug-resistant Chinese hamster lung cell lines. Molecular and Cellular Biology. 6: 4717-22. PMID 2879224 DOI: 10.1128/Mcb.6.12.4717  0.485
1986 Van der Bliek AM, Van der Velde-Koerts T, Ling V, Borst P. Overexpression and amplification of five genes in a multidrug-resistant Chinese hamster ovary cell line. Molecular and Cellular Biology. 6: 1671-8. PMID 2431283 DOI: 10.1128/Mcb.6.5.1671  0.552
1986 Van der Bliek A, Meyers M, Biedler J, Hes E, Borst P. A 22-kd protein (sorcin/V19) encoded by an amplified gene in multidrug-resistant cells, is homologous to the calcium-binding light chain of calpain. The Embo Journal. 5: 3201-3208. DOI: 10.1002/J.1460-2075.1986.Tb04630.X  0.501
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