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Russo FF, Nowatzky Y, Jaeger C, et al. (2024) Machine learning methods for compound annotation in non-targeted mass spectrometry-A brief overview of fingerprinting, in silico fragmentation and de novo methods. Rapid Communications in Mass Spectrometry : Rcm. 38: e9876 |
Arikan M, Muth T. (2024) gNOMO2: a comprehensive and modular pipeline for integrated multi-omics analyses of microbiomes. Gigascience. 13 |
Holstein T, Muth T. (2024) Bioinformatic Workflows for Metaproteomics. Methods in Molecular Biology (Clifton, N.J.). 2820: 187-213 |
Holstein T, Kistner F, Martens L, et al. (2023) PepGM: a probabilistic graphical model for taxonomic inference of viral proteome samples with associated confidence scores. Bioinformatics (Oxford, England). 39 |
Van Den Bossche T, Arntzen MØ, Becher D, et al. (2021) The Metaproteomics Initiative: a coordinated approach for propelling the functional characterization of microbiomes. Microbiome. 9: 243 |
Van Den Bossche T, Kunath BJ, Schallert K, et al. (2021) Critical Assessment of MetaProteome Investigation (CAMPI): a multi-laboratory comparison of established workflows. Nature Communications. 12: 7305 |
Muñoz-Benavent M, Hartkopf F, Van Den Bossche T, et al. (2020) Erratum: gNOMO: a multi-omics pipeline for integrated host and microbiome analysis of non-model organisms. Nar Genomics and Bioinformatics. 2: lqaa083 |
Muñoz-Benavent M, Hartkopf F, Van Den Bossche T, et al. (2020) gNOMO: a multi-omics pipeline for integrated host and microbiome analysis of non-model organisms. Nar Genomics and Bioinformatics. 2: lqaa058 |
Anzt H, Bach F, Druskat S, et al. (2020) An environment for sustainable research software in Germany and beyond: current state, open challenges, and call for action. F1000research. 9: 295 |
Sajulga R, Easterly C, Riffle M, et al. (2020) Survey of metaproteomics software tools for functional microbiome analysis. Plos One. 15: e0241503 |