Massachusetts Institute of Technology

Name Area Department Start Year Stop Year Advisor
Harold Abelson1973 Dennis Sullivan (grad student)
Hal Abelson
Anant Agarwal
Jonathan AllenAI, NLP
Saman AmarasingheProgramming Languages, Compilers, Domain Specific Languages, Optimization
Raj AmirtharajahElectronics and Electrical Engineering, Computer Science1999 Anantha Chandrakasan (grad student)
David G. Andersen2004 Hari Balakrishnan (grad student)
Jason Ansel EECS2014 Saman Amarasinghe (grad student)
Edward Arthurs William K. Linvill (grad student)
Ferhat AyComputer Engineering, Computer Science, Bioinformatics Biology Manolis Kellis (grad student)
Hari BalakrishnanNetworked computer systems, wireless networks, network architecture, mobile computing
Joseph J. BeamanMechanical Engineering, Computer Science1978 J. Karl Hedrick (grad student)
Mihir BellareComputer Science Computer Science19881991 Silvio Micali (grad student)
Yoshua BengioComputer Science Michael I. Jordan (post-doc)
Michael Bernstein EECS EECS20062012 David Karger (grad student), Robert C. Miller (grad student)
Margrit BetkeComputer Science1995 Ronald L. Rivest (grad student)
Vicki M. BierOperations Research, Computer Science1983 Alvin William Drake (grad student)
Julian Bigelowcomputer engineering1943 Norbert Wiener (research scientist)
Manuel Blum1964 Marvin L. Minsky (grad student)
Katherine Louise BoumanEvent Horizon Telescope project2017 William T. Freeman (grad student)
Michael BradyInformation Engineering
Douglass V. Brown
Derek Bruening EECS2004 Saman Amarasinghe (grad student)
Joanna Bryson Lynn Andrea Stein (grad student)
Vannevar BushApplied physics, electrical engineering, science administration1916 Dugald C. Jackson (grad student), Arthur Edwin Kennelly (grad student)
Samuel H. Caldwell1933 Vannevar Bush (grad student)
John F. CannyHuman-Computer Interaction (HCI); Artificial Intelligence (AI); Control, Intelligent Systems, and Robotics (CIR); Graphics (GR); Security (SEC) Computer Science Tomás Lozano-Pérez (grad student)
L Richard CarleyElectricity and Magnetism Physics, Computer Science1984 Stephen A. Raymond (grad student)
Seth ChaikenComputer Science1980 Daniel J. Kleitman (grad student)
Alessandro ChiesaSecurity (SEC); Theory (THY)2014 Silvio Micali (grad student)
Samuel ChiuIndustrial Engineering, Operations Research, Computer Science1982 Richard Charles Larson (grad student)
Stephen Chou EECS2022 Saman Amarasinghe (grad student)
Tanzeem ChoudhuryComputer Science Media Lab19992004 Alex Pentland (grad student)
Jhih-Wei ChuChemical Engineering, Computer Science Bernhardt L. Trout (grad student)
Mark A. ClementsElectronics and Electrical Engineering, Computer Science1982 Louis D. Braida (grad student)
Andrea Colaco2014 Vivek K. Goyal (grad student)
Claude CrepeauComputer Science1990 Silvio Micali (grad student)
David E. CullerComputer Architecture & Engineering (ARC); Energy (ENE); Operating Systems & Networking (OSNT); Programming Systems (PS); Security (SEC); Parallel architecture; High-performance networks; Workstation clusters Computer Science Arvind ("Arvind") Mithal (grad student)
Ottavio D'Antona Mathematics19771979 Gian-Carlo Rota (grad student)
Erik D. DemaineMathematics, Computer Science
Peter J. Denning1968 Jack Bonnell Dennis (grad student)
Julie Dorsey
Jon DoyleComputer Science Gerald Jay Sussman (grad student)
Ron Dror Edward H. Adelson (grad student)
Peter EliasComputer Science
Michael A. ErdmannComputer Science1989 Tomás Lozano-Pérez (grad student)
Jason Ernstcomputational biology; bioinformatics; machine learning Manolis Kellis (post-doc)
Krzysztof J. FidkowskiAerospace Engineering, Applied Mathematics, Computer Science David Louis Darmofal (grad student)
José M. Fonseca de MouraElectronics and Electrical Engineering, Biomedical Engineering, Computer Science1975 Harry L. Van Trees (grad student), Arthur Bernard Baggeroer (grad student)
Kenneth D. ForbusComputer Science, Cognitive Psychology Gerald Jay Sussman (grad student)
Forgot F. Forgot
Lance FortnowComputer Science Michael Sipser (grad student)
Matthew Frank EECS2003 Saman Amarasinghe (grad student)
William T. FreemanComputer vision1992 Edward H. Adelson (grad student)
Kevin Fu Electrical Engineering and Computer Science Electrical Engineering and Computer Science19992005 Ronald L. Rivest (grad student), M. Frans (Marinus) Kaashoek (grad student)
Eliezer Gafnidistributed algorithms; mathematical programming with application to data networks; computer science theory1982 Dimitri Panteli Bertsekas (grad student)
Robert G. Gallagerdata networks1960 Peter Elias (grad student)
Robert C. Gammill1969 Edward Norton Lorenz (grad student)
Shafi Goldwasser
Michael Gordon EECS2010 Saman Amarasinghe (grad student)
John V. Guttag
Melissa Gymrek Bioinformatics and Integrative Genomics Bioinformatics and Integrative Genomics20112016 Yaniv Erlich (grad student), Mark J. Daly (grad student)
Mohammad HajiaghayiTheoretical Computer Science2005 Erik D. Demaine (grad student)
Michael Martin Hammer1973 Michael Fischer (grad student)
D. Fox HarrellComputational narrative, Cognitive semantics
Daniel Alejandro Hashimotosurgery, computer vision, machine learning, surgical education20172019 Daniela Rus (post-doc)
Johan Håstad Shafi Goldwasser (grad student)
Milos HauskrechtComputer Science1997 Peter Szolovits (grad student)
Susan HohenbergerComputer Science Computer Science Ronald L. Rivest (grad student)
Ronald A. HowardOperations Research, Statistics, Computer Science1958 Philip M. Morse (grad student)
Joey Huchette2018 Juan P. Vielma Centeno (grad student)
David Albert Huffman1953 Samuel H. Caldwell (grad student)
Abdulrahman Y. idlbiLearning Research Media Arts & Sciences20122014 Mitchel Resnick (grad student)
Hiroshi Ishii
Michael I. Jordanmachine learning, statistics
M. Frans (Marinus) KaashoekComputer Systems, Operating systems, Distributed Systems, Security
Leslie Kaelbling
Richard Yerkes Kain1962 David Albert Huffman (grad student)
Michael Kaminsky2004 M. Frans (Marinus) Kaashoek (grad student), David Mazieres (grad student)
David Karger
Boris KatzNatural language processing, machine learning
Vladimir Kiriansky EECS2019 Saman Amarasinghe (grad student)
Ahmed Kirmani2015 Vivek K. Goyal (grad student)
Fredrik Kjolstad EECS2020 Saman Amarasinghe (grad student)
Norman Kleinberg Economics1978 Hal R. Varian (grad student)
Leonard Kleinrockqueueing theory; packet switching networks; packet radio networks; local area networks; broadband networks; nomadic computing; peer-to-peer networks; intelligent agents Edward Arthurs (grad student)
Caroline Klivans Mathematics19992003 Richard Stanley (grad student)
Konrad P. KordingMotor Control, Bayesian statistics, Normative models20042006 Joshua Tenenbaum (post-doc)
Gilbert K. Krulee1950 Douglass V. Brown (grad student)
Viktor Kuncak20002007 Martin C. Rinard (grad student)
Anshul Kundaje20122014 Manolis Kellis (research scientist)
Julius Kusuma Electrical Engineering2006 Vivek K. Goyal (grad student)
W. Eric L.
Samuel Larsen2006 Saman Amarasinghe (grad student)
Gary T. LeavensComputer Science Computer Science19821988 William Edward Weihl (grad student)
Walter Lee EECS2005 Saman Amarasinghe (grad student)
Lori LevinLinguistics Language1986 Kenneth Locke Hale (grad student)
Alexander H. LevisComputer Science1968 Michael (Athanassiades) Athans (grad student)
Yifei LiComputer Graphics, Simullation
Chong-U LimAnalytical AI and Machine Learning Tools, Player Social Identity, Novel Design and Content Generation for Games2016 D. Fox Harrell (grad student)
Richard Littauerdata science
James J. LittleComputer Vision19851988 Tomaso A. Poggio (post-doc)
Jane W. S. LiuComputer Science1968 Robert S. Kennedy (grad student)
Virginia M. Lo Robert S. Kennedy (grad student)
David C. LuckhamElectronics and Electrical Engineering, Computer Science Math1963 Hilary Whitehall Putnam (grad student)
Andrew LumsdaineComputer Science Electrical Engineering and Computer Science1992 Jacob Keaton White (grad student), John Lanier Wyatt (grad student)
Anna LysyanskayaSecurity and Cryptography Department of Computer Science and Electrical Engineering2002 Ronald L. Rivest (grad student)
Alan Breck Macnee Henry Wallman (grad student)
Tal G. MalkinCryptography, Complexity Theory, Security, Randomized Algorithms2000 Shafi Goldwasser (grad student)
Wojciech Matusik
David Mazieres2000 M. Frans (Marinus) Kaashoek (grad student)
Melissa Mazmanian Wanda Janina Orlikowski (grad student), JoAnne Yates (grad student)
Edward J. Mccluskey1956 Samuel H. Caldwell (grad student)
Drew McDermott Gerald Jay Sussman (grad student)
James McDermottGenetic programming, artificial intelligence, computer music CSAIL20102012 Una-May O'Reilly (post-doc)
Charith Mendis EECS2020 Saman Amarasinghe (grad student)
Silvio MicaliCryptography
Peyman MilanfarElectronics and Electrical Engineering, Computer Science EE Alan S. Willsky (grad student)
Robert C. Miller
Arvind ("Arvind") Mithaloperating systems
Aloysius K. MokComputer Science1983 Stephen A. Ward (grad student)
Frederic Richard MorgenthalerElectromagnetic Fields Electrical Engineering and Computer Science1960 Lan Jen Chu (grad student)
Joel Moses1967 Marvin L. Minsky (grad student), Seymour Papert (grad student)
Radhika Nagpal2001 Gerald Jay Sussman (grad student), Harold Abelson (grad student)
Bernd Neumann Informatics1971 Peter Elias (grad student), Robert G. Gallager (grad student)
Ryan Rhodes NewtonCompilers, Programming Languages, Parallelism EECS20032008 Samuel R. Madden (grad student)
Una-May O'Reilly
Rafail Ostrovskytheory of computation; cryptography and security; distributed algorithms; high-dimensional search; routing and flow control in communication networks1992 Silvio Micali (grad student)
Lior PachterBiosystems & Computational Biology (BIO); Artificial Intelligence (AI) Mathematics19941999 Bonnie Berger (grad student)
Rafael PassComputer Science2006 Silvio Micali (grad student)
Suhas Patil
Francisco Câmara PereiraMachine Learning, big data, transport modeling and prediction, Intelligent transportation systems, mobility analysis, behavior modeling
Jorge V PhillipsAI, advanced data architectures, cognitive architectures Computer Science Computer Science Suhas Patil (research assistant), Michael Leonidas Dertouzos (research assistant)
Keshav Pingalialgorithms1986 Arvind ("Arvind") Mithal (grad student)
John PinkstonComputer Science1967 Robert G. Gallager (grad student)
Nicholas PippengerComputer Science1973 Peter Elias (grad student)
Hamed PirsiavashComputer Science Electrical Engineering and Computer Science Antonio Torralba (post-doc)
Jerry L. PrinceBiomedical Engineering, Electronics and Electrical Engineering, Computer Science1988 Alan S. Willsky (grad student)
Jonathan Ragan-Kelley EECS2014 Saman Amarasinghe (grad student)
Jessica Ray EECS2023 Saman Amarasinghe (grad student)
Ilya Razenshteyn Computer Science20122017 Piotr Indyk (grad student)
Mitchel Resnick The Media Lab1992 Harold Abelson (grad student), Seymour Papert (grad student), Natalie Rusk (collaborator)
Leonid ReyzinComputer Science2001 Silvio Micali (grad student)
Joong Bum Rhim Electrical Engineering2014 Vivek K. Goyal (grad student)
Ian Burton Rhodes
Charles Rich
David Michael Ritchie Park1964 Hartley Rogers, Jr. (grad student)
Ronald L. Rivest
Lawrence Gilman Roberts1963 Peter Elias (grad student)
Phillip RogawayMathematics Computer Science1991 Silvio Micali (grad student)
Charles E. RohrsElectronics and Electrical Engineering, Computer Science1982 Michael (Athanassiades) Athans (grad student), Lena S. Valavani (grad student), Robert G. Gallager (grad student)
John B. Russell1931 Vannevar Bush (grad student)
Lawrence K. SaulMachine learning, high dimensional data analysis19941996 Michael I. Jordan (post-doc), Mehran Kardar (grad student)
Martin Saveski
Jeremy SchofieldPhysical Chemistry, Computer Science Chemistry19881993 Irwin Oppenheim (grad student)
Stanley E. SclaroffComputer Science1995 Alex Pentland (grad student)
Ronald E. Scott
Charles Lewis Seitz1971 Donald Eugene Troxel (grad student)
Jay SethuramanOperations Research, Computer Science1999 Dimitris Bertsimas (grad student)
T. Metin SezginArtificial intelligence, explainable AI in deep learning, Machine Learning, computer vision, anomaly detection, intelligent user interfaces, multimodal interfaces Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science2006 Randall Davis (grad student)
Ariya Shajii EECS2021 Saman Amarasinghe (grad student)
Amnon ShashuaComputer Science, Optics Physics1993 Shimon Ullman (grad student), Tomaso A. Poggio (post-doc)
Dongeek Shin Electrical Engineering2016 Vivek K. Goyal (grad student)
Mona SinghComputational molecular biology, as well as its interface with machine learning and algorithms. EECS EECS19901995 Bonnie Berger (grad student), Ronald L. Rivest (grad student)
Donald Lee SnyderElectronic Systems and Signals Research Electrical Engineering1966 Harry L. Van Trees (grad student)
Lucio SoibelmanElectronics and Electrical Engineering, Architectural Engineering, Computer Science Feniosky P. Mora (grad student)
Armando Solar-Lezama
David SontagComputer Science Tommi S. Jaakkola (grad student)
Ellen Spertus EECS Lynn Andrea Stein (grad student)
Mandayram Srivas1982 John V. Guttag (grad student)
Daniel D. StancilElectricity and Magnetism Physics, Electronics and Electrical Engineering, Computer Science Department of Electrical Engineering1981 Frederic Richard Morgenthaler (grad student)
Thad StarnerArtificial Intelligence, Computer Science Media Lab Alex Pentland (grad student)
Lynn Andrea Stein
Clifford SteinAlgorithms, Combinatorial Optimization, Network Algorithms, Scheduling, Theory of Computation1992 David B. Shmoys (grad student)
Noah Stephens-Davidowitz
Mark Stephenson EECS2006 Saman Amarasinghe (grad student)
Richard SternElectronics and Electrical Engineering, Computer Science1977 H Steven Colburn (grad student)
Thomas E. SternOperations Research, Computer Science, Electronics and Electrical Engineering Electrical engineering1956 Ronald E. Scott (grad student)
Michael Ralph Stonebraker
John Sun Electrical Engineering2013 Vivek K. Goyal (grad student)
Gerald Jay Sussman1973 Seymour Papert (grad student), Marvin L. Minsky (grad student)
William Swartout1981 Peter Szolovits (grad student)
Latanya A. SweeneyComputer Science Computer Science19972001 Hal Abelson (grad student)
Peter Szolovits
Sasha Targmachine learning, genetics, immunology
Michael B. TaylorASIC Clouds, Dark Silicon, Tiled Processors, Specialization, Vision, Bitcoin19992007 Anant Agarwal (grad student), Saman Amarasinghe (grad student)
A. Murat TekalpImage and video processing, deep learning, video networking and services1984 John Woods (grad student)
Emre TelatarInformation Theory, Communication Theory, Coding Theory Electrical Engineering and Computer Science1992 Robert G. Gallager (grad student)
Stefanie TellexArtificial Intelligence, Machine Learning, Robotics CSAIL CSAIL Nicholas G. Roy (post-doc), Deb Roy (grad student)
Frederick E. TermanRadio engineering1924 Vannevar Bush (grad student)
Demetri Terzopouloscomputer graphics, computer vision, medical image analysis, computer-aided design, artificial life/intelligence Electrical Engineering and Computer Science1984 Shimon Ullman (grad student), Michael Brady (grad student)
Willam Thies EECS2009 Saman Amarasinghe (grad student)
Antonio TorralbaComputer Vision
Donald Eugene Troxel1962 Samuel J. Mason (grad student)
John G. Truxal1950 Ernst Adolph Guillemin (grad student)
Wei K. (Kevin) TsaiComputer Science1986 Dimitri Panteli Bertsekas (grad student)
Brygg Ullmer School of Architecture and Planning19972002 Hiroshi Ishii (grad student)
Stephen H. Ungerself-timed systems1957 David Albert Huffman (grad student)
Ozlem UzunerInformation Science, Computer Science, Bioinformatics Biology2005 Randall Davis (grad student)
Salil P. Vadhan Applied Mathematics1999 Shafi Goldwasser (grad student)
Vinod VaikuntanathanCryptography20052009 Shafi Goldwasser (grad student)
Mac Elwyn Van Valkenburgcircuit and system theory19431946 Ernst Adolph Guillemin (research assistant)
Miguel Velez-ReyesEngineering, Remote Sensing Electrical Engineering and Computer Science19851992 George C. Verghese (grad student)
Daniel Vlasiccomputer graphics
David Waltz Marvin L. Minsky (grad student)
Robert Wang2012 Jovan Popovic (grad student)
William Edward Weihldistributed systems, programming langauges Computer Science19801984 Barbara Liskov (grad student)
George M. WeinstockMolecular Biology, Genetics, Computer Science Department of Genetics19711977 David Botstein (grad student)
Daniel S. WeldComputer Science Electrical Engineering and Computer Science19841988 Tomás Lozano-Pérez (grad student)
Daniel S. Weller Electrical Engineering2012 Vivek K. Goyal (grad student)
Michael P. WellmanOperations Research, Computer Science19851988 Peter Szolovits (grad student)
Thomas Willems20112016 Yaniv Erlich (grad student)
Ryan Williams
Linda M. WillsElectronics and Electrical Engineering, Computer Science1992 Charles Rich (grad student)
Alan S. WillskyElectrical engineering1973 Wallace Earl Vander Velde (grad student)
Jeannette M. WingComputer Science1983 John V. Guttag (grad student)
Keith Winstein Computer Science Hari Balakrishnan (grad student)
Andrew WitkinComputer Science Cognitive Science1977 Whitman Richards (grad student)
John Lanier Wyatt
Mengjia Yan EECS20132019 Josep Torrellas (grad student)
Katherine A. YelickProgramming Systems (PS); Scientific Computing (SCI); Biosystems & Computational Biology (BIO); parallel programming techniques1990 John V. Guttag (grad student)
Jingyi YuBioinformatics Biology, Computer Science Leonard McMillan (grad student)
Deniz YüretNatural language processing, machine learning, numerical optimization Department of Computer Science Department of Computer Science Department of Computer Science1998 Boris Katz (grad student), Patrick H. Winston (grad student), Marvin L. Minsky (grad student)
Stan ZdonikDatabase Systems, Distributed Systems1983 Michael Martin Hammer (grad student)
Adam Zelinski2008 Vivek K. Goyal (grad student)
Stefanos A. ZeniosOperations Research, Health Care Management, Computer Science1996 Lawrence M. Wein (grad student)
Xin Zhang CSAIL20172020 Armando Solar-Lezama (post-doc)
Yunming Zhang EECS2020 Saman Amarasinghe (grad student)