Mayumi Seto

Nara Women's University 
"Mayumi Seto"
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Seto M, Iwasa Y. (2020) Microbial material cycling, energetic constraints and ecosystem expansion in subsurface ecosystems. Proceedings. Biological Sciences. 287: 20200610
Seto M, Iwasa Y. (2019) The fitness of chemotrophs increases when their catabolic by-products are consumed by other species. Ecology Letters
Seto M, Iwasa Y. (2019) Population dynamics of chemotrophs in anaerobic conditions where the metabolic energy acquisition per redox reaction is limited. Journal of Theoretical Biology
Seto M, Takamura N, Iwasa Y. (2013) Individual and combined suppressive effects of submerged and floating-leaved macrophytes on algal blooms. Journal of Theoretical Biology. 319: 122-33
Seto M, Iwasa Y. (2011) Regime shift and robustness of organism-created environments: A model for microbial ecosystems. Journal of Theoretical Biology. 269: 297-306
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