Jeffrey C. Leiter

North Carolina State University, Raleigh, NC 
Social Structure and Development, Theory and Methods, General Economics
"Jeffrey Leiter"


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Noor M. Islam grad student 2001 NCSU
Katherine A. Hyde grad student 2002 NCSU
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Solebello N, Tschirhart M, Leiter J. (2016) The paradox of inclusion and exclusion in membership associations Human Relations. 69: 439-460
Buck A, Seale E, Leiter J, et al. (2011) Differentiation and Integration of Welfare-to-Work Service Delivery in North Carolina Administration in Social Work. 35: 475-493
Leiter J. (2005) Structural Isomorphism in Australian Nonprofit Organizations Voluntas. 16: 1-31
Tomaskovic-Devey D, Leiter J, Thompson S. (1995) Item Nonresponse in Organizational Surveys Sociological Methodology. 25: 77
Tomaskovic-Devey D, Leiter J, Thompson S. (1994) Organizational Survey Nonresponse Administrative Science Quarterly. 39: 439
Leiter J. (1994) The Wages of Aging: Time‐Related Determinants of Earnings in the Southern Textile Industry* Sociological Inquiry. 64: 69-90
Zingraff R, Leiter J. (1993) Union Membership and Perceived Powerlessness in Southern US Textiles The Sociological Review. 41: 112-140
Leiter J. (1986) Reactions to Subordination: Attitudes of Southern Textile Workers Social Forces. 64: 948-974
Leiter J. (1985) Work Alienation in the Textile Industry: Reassessing Blauner Work and Occupations. 12: 479-498
Leiter J. (1982) Continuity And Change In The Legitimation Of Authority In Southern Mill Towns Social Problems. 29: 540-550
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