Cesar Carrasco

Civil Engineering University of Texas at El Paso, El Paso, TX, United States 
Civil Engineering
"Cesar Carrasco"
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Arrieta E, Haque M, Mireles J, et al. (2018) Mechanical Behavior of Differently Oriented Electron Beam Melting Ti–6Al–4V Components Using Digital Image Correlation Journal of Engineering Materials and Technology. 141
Zokaei-Ashtiani A, Tirado C, Carrasco C, et al. (2016) Impact of different approaches to modelling rigid pavement base layers on slab curling stresses International Journal of Pavement Engineering. 17: 861-869
Zokaei-Ashtiani A, Carrasco C, Nazarian S. (2014) Finite element modeling of slab-foundation interaction on rigid pavement applications Computers and Geotechnics. 62: 118-127
Zokaei-Ashtiani MA, Tirado C, Carrasco C, et al. (2013) Modeling of Slab-Foundation Friction in Jointed Concrete Pavements Under Nonlinear Thermal Gradient or Traffic Loads Transportation Research Record. 2367: 123-131
Carrasco C, Limouee M, Tirado C, et al. (2011) Development of NYSLAB Transportation Research Record. 2227: 107-115
Eftis J, Carrasco C, Osegueda RA. (2001) Simulations of Hypervelocity Impact Damage and Fracture of Aluminum Targets Using a Constitutive-microdamage Material Model,' International Journal of Impact Engineering. 26: 157-168
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