Michael Menaker

University of Virginia, Charlottesville, VA 
Circadian rhythms
"Michael Menaker"
Cross-listing: Neurotree


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Colin Pittendrigh grad student 1960 Princeton
 (Persistent endogenous rhythms of body temperature in hibernating bats)


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Carl Hirschie Johnson research assistant 1973-1976 Vanderbilt (Neurotree)
Michael A. Benneyworth research assistant 1998-2001 UVA (Neurotree)
Gregory Cahill grad student University of Oregon (Neurotree)
Vincent Cassone grad student University of Kentucky (Neurotree)
Chris S. Colwell grad student UVA (Neurotree)
Gianluca Curtolo grad student UVA (Neurotree)
Frederick Davis grad student UT Austin (Neurotree)
Arnold Eskin grad student UVA (Neurotree)
Pinar Pezuk grad student UVA (Neurotree)
Ignacio Provencio grad student (Neurotree)
Herbert Underwood grad student UVA (Neurotree)
Heidi E. Hamm grad student 1980 UT Austin (Chemistry Tree)
Joseph S. Takahashi grad student 1981 University of Oregon
Martin R. Ralph grad student 1982-1986 University of Oregon
Christopher Cleaves Chabot grad student 1983-1990 UVA (Neurotree)
Paul A. Bartell grad student 2001 UVA (Neurotree)
Ashli F. Moore grad student 2005-2011 UVA (Neurotree)
Russell G. Foster post-doc UVA
Jennifer A. Mohawk post-doc UVA
Fred Turek post-doc UT Austin (Neurotree)
Shin Yamazaki post-doc UVA (Neurotree)
Michael S. Grace post-doc 1992-1996 University of Viginia (Neurotree)
Alec J. Davidson post-doc 2001-2006 UVA (Neurotree)
Michael T. Sellix post-doc 2007-2011 UVA (Neurotree)
BETA: Related publications


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Moraes MN, Mezzalira N, de Assis LV, et al. (2016) TRPV1 participates in the activation of clock molecular machinery in the brown adipose tissue in response to light-dark cycle. Biochimica Et Biophysica Acta
Doyle SE, Feng H, Garber G, et al. (2015) Effects of circadian disruption on methamphetamine consumption in methamphetamine-exposed rats. Psychopharmacology. 232: 2169-79
van der Vinne V, Riede SJ, Gorter JA, et al. (2014) Cold and hunger induce diurnality in a nocturnal mammal. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America. 111: 15256-60
Menaker M. (2014) Neurobiology: the eye within the brain. Current Biology : Cb. 24: R613-5
Murphy ZC, Pezuk P, Menaker M, et al. (2013) Effects of ovarian hormones on internal circadian organization in rats. Biology of Reproduction. 89: 35
Gerkema MP, Davies WI, Foster RG, et al. (2013) The nocturnal bottleneck and the evolution of activity patterns in mammals. Proceedings. Biological Sciences / the Royal Society. 280: 20130508
Mohawk JA, Pezuk P, Menaker M. (2013) Methamphetamine and dopamine receptor D1 regulate entrainment of murine circadian oscillators. Plos One. 8: e62463
Menaker M, Murphy ZC, Sellix MT. (2013) Central control of peripheral circadian oscillators. Current Opinion in Neurobiology. 23: 741-6
Sellix MT, Murphy ZC, Menaker M. (2013) Excess androgen during puberty disrupts circadian organization in female rats. Endocrinology. 154: 1636-47
Sellix MT, Evans JA, Leise TL, et al. (2012) Aging differentially affects the re-entrainment response of central and peripheral circadian oscillators. The Journal of Neuroscience : the Official Journal of the Society For Neuroscience. 32: 16193-202
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