Ehud Pines - Publications

Ben Gurion University, Safed, North District, Israel 

69 high-probability publications. We are testing a new system for linking publications to authors. You can help! If you notice any inaccuracies, please sign in and mark papers as correct or incorrect matches. If you identify any major omissions or other inaccuracies in the publication list, please let us know.

Year Citation  Score
2022 Ekimova M, Kleine C, Ludwig J, Ochmann M, Agrenius TEG, Kozari E, Pines D, Pines E, Huse N, Wernet P, Odelius M, Nibbering ETJ. From Local Covalent Bonding to Extended Electric Field Interactions in Proton Hydration. Angewandte Chemie (International Ed. in English). PMID 36102247 DOI: 10.1002/anie.202211066  0.316
2021 Kiefer PM, Daschakraborty S, Pines D, Pines E, Hynes JT. Electron Flow Characterization of Charge Transfer for Carbonic Acid to Strong Base Proton Transfer in Aqueous Solution. The Journal of Physical Chemistry. B. PMID 34623157 DOI: 10.1021/acs.jpcb.1c05824  0.368
2020 Pines E, Pines D, Gajst O, Huppert D. Reversible intermolecular-coupled-intramolecular (RICI) proton transfer occurring on the reaction-radius a of 2-naphthol-6,8-disulfonate photoacid. The Journal of Chemical Physics. 152: 074205. PMID 32087655 DOI: 10.1063/1.5134760  0.481
2019 Kundu A, Dahms F, Fingerhut BP, Nibbering ETJ, Pines E, Elsaesser T. Hydrated Excess Protons in Acetonitrile/Water Mixtures - Solvation Species and Ultrafast Proton Motions. The Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters. PMID 30999753 DOI: 10.1021/Acs.Jpclett.9B00756  0.445
2018 Shang W, Nairat M, Pawlaczyk P, Mroczka E, Farris B, Pines E, Geiger J, Borhan B, Dantus M. Ultrafast Dynamics of a "Super" Photobase. Angewandte Chemie (International Ed. in English). PMID 30152115 DOI: 10.1002/Anie.201806787  0.43
2018 Kundu A, Dahms F, Fingerhut BP, Nibbering ET, Pines E, Elsaesser T. Ultrafast vibrational relaxation and energy dissipation of hydrated excess protons in polar solvents Chemical Physics Letters. 713: 111-116. DOI: 10.1016/J.Cplett.2018.10.030  0.426
2017 Dahms F, Fingerhut BP, Nibbering ETJ, Pines E, Elsaesser T. Large-amplitude transfer motion of hydrated excess protons mapped by ultrafast 2D IR spectroscopy. Science (New York, N.Y.). PMID 28705988 DOI: 10.1126/Science.Aan5144  0.455
2017 Chaudhuri S, Rudshteyn B, Prémont-Schwarz M, Pines D, Pines E, Huppert D, Nibbering ET, Batista VS. Ultrafast photo-induced charge transfer of 1-naphthol and 2-naphthol to halocarbon solvents Chemical Physics Letters. 683: 49-56. DOI: 10.1016/J.Cplett.2017.03.080  0.428
2016 Simkovitch R, Pines D, Agmon N, Pines E, Huppert D. Reversible Excited-State Proton Geminate Recombination: Revisited. The Journal of Physical Chemistry. B. 120: 12615-12632. PMID 27973823 DOI: 10.1021/Acs.Jpcb.6B09035  0.431
2016 Dahms F, Costard R, Pines E, Fingerhut BP, Nibbering ET, Elsaesser T. The Hydrated Excess Proton in the Zundel Cation H5 O2 (+) : The Role of Ultrafast Solvent Fluctuations. Angewandte Chemie (International Ed. in English). PMID 27374368 DOI: 10.1002/Anie.201602523  0.432
2016 Daschakraborty S, Kiefer PM, Miller Y, Motro Y, Pines D, Pines E, Hynes JT. Reaction Mechanism for Direct Proton Transfer from Carbonic Acid to a Strong Base in Aqueous Solution I: Acid and Base Coordinate and Charge Dynamics. The Journal of Physical Chemistry. B. PMID 26879554 DOI: 10.1021/Acs.Jpcb.5B12742  0.44
2016 Daschakraborty S, Kiefer PM, Miller Y, Motro Y, Pines D, Pines E, Hynes JT. Reaction Mechanism for Direct Proton Transfer from Carbonic Acid to a Strong Base in Aqueous Solution II: Solvent Coordinate-Dependent Reaction Path. The Journal of Physical Chemistry. B. PMID 26876428 DOI: 10.1021/Acs.Jpcb.5B12744  0.487
2016 Pines D, Ditkovich J, Mukra T, Miller Y, Kiefer PM, Daschakraborty S, Hynes JT, Pines E. How Acidic is Carbonic Acid? The Journal of Physical Chemistry. B. PMID 26862781 DOI: 10.1021/Acs.Jpcb.5B12428  0.363
2016 Ditkovich J, Pines D, Pines E. Controlling reactivity by remote protonation of a basic side group in a bifunctional photoacid. Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics : Pccp. PMID 26732498 DOI: 10.1039/C5Cp07672B  0.378
2016 Dahms F, Costard R, Pines E, Fingerhut BP, Nibbering ETJ, Elsaesser T. Frontispiece: The Hydrated Excess Proton in the Zundel Cation H5O2+: The Role of Ultrafast Solvent Fluctuations Angewandte Chemie - International Edition. 55. DOI: 10.1002/Anie.201683661  0.431
2015 Ditkovich J, Mukra T, Pines D, Huppert D, Pines E. Bifunctional photoacids: remote protonation affecting chemical reactivity. The Journal of Physical Chemistry. B. 119: 2690-701. PMID 25369117 DOI: 10.1021/Jp509104X  0.376
2015 Keinan S, Pines D, Kiefer PM, Hynes JT, Pines E. Solvent-induced O-H vibration red-shifts of oxygen-acids in hydrogen-bonded O-H···base complexes. The Journal of Physical Chemistry. B. 119: 679-92. PMID 24975617 DOI: 10.1021/Jp502553R  0.454
2015 Pines D, Nibbering ETJ, Pines E. Monitoring the Microscopic Molecular Mechanisms of Proton Transfer in Acid-base Reactions in Aqueous Solutions Israel Journal of Chemistry. DOI: 10.1002/Ijch.201500057  0.433
2014 Pines D, Keinan S, Kiefer PM, Hynes JT, Pines E. Effect of Solvent Dielectric Constant and Acidity on the OH Vibration Frequency in Hydrogen-Bonded Complexes of Fluorinated Ethanols. The Journal of Physical Chemistry. B. PMID 25420059 DOI: 10.1021/Jp509914W  0.411
2014 Kiefer PM, Pines E, Pines D, Hynes JT. Solvent-induced red-shifts for the proton stretch vibrational frequency in a hydrogen-bonded complex. 1. A valence bond-based theoretical approach. The Journal of Physical Chemistry. B. 118: 8330-51. PMID 24807301 DOI: 10.1021/Jp501815J  0.449
2014 Spies C, Shomer S, Finkler B, Pines D, Pines E, Jung G, Huppert D. Solvent dependence of excited-state proton transfer from pyranine-derived photoacids. Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics : Pccp. 16: 9104-14. PMID 24700348 DOI: 10.1039/C3Cp55292F  0.411
2013 Prémont-Schwarz M, Barak T, Pines D, Nibbering ET, Pines E. Ultrafast excited-state proton-transfer reaction of 1-naphthol-3,6-disulfonate and several 5-substituted 1-naphthol derivatives. The Journal of Physical Chemistry. B. 117: 4594-603. PMID 23305373 DOI: 10.1021/Jp308746X  0.461
2013 Sigalov MV, Kalish N, Carmeli B, Pines D, Pines E. Probing small protonated water clusters in acetonitrile solutions by 1H NMR Zeitschrift Fur Physikalische Chemie. 227: 983-1007. DOI: 10.1524/Zpch.2013.0399  0.388
2011 Kalish NB, Shandalov E, Kharlanov V, Pines D, Pines E. Apparent stoichiometry of water in proton hydration and proton dehydration reactions in CH3CN/H2O solutions. The Journal of Physical Chemistry. A. 115: 4063-75. PMID 21417385 DOI: 10.1021/Jp110873T  0.386
2009 Adamczyk K, Prémont-Schwarz M, Pines D, Pines E, Nibbering ET. Real-time observation of carbonic acid formation in aqueous solution. Science (New York, N.Y.). 326: 1690-4. PMID 19965381 DOI: 10.1126/Science.1180060  0.346
2009 Munitz N, Avital Y, Pines D, Nibbering E, Pines E. Cation-enhanced deprotonation of water by a strong photobase Israel Journal of Chemistry. 49: 261-272. DOI: 10.1560/Ijc.49.2.261  0.469
2009 Adamczyk K, Dreyer J, Pines D, Pines E, Nibbering E. Ultrafast protonation of cyanate anion in aqueous solution Israel Journal of Chemistry. 49: 217-225. DOI: 10.1560/Ijc.49.2.217  0.467
2009 Likhtenshtein GI, Pines D, Pines E, Khutorsky V. Effect of a protein on the light energy conversion in dual fluorophore-nitroxide probes studied by ESR and fluorescence spectroscopy Applied Magnetic Resonance. 35: 459-472. DOI: 10.1007/S00723-009-0177-1  0.356
2009 Pines E. Foreword by the Guest Editor: Proton and H Transfer Reactions Israel Journal of Chemistry. 49. DOI: 10.1002/Ijch.5680490201  0.39
2009 Pines E. UV‐Visible Spectra and Photoacidity of Phenols, Naphthols and Pyrenols Patai's Chemistry of Functional Groups. 491-527. DOI: 10.1002/9780470682531.Pat0283  0.437
2007 Mohammed OF, Pines D, Nibbering ET, Pines E. Base-induced solvent switches in acid-base reactions. Angewandte Chemie (International Ed. in English). 46: 1458-61. PMID 17212371 DOI: 10.1002/Anie.200603383  0.318
2007 Pines D, Nibbering ETJ, Pines E. Relaxation to equilibrium following photoacid dissociation in mineral acids and buffer solutions Journal of Physics Condensed Matter. 19. DOI: 10.1088/0953-8984/19/6/065134  0.354
2007 Mohammed OF, Pines D, Pines E, Nibbering ETJ. Aqueous bimolecular proton transfer in acid-base neutralization Chemical Physics. 341: 240-257. DOI: 10.1016/J.Chemphys.2007.06.040  0.47
2005 Mohammed OF, Pines D, Dreyer J, Pines E, Nibbering ET. Sequential proton transfer through water bridges in acid-base reactions. Science (New York, N.Y.). 310: 83-6. PMID 16210532 DOI: 10.1126/Science.1117756  0.487
2005 Mohammed OF, Dreyer J, Magnes BZ, Pines E, Nibbering ET. Solvent-dependent photoacidity state of pyranine monitored by transient mid-infrared spectroscopy. Chemphyschem : a European Journal of Chemical Physics and Physical Chemistry. 6: 625-36. PMID 15881578 DOI: 10.1002/Cphc.200400510  0.43
2005 Nibbering ET, Fidder H, Pines E. Ultrafast chemistry: using time-resolved vibrational spectroscopy for interrogation of structural dynamics. Annual Review of Physical Chemistry. 56: 337-67. PMID 15796704 DOI: 10.1146/Annurev.Physchem.56.092503.141314  0.434
2004 Rini M, Pines D, Magnes BZ, Pines E, Nibbering ET. Bimodal proton transfer in acid-base reactions in water. The Journal of Chemical Physics. 121: 9593-610. PMID 15538881 DOI: 10.1063/1.1804172  0.483
2004 Pines E, Pines D, Ma YZ, Fleming GR. Femtosecond pump-probe measurements of solvation by hydrogen-bonding interactions. Chemphyschem : a European Journal of Chemical Physics and Physical Chemistry. 5: 1315-27. PMID 15499848 DOI: 10.1002/Cphc.200301004  0.674
2004 Magnes BZ, Pines D, Strashnikova N, Pines E. Hydrogen-bonding interactions of photoacids: Correlation of optical solvatochromism with IR absorption spectra Solid State Ionics. 168: 225-233. DOI: 10.1016/J.Ssi.2003.02.001  0.367
2004 Rini M, Mohammed OF, Magnes BZ, Pines E, Nibbering ETJ. Bimodal intermolecular proton transfer in water. photoacid-base pairs studied with ultrafast infrared spectroscopy Femtochemistry and Femtobiology: Ultrafast Events in Molecular Science. 189-192. DOI: 10.1016/B978-044451656-5/50037-2  0.363
2004 Pines E, Pines D, Ma YZ, Fleming GR. Femtosecond solvation dynamics of hydrogen-bonding complexes Femtochemistry and Femtobiology: Ultrafast Events in Molecular Science. 185-188. DOI: 10.1016/B978-044451656-5/50036-0  0.47
2004 Mohammed OF, Rini M, Dreyer J, Magnes B-, Pines D, Nibbering ETJ, Pines E. Bimodal intermolecular proton transfer in acid-base neutralization reactions in water Springer Series in Chemical Physics. 79: 448-452. DOI: 10.1007/3-540-27213-5_137  0.491
2004 Pines D, Pines E, Ma YZ, Fleming GR. Femtosecond pump-probe measurements of solvation dynamics of hydrogen-bonding complexes in non-associating solvents Springer Series in Chemical Physics. 79: 425-427. DOI: 10.1007/3-540-27213-5_131  0.685
2003 Rini M, Magnes BZ, Pines E, Nibbering ET. Real-time observation of bimodal proton transfer in acid-base pairs in water. Science (New York, N.Y.). 301: 349-52. PMID 12869756 DOI: 10.1126/Science.1085762  0.492
2003 Pines D, Pines E, Rettig W. Dual fluorescence and excited-state structural relaxations in donor-acceptor stilbenes Journal of Physical Chemistry A. 107: 236-242. DOI: 10.1021/Jp013171E  0.361
2002 Zamai M, Hariharan C, Pines D, Safran M, Yayon A, Caiolfa VR, Cohen-Luria R, Pines E, Parola AH. Nature of Interaction between basic fibroblast growth factor and the antiangiogenic drug 7,7-(carbonyl-bis[imino-N-methyl-4,2-pyrrolecarbonylimino[N-methyl-4,2-pyrrole]-carbonylimino])-bis-(1,3-naphtalene disulfonate). II. Removal of polar interactions affects protein folding. Biophysical Journal. 82: 2652-64. PMID 11964252 DOI: 10.1016/S0006-3495(02)75607-5  0.306
2002 Erez T, Gdalevsky GY, Hariharan C, Pines D, Pines E, Phillips RS, Cohen-Luria R, Parola AH. Cold-induced enzyme inactivation: how does cooling lead to pyridoxal phosphate-aldimine bond cleavage in tryptophanase? Biochimica Et Biophysica Acta. 1594: 335-40. PMID 11904229 DOI: 10.1016/S0167-4838(01)00325-9  0.326
2001 Pines D, Pines E. Direct observation of power-law behavior in the asymptotic relaxation to equilibrium of a reversible bimolecular reaction Journal of Chemical Physics. 115: 951-953. DOI: 10.1063/1.1379572  0.305
2001 Pines E, Magnes BZ, Barak T. On-contact quenching of 1-naphtholate by geminate protons Journal of Physical Chemistry A. 105: 9674-9680. DOI: 10.1021/Jp0045134  0.362
2000 Zhao Y, Cohen J, Khutorsky V, Strashnikova N, Pines E, Priel Z. Demonstration of structure-selective binding of organic cations to anionic polyelectrolytes Journal of Photochemistry and Photobiology a-Chemistry. 133: 197-204. DOI: 10.1016/S1010-6030(00)00233-1  0.346
1999 Magnes B, Strashnikova NV, Pines E. Evidence for 1La, 1Lb Dual State Emission in 1‐naphthol and 1‐methoxynaphthalene Fluorescence in Liquid Solutions Israel Journal of Chemistry. 39: 361-373. DOI: 10.1002/Ijch.199900042  0.424
1998 Zamai M, Caiolfa VR, Pines D, Pines E, Parola AH. Nature of interaction between basic fibroblast growth factor and the antiangiogenic drug 7,7-(Carbonyl-bis[imino-N-methyl-4, 2-pyrrolecarbonylimino[N-methyl-4,2-pyrrole]-carbonylimino] )bis-(1, 3-naphthalene disulfonate). Biophysical Journal. 75: 672-82. PMID 9675169 DOI: 10.1016/S0006-3495(98)77557-5  0.319
1998 Barrash-Shiftan N, Brauer B(, Pines E. Solvent dependence of pyranine fluorescence and UV‐visible absorption spectra Journal of Physical Organic Chemistry. 11: 743-750. DOI: 10.1002/(Sici)1099-1395(1998100)11:10<743::Aid-Poc39>3.0.Co;2-H  0.326
1997 Papper V, Pines D, Likhtenshtein G, Pines E. Photophysical characterization of trans-4,4′-disubstituted stilbenes Journal of Photochemistry and Photobiology a-Chemistry. 111: 87-96. DOI: 10.1016/S1010-6030(97)00234-7  0.356
1997 Pines E, Magnes B, Lang MJ, Fleming GR. Direct measurement of intrinsic proton transfer rates in diffusion-controlled reactions Chemical Physics Letters. 281: 413-420. DOI: 10.1016/S0009-2614(97)01245-1  0.659
1994 Pines E, Fleming GR. Self quenching of 1-naphthol. Connection between time-resolved and steady-state measurements Chemical Physics. 183: 393-402. DOI: 10.1016/0301-0104(94)00098-0  0.504
1993 Pines E, Fleming GR. Kinetic Basicities of Aqueous Binary Mixtures: A Surprisingly Good Linear Correlation with the Gas Phase Basicity of the Organic Cosolvent Israel Journal of Chemistry. 33: 179-181. DOI: 10.1002/Ijch.199300022  0.572
1992 Hansen JE, Pines E, Fleming GR. Excited-state proton transfer of protonated 1-aminopyrene complexes with .beta.-cyclodextrin The Journal of Physical Chemistry. 96: 6904-6910. DOI: 10.1021/J100196A011  0.681
1992 Agmon N, Huppert D, Masad A, Pines E. Excited-state proton transfer to methanol-water mixtures [Erratum to document cited in CA115(25):279306r] The Journal of Physical Chemistry. 96: 2020-2020. DOI: 10.1021/J100183A090  0.383
1992 Goldberg SY, Pines E, Huppert D. Proton scavenging in photoacid geminate recombination processes Chemical Physics Letters. 192: 77-81. DOI: 10.1016/0009-2614(92)85431-9  0.457
1991 Pines E, Fleming GR. Proton transfer in mixed water-organic solvent solutions: correlation between rate, equilibrium constant, and the proton free energy of transfer The Journal of Physical Chemistry. 95: 10448-10457. DOI: 10.1021/J100178A036  0.572
1991 Agmon N, Huppert D, Masad A, Pines E. Excited-state proton transfer to methanol-water mixtures The Journal of Physical Chemistry. 95: 10407-10413. DOI: 10.1021/J100178A030  0.47
1991 Pines E, Huppert D, Agmon N. Salt effects on steady-state quantum yields of ultrafast, diffusion-influenced, reversible photoacid dissociation reactions The Journal of Physical Chemistry. 95: 666-674. DOI: 10.1021/J100155A032  0.379
1988 Pines E, Huppert D, Agmon N. Geminate recombination in excited-state proton-transfer reactions: Numerical solution of the Debye-Smoluchowski equation with backreaction and comparison with experimental results Journal of Chemical Physics. 88: 5620-5630. DOI: 10.1063/1.454572  0.389
1986 Pines E, Huppert D. Observation of geminate recombination in excited state proton transfer Journal of Chemical Physics. 84: 3576-3577. DOI: 10.1063/1.450246  0.411
1986 Pines E, Huppert D, Gutman M, Nachliel N, Fishman M. The pOH jump: determination of deprotonation rates of water by 6-methoxyquinoline and acridine The Journal of Physical Chemistry. 90: 6366-6370. DOI: 10.1021/J100281A061  0.322
1986 Pines E, Huppert D. Geminate recombination proton-transfer reactions Chemical Physics Letters. 126: 88-91. DOI: 10.1016/0009-2614(86)85121-1  0.432
1985 Pines E, Huppert D. Kinetics of proton transfer in ice via the pH-jump method: Evaluation of the proton diffusion rate in polycrystalline doped ice Chemical Physics Letters. 116: 295-301. DOI: 10.1016/0009-2614(85)80172-X  0.339
1981 Gutman M, Huppert D, Pines E, Nachliel E. Probing the micelle/water interface by a rapid laser-induced proton pulse. Biochimica Et Biophysica Acta. 642: 15-26. PMID 7225376 DOI: 10.1016/0005-2736(81)90133-4  0.421
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