John Tyson, Ph.D.
Affiliations: | Biology | Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University, Blacksburg, VA, United States |
cell cycle modelingGoogle:
"John Tyson"Children
Sign in to add traineeChristian I. Hong | grad student | Virginia Tech | |
Laurence Calzone | grad student | 2003 | Virginia Tech |
Jason W. Zwolak | grad student | 2004 | Virginia Tech |
Shenghua Li | grad student | 2008 | Virginia Tech |
Tongli Zhang | grad student | 2008 | Virginia Tech |
Yan Fu | grad student | 2012 | Virginia Tech |
Iman Tavassoly | grad student | 2009-2013 | Virginia Tech |
Attila Csikász-Nagy | post-doc | ||
Debashis Barik | post-doc | 2007-2010 | Virginia Tech (Chemistry Tree) |
Sandip Kar | post-doc | 2007-2010 | Virginia Tech (Chemistry Tree) |
Sign in to add collaboratorBéla Novák | collaborator | ||
Jianhua Xing | collaborator | (Chemistry Tree) |
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Novák B, Tyson JJ. (2024) The bistable mitotic switch in fission yeast. Molecular Biology of the Cell. mbcE24030142 |
Dragoi CM, Kaur E, Barr AR, et al. (2024) The oscillation of mitotic kinase governs cell cycle latches in mammalian cells. Journal of Cell Science |
Xu C, Tyson JJ, Cao Y. (2023) Turing-pattern model of scaffolding proteins that establish spatial asymmetry during the cell cycle of . Iscience. 26: 106513 |
Laomettachit T, Kraikivski P, Tyson JJ. (2022) A continuous-time stochastic Boolean model provides a quantitative description of the budding yeast cell cycle. Scientific Reports. 12: 20302 |
Tyson JJ, Novák B. (2022) Time-keeping and decision-making in the cell cycle. Interface Focus. 12: 20210075 |
Novak B, Tyson JJ. (2022) Mitotic kinase oscillation governs the latching of cell cycle switches. Current Biology : Cb |
Tyson JJ. (2022) From the Belousov-Zhabotinsky reaction to biochemical clocks, traveling waves and cell cycle regulation. The Biochemical Journal. 479: 185-206 |
Zhang T, Tyson JJ. (2022) Understanding virtual patients efficiently and rigorously by combining machine learning with dynamical modelling. Journal of Pharmacokinetics and Pharmacodynamics |
Weston BR, Tyson JJ, Cao Y. (2021) Computational modeling of unphosphorylated CtrA: binding in the cell cycle. Iscience. 24: 103413 |
Novák B, Tyson JJ. (2021) Computational modelling of chromosome re-replication in mutant strains of fission yeast. Molecular Biology of the Cell. mbcE20090610 |