Samantha K. Ammons, Ph.D.
Affiliations: | 2008 | University of Minnesota, Twin Cities, Minneapolis, MN |
Organizational, Individual and Family StudiesGoogle:
"Samantha Ammons"Parents
Sign in to add mentorPhyllis Moen | grad student | 2008 | UMN | |
(Boundaries at work: A study of work -family boundary stability within a large organization.) |
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Ammons SK, Dahlin EC, Edgell P, et al. (2016) Work–family conflict among Black, White, and Hispanic men and women Community, Work and Family. 1-26 |
Ammons SK. (2013) Work-family boundary strategies: Stability and alignment between preferred and enacted boundaries. Journal of Vocational Behavior. 82: 49-58 |
Moen P, Lam J, Ammons S, et al. (2013) Time Work by Overworked Professionals: Strategies in Response to the Stress of Higher Status. Work and Occupations. 40: 79-114 |
Edgell P, Ammons SK, Dahlin EC. (2012) Making Ends Meet: Insufficiency and Work-Family Coordination in the New Economy Journal of Family Issues. 33: 999-1026 |
Kelly EL, Ammons SK, Chermack K, et al. (2010) GENDERED CHALLENGE, GENDERED RESPONSE: Confronting the Ideal Worker Norm in a White-Collar Organization. Gender & Society : Official Publication of Sociologists For Women in Society. 24: 281-303 |
Ammons SK, Kelly EL. (2008) Social class and the experience of work-family conflict during the transition to adulthood. New Directions For Child and Adolescent Development. 71-84 |
Ammons SK, Edgell P. (2007) Religious influences on work-family trade-offs Journal of Family Issues. 28: 794-826 |
Ammons S. (2006) Work and Life Integration: Organizational, Cultural and Individual Perspectives Contemporary Sociology. 35: 263-265 |
Ammons SK, Markham WT. (2004) Working at home: Experiences of skilled white collar workers Sociological Spectrum. 24: 191-238 |