Michael Gagarin

Classics University of Texas at Austin, Austin, Texas, U.S.A. 
Classical Literature
"Michael Gagarin"
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Gagarin M. (2012) Law, politics, and the question of relevance in the case on the Crown Classical Antiquity. 31: 293-314
Gagarin M. (2003) Telling stories in Athenian law Transactions of the American Philological Association. 133: 197-207
Gagarin M. (2000) GREEK ORATORY S. Usher: Greek Oratory: Tradition and Originality . Pp. xi + 388. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1999. Cased, £55. ISBN: 0-19-815074-1. Classical Review. 50: 422
Gagarin M. (1996) The Justice of the Greeks. Raphael Sealey Classical Philology. 91: 276-281
Gagarin M. (1996) The torture of slaves in Athenian law Classical Philology. 91: 1-18
Gagarin M, Carmichael CM. (1986) Law and Narrative in the Bible: The Evidence of the Deuteronomic Laws and the Decalogue Classical World. 80: 55
Lateiner D, Gagarin M. (1983) Drakon and Early Athenian Homicide Law American Journal of Philology. 104: 404
Gagarin M. (1981) The Thesmothetai and the Earliest Athenian Tyranny Law Transactions of the American Philological Association. 111: 71
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