Alexander S Bradley

2012 Harvard University, Cambridge, MA, United States 
 2012- Washington University, Saint Louis, St. Louis, MO 
"Alexander Bradley"
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Leavitt WD, Waldbauer J, Venceslau SS, et al. (2024) Energy flux couples sulfur isotope fractionation to proteomic and metabolite profiles in Desulfovibrio vulgaris. Geobiology. 22: e12600
Smith DA, Fike DA, Johnston DT, et al. (2020) Isotopic Fractionation Associated With Sulfate Import and Activation by str. Hildenborough. Frontiers in Microbiology. 11: 529317
Bertran E, Waldeck A, Wing BA, et al. (2020) Oxygen isotope effects during microbial sulfate reduction: applications to sediment cell abundances. The Isme Journal
McClelland HLO, Jones C, Chubiz LM, et al. (2020) Direct Observation of the Dynamics of Single-Cell Metabolic Activity during Microbial Diauxic Growth. Mbio. 11
Beeler SR, Gomez FJ, Bradley AS. (2020) Controls of extreme isotopic enrichment in modern microbialites and associated abiogenic carbonates Geochimica Et Cosmochimica Acta. 269: 136-149
Leavitt WD, Venceslau SS, Waldbauer J, et al. (2019) Proteomic and Isotopic Response of to DsrC Perturbation. Frontiers in Microbiology. 10: 658
Rose CV, Webb SM, Newville M, et al. (2019) Insights into past ocean proxies from micron-scale mapping of sulfur species in carbonates Geology. 47: 833-837
Richardson JA, Keating C, Lepland A, et al. (2019) Silurian records of carbon and sulfur cycling from Estonia: The importance of depositional environment on isotopic trends Earth and Planetary Science Letters. 512: 71-82
Raven MR, Fike DA, Bradley AS, et al. (2019) Paired organic matter and pyrite δ34S records reveal mechanisms of carbon, sulfur, and iron cycle disruption during Ocean Anoxic Event 2 Earth and Planetary Science Letters. 512: 27-38
Bryant RN, Jones C, Raven MR, et al. (2018) Sulfur isotope analysis of microcrystalline iron sulfides using SIMS imaging: Extracting local paleo-environmental information from modern and ancient sediments. Rapid Communications in Mass Spectrometry : Rcm
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