Reto Wyss

ETH/Uni Zurich, Zürich, Zürich, Switzerland 
Visual system, computational modeling
"Reto Wyss"
Cross-listing: Neurotree


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Rodney J. Douglas grad student 2000-2003 ETH/Uni Zurich (Neurotree)
BETA: Related publications


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Eng K, Klein D, Bäbler A, et al. (2003) Design for a brain revisited: the neuromorphic design and functionality of the interactive space 'Ada'. Reviews in the Neurosciences. 14: 145-80
Eng K, Bäbler A, Bernardet U, et al. (2003) Ada-intelligent space: An artificial creature for the Swiss Expo.02 Proceedings - Ieee International Conference On Robotics and Automation. 3: 4154-4159
Eng K, Bäbler A, Bernardet U, et al. (2002) Ada: Constructing a synthetic organism Ieee International Conference On Intelligent Robots and Systems. 2: 1808-1813
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