Qinxin Pan

Dartmouth College, Hanover, NH, United States 
"Qinxin Pan"


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Jason H. Moore grad student 2014 Dartmouth
 (Integration of Machine Learning, Network Science and Pathway Analysis in Genetic Epidemiology.)
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Li M, Chen L, Tian S, et al. (2016) Comprehensive variation discovery and recovery of missing sequence in the pig genome using multiple de novo assemblies. Genome Research
Ciesielski TH, Pendergrass SA, White MJ, et al. (2014) Diverse convergent evidence in the genetic analysis of complex disease: coordinating omic, informatic, and experimental evidence to better identify and validate risk factors. Biodata Mining. 7: 10
Hu T, Pan Q, Andrew AS, et al. (2014) Functional genomics annotation of a statistical epistasis network associated with bladder cancer susceptibility. Biodata Mining. 7: 5
Pan Q, Hu T, Malley JD, et al. (2014) A system-level pathway-phenotype association analysis using synthetic feature random forest. Genetic Epidemiology. 38: 209-19
Pan Q, Hu T, Moore JH. (2013) Epistasis, complexity, and multifactor dimensionality reduction. Methods in Molecular Biology (Clifton, N.J.). 1019: 465-77
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