University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign

Name Area Department Start Year Stop Year Advisor
Ali E. AbbasOperations Research
Hossein A. AbbasiGeneral Economics, Law2009 Thomas Ulen (grad student)
A. Lynn AbbottElectronics and Electrical Engineering, Computer Science1990 Narendra Ahuja (grad student)
Vineet AbhishekElectronics and Electrical Engineering, Computer Science, Theory Economics Electrical and Computer Eng2012 Bruce Hajek (grad student)
Sarita AdveComputer Science
Vikram AdveComputer Science
Manoj AggarwalElectronics and Electrical Engineering2001 Narendra Ahuja (grad student)
Vishwani AgrawalElectronics and Electrical Engineering, Computer Science Department of Electrical Engineering1971 Yuen Tze Lo (grad student)
Aditya Agrawal Electrical and Computer Engineering20092014 Josep Torrellas (grad student)
Shabbir AhmedIndustrial Engineering, Computer Science2000 Nikolaos Sahinidis (grad student)
Daniel Wonsun Ahn
Narendra AhujaElectronics and Electrical Engineering, Computer Science
Emre AkbasComputer Engineering, Computer Science2011 Narendra Ahuja (grad student)
Oleksii AksimentievGeneral Biophysics, Nanotechnology, Computer Science
Tankut B. AktemurComputer Science2009 Samuel N. Kamin (grad student)
Jalal F. Al-MuhtadiComputer Science, Artificial Intelligence2005 M Dennis Mickunas (grad student)
Abdullah Al-NayeemComputer Science Computer Science2013 Lui Sha (grad student)
Musab A. Al-TurkiComputer Science2011 Jose Meseguer (grad student)
Juan AlvarezCell Biology, General Biophysics, Electronics and Electrical Engineering2004 Bruce Hajek (grad student)
Danieli S. ArbexLaw, International Law and Relations, Pharmacy2009 Thomas Ulen (grad student)
Md A. ArefinComputer Science Computer Science2013 Klara Nahrstedt (grad student)
Farhana AshrafComputer Science Computer Science2013 Robin Kravets (grad student)
Algirdas Avizieniscomputer system architecture and design; fault-tolerant computing; digital arithmetic1960 James Evans Robertson (grad student)
Meghna BabbarEnvironmental Engineering2006 Barbara S. Minsker (grad student)
Kyungmin BaeComputer Science Computer Science2014 Jose Meseguer (grad student)
Sara S. BaghsorkhiComputer Engineering2011 Wen-mei W. Hwu (grad student)
Geng BaiElectronics and Electrical Engineering2004 Ibrahim N. Hajj (grad student)
Peter BajcsyComputer Science
Stanley Z. BakComputer Science Computer Science2013 Marco Caccamo (grad student)
Mehedi BakhtComputer Science2012 Robin Kravets (grad student)
Sruthi BandhakaviComputer Science Computer Science2011 Marianne Winslett (grad student)
Prithviraj BanerjeeElectronics and Electrical Engineering, Computer Science Electrical and Computer Engineering Jacob A. Abraham (grad student)
Sujoy BasuComputer Science Computer Science19952000 Josep Torrellas (grad student)
Kenneth E. BatcherComputer Science1964 Sundaram Seshu (grad student)
Mert BayElectronics and Electrical Engineering, Computer Science, Information Science Electrical and Computer Eng2012 James W. Beauchamp (grad student)
James W. BeauchampElectronics and Electrical Engineering, Computer Science, Information Science
Murat R. BecerElectronics and Electrical Engineering, Computer Science2003 Ibrahim N. Hajj (grad student)
A. M. BeckmanComputer Science2003 Sam Kamin (grad student)
Geneva G. BelfordComputer Science
Ravi S. Bellur RamaswamyMechanical Engineering, Applied Mechanics2007 Daniel A. Tortorelli (grad student)
Anthony D. BergstromComputer Science Computer Science2011 Karrie Karahalios (grad student)
Milind A. BhandarkarComputer Science2002 Laxmikant V. Kale (grad student)
Vaduvur BharghavanElectronics and Electrical Engineering, Computer Science
Abhinav BhateleComputer Science2010 Laxmikant V. Kale (grad student)
Yonatan BiskComputer Science, Natural Language Processing, RoboNLP2015 Julia Hockenmaier (grad student)
Donald L. BitzerComputer Science, Biochemistry Electrical Engineering1960 Jack P. Ruina (grad student), Mac Elwyn Van Valkenburg (grad student)
Richard E. BlahutElectronics and Electrical Engineering, Computer Science
Jaime L. Bobadilla MolinaRobotics Engineering, Computer Science Computer Science2013 Samuel T. King (grad student)
Sudhakar BobbaElectronics and Electrical Engineering2000 Ibrahim N. Hajj (grad student)
Christopher F. BoberVocational Education, Industrial Education2000 Tim Wentling (grad student)
Robert L. BocchinoComputer Science2010 Vikram Adve (grad student)
Srinivas BodapatiElectronics and Electrical Engineering, Computer Science2003 Farid N. Najm (grad student)
Amanda C. BordelonCivil Engineering Civil & Environmental Eng2011 Jeffery R. Roesler (grad student)
Nikita BorisovComputer Science
Edward Knight Bowdon1960 Donald Lee Epley (grad student)
Eric D. BranchElectronics and Electrical Engineering, Electricity and Magnetism Physics2001 Jian-Ming Jin (grad student)
Nicholas C. BrayComputer Engineering, Computer Science2010 Wen-mei W. Hwu (grad student)
Alexia BriassouliElectronics and Electrical Engineering2005 Narendra Ahuja (grad student)
Andre BrockInformation Science, Library Science, Black Studies2007 Caroline Haythornthwaite (grad student)
Tyler E. BrunsMechanical Engineering2001 Daniel A. Tortorelli (grad student)
Loc X. BuiElectronics and Electrical Engineering2008 Rayadurgam Srikant (grad student)
Bach D. BuiComputer Science2012 Marco Caccamo (grad student)
Kavel M. BuyuksahinElectronics and Electrical Engineering2003 Farid N. Najm (grad student)
Marco CaccamoComputer Science
Deng CaiComputer Science, Artificial Intelligence2009 Jiawei Han (grad student)
Qiang CaoComputer Science Computer Science19952000 Josep Torrellas (grad student)
Luis H. CezeComputer Science
Luis Chacon de la RosaFluid and Plasma Physics, Nuclear Engineering2000 George Hunter Miley (grad student)
Ian ChaiComputer Science2000 Ralf Johnson (grad student)
Sayantan ChakravortyComputer Science2008 Laxmikant V. Kale (grad student)
John A. ChandyElectronics and Electrical Engineering, Computer Science Electrical and Computer Engineering19911996 Prithviraj Banerjee (grad student)
Conrad T. ChangComputer Science2002 Geneva G. Belford (grad student)
Lawrence C. ChangAsia History, Asian Studies, General East Asian Languages and Cultures2013 Wing F. Chow (grad student)
Kevin C. ChangComputer Science
Bhaskar Ray Chaudhury Jugal Garg (post-doc)
Chandra ChekuriComputer Science
Chang Wen Chenmultimedia communication; multimedia systems; image/video processing; multimedia signal processing1992 Thomas S. Huang (grad student)
C. Y. Roger ChenComputer Science1987 Jacob A. Abraham (grad student)
Hong Cheng Jiawei Han (grad student)
Ben-Chung ChengComputer Science2000 Wen-mei W. Hwu (grad student)
Lei ChengComputer Science2007 Martin D. F. Wong (grad student)
Kyong M. ChoiMusic, Art History2005 Guy E. Garnett (grad student)
Jiho Choi Computer Science20132018 Josep Torrellas (grad student)
Wing F. ChowComputer Science2003 Thomas Kerkhoven (grad student)
Anthony T. ChronopoulosComputer Science Computer Science1987 C. William Gear (grad student)
Punya ChupanitCivil Engineering2005 Jeffery R. Roesler (grad student)
Marcelo H. CintraComputer Science
Lars R. ClausenComputer Science2004 Samuel N. Kamin (grad student)
Kristine B. CochranCivil Engineering2009 Keith D. Hjelmstad (grad student)
Marie T. ConteComputer Science, Electronics and Electrical Engineering2003 Wen-mei W. Hwu (grad student)
Thomas M. ConteComputer Architecture, Compilers, Computer Performance Evaluation ECE19881992 Wen-mei W. Hwu (grad student)
Evan J. CoopersmithCivil Engineering, Agricultural Engineering, Remote Sensing Civil & Environmental Eng2013 Barbara S. Minsker (grad student)
Davi CorreiaElectronics and Electrical Engineering2006 Jianming Jin (grad student)
Anthony E. CozzieComputer Science Computer Science2010 Samuel T. King (grad student)
Alan B. CraigComputer Science2005 Tim Wentling (grad student)
Nathan K. CraneCivil Engineering, Computer Science2002 Keith D. Hjelmstad (grad student)
Tanya CrenshawComputer Science2008 Lui Sha (grad student)
Riccardo CrepaldiComputer Science Computer Science2013 Robin Kravets (grad student)
Jose B. CruzComputer Science1959 Mac Elwyn Van Valkenburg (grad student)
Richard Lee Cummins Electrical engineering1962 Wataru Mayeda (grad student)
Marina G. DanilevskyComputer Science Computer Science2014 Jiawei Han (grad student)
Supratim DebElectronics and Electrical Engineering, Computer Science2003 Rayadurgam Srikant (grad student)
Gerald F. DeJongComputer Science
Liang DengElectronics and Electrical Engineering2007 Martin D. F. Wong (grad student)
Nachum DershowitzComputer Science
Jayant DeSouzaComputer Science2004 Laxmikant V. Kale (grad student)
Dinakar DhurjatiComputer Science2006 Vikram Adve (grad student)
Georgios DimitriouElectronics and Electrical Engineering2000 Constantine D. Polychronopoulos (grad student)
Hui DingComputer Science2006 Lui Sha (grad student)
Bolin DingComputer Science, Information Science, General Engineering Computer Science2012 Jiawei Han (grad student)
Kalyan C. DonepudiElectronics and Electrical Engineering2002 Jian-Ming Jin (grad student)
Shen DongComputer Science2007 Michael Garland (grad student)
Isaac J. DooleyComputer Science2010 Laxmikant V. Kale (grad student)
J Stephen DownieInformation Science, Library Science, Computer Science
Yongtao DuAsia History, Geography2006 Wing F. Chow (grad student)
Yuelu Duan Computer Science20092014 Josep Torrellas (grad student)
Rakesh C. DugadElectronics and Electrical Engineering2001 Narendra Ahuja (grad student)
Eric A. DunnElectronics and Electrical Engineering, Computer Science, Electricity and Magnetism Physics2005 Jianming Jin (grad student)
Brian P. DunphyMathematics, Computer Science2002 Uday S. Reddy (grad student)
Nora El-Gohary
Ivan ElezovicMusic2007 Guy E. Garnett (grad student)
Alina R. EneComputer Science Computer Science2013 Chandra Chekuri (grad student)
Don EpleyComputer Science1960 Mac Elwyn Van Valkenburg (grad student), Franz Edward Hohn (grad student)
Donald Lee Epley
Arkady EpshteynComputer Science, Artificial Intelligence2007 Gerald F. DeJong (grad student)
Milos D. Ercegovaccomputer arithmetic and hardware-oriented algorithms; design of digital and reconfigurable systems1975 James Evans Robertson (grad student)
Atilla EryilmazElectronics and Electrical Engineering, Computer Science2005 Rayadurgam Srikant (grad student)
Felipe P. EspinozaEnvironmental Engineering, Environmental Sciences2003 Barbara S. Minsker (grad student)
Francisco Evangelista JuniorCivil Engineering, Applied Mechanics, Computer Science Civil & Environmental Eng2011 Jeffery R. Roesler (grad student)
Martin D. F. WongComputer Science Chung Laung Liu (grad student)
Wade A. FagenComputer Science, Technology of Education Computer Science2013 Sam Kamin (grad student)
Azadeh FarzanComputer Science2007 Jose Meseguer (grad student)
Wei-Wen FengComputer Science2010 Yizohu Yu (grad student)
Eric S. FengerMusic2005 Guy E. Garnett (grad student)
Tim FininComputer Science, Artificial Intelligence19741980 David Waltz (grad student)
Donovan FinnUrban and Regional Planning, Environmental Sciences, Sustainability2009 Lewis D. Hopkins (grad student)
Basilio FraguelaComputer Science
James R. FrasierHistory of Education, Industrial Education, Curriculum and Instruction Education, Secondary Education2000 Tim Wentling (grad student)
King-Sun Fu1959 Mac Elwyn Van Valkenburg (grad student)
Mario C. Gaedicke HornungCivil Engineering2009 Jeffery R. Roesler (grad student)
Hormozd B. GahvariComputer Science Computer Science2014 William Gropp (grad student)
James W. GallaherVocational Education2002 Tim Wentling (grad student)
Dennis GannonComputer Science, Information Science, Commerce-Business Economics Computer Science1980 C. William Gear (grad student)
Chunyu GaoElectronics and Electrical Engineering, Computer Science2007 Narendra Ahuja (grad student)
Xia GaoElectronics and Electrical Engineering, Computer Science2002 Vaduvur Bharghavan (grad student)
Antonio Franques Garcia Computer Science20162021 Josep Torrellas (grad student)
Jugal Garg
Michael GarlandComputer Science
Guy E. GarnettMusic, Computer Science
James H. GarrettCivil Engineering, Computer Science
Maria J. GarzaranComputer Science
Mark R. GatesComputer Science, Mechanical Engineering2011 Michael Heath (grad student)
Rajeeva Gaur Computer Science19891995 Pravin M. Vaidya (grad student)
C. William Gear Computer Science1960 Abraham Haskel Taub (grad student)
Javad Ghaderi DehkordiElectronics and Electrical Engineering Electrical & Computer Eng2013 Rayadurgam Srikant (grad student)
Bernard S. GhanemComputer Engineering, Computer Science, Electronics and Electrical Engineering2010 Narendra Ahuja (grad student)
Saugata Ghose Computer Science Onur Mutlu (post-doc)
Filippo GiochinComputer Science2010 Laxmikant V. Kale (grad student)
Zhangxiaowen Gong Computer Science20152021 Josep Torrellas (grad student)
Xun GongElectronics and Electrical Engineering Electrical and Computer Engineering2014 Negar Kiyavash (grad student)
Gayathri GopalakrishnanEnvironmental Engineering2008 Barbara S. Minsker (grad student)
Sathish GopalakrishnanComputer Science, Operations Research2006 Marco Caccamo (grad student)
Bhargava Gopireddy Computer Science20132018 Josep Torrellas (grad student)
Camille M. GoudeseuneMusic2001 Guy E. Garnett (grad student)
Brian L. GreskampComputer Science Computer Science20042009 Josep Torrellas (grad student)
Christopher L. GrierComputer Science2009 Samuel T. King (grad student)
Abbie GriffinMarketing Business Administration, Management Business Administration, Computer Science
William GroppComputer Science
Anatoliy A. GruzdInformation Science, Library Science, Computer Science2009 Caroline Haythornthwaite (grad student)
Xiaohui GuComputer Science2004 Klara Nahrstedt (grad student)
Quanquan GuComputer Science Computer Science2014 Jiawei Han (grad student)
Subha R. GummadiElectronics and Electrical Engineering Electrical & Computer Eng2011 Ramavarapu Sreenivas (grad student)
Elsa L. GunterComputer Science
Subodh GuptaElectronics and Electrical Engineering2000 Farid N. Najm (grad student)
Attila GürsoyComputational biology, network biology, network medicine, drug discovery, parallel computing Department of Computer Science1994 Laxmikant V. Kale (grad student)
Sungwon HaComputer Science2000 Vaduvur Bharghavan (grad student)
Christine HagarInformation Science2005 Caroline Haythornthwaite (grad student)
Ghadir HaikalCivil Engineering2009 Keith D. Hjelmstad (grad student)
Joshua HailpernComputer Science2012 Karrie Karahalios (grad student)
Bruce HajekElectronics and Electrical Engineering, Computer Science
Ibrahim N. HajjElectronics and Electrical Engineering, Computer Science
Seifollah Louis Hakimi1959 Mac Elwyn Van Valkenburg (grad student)
Justin P. HaldarElectronics and Electrical Engineering Electrical & Computer Eng2011 Zhi-Pei Liang (grad student)
Jiawei Han
Sariel Har-PeledComputer Science
Siva K. HariComputer Science, Computer Engineering Computer Science2013 Sarita Adve (grad student)
Albert F. HarrisComputer Science2006 Robin Kravets (grad student)
W. Ludwell Harrison1989 David A. Padua (grad student)
Rebecca J. Hartman-BakerComputer Science2005 Michael Heath (grad student)
Ragib HasanComputer Science2009 Marianne Winslett (grad student)
Caroline HaythornthwaiteInformation Science, Library Science, Computer Science
Wenbo HeComputer Science2008 Klara Nahrstedt (grad student)
Michael HeathComputer Science
Cinda HeerenComputer Science2004 Leonard B. Pitt (grad student)
Azin Heidarshenas Computer Science20162021 Josep Torrellas (grad student)
Bruce HendricksonComputer Science
Joseph D. HendrixComputer Science2008 Jose Meseguer (grad student)
Diego HernandoElectronics and Electrical Engineering, Biomedical Engineering2010 Zhi-Pei Liang (grad student)
John D. HeskethAgronomy Agriculture, Plant Culture Agriculture, Statistics, Computer Science
Russell J. HewettComputer Science, Applied Mathematics, Electronics and Electrical Engineering Computer Science2011 Michael Heath (grad student)
Matthew D. HicksComputer Science Computer Science2013 Samuel T. King (grad student)
Keith D. HjelmstadCivil Engineering, Computer Science
Julia HockenmaierComputer Science
Glenn HoetkerManagement Business Administration, Computer Science
Lewis D. HopkinsUrban and Regional Planning, Information Science, Computer Science
I-Hong HouComputer Science Computer Science2011 P.R Kumar (grad student)
Amir HoumansadrComputer Engineering, Computer Science Electrical and Computer Engineering2012 Nikita Borisov (grad student)
Adam L. HoustonAtmospheric Science Physics, Computer Science2004 Robert B. Wilhelmson (grad student)
Chih-Wei HsuComputer Science Computer Science2011 Benjamin W Wah (grad student)
William H. Hsucomputer science, machine learning, artificial intelligence, data science Computer Science19951998 Sylvian Ray (grad student)
Kien HuaComputer Science1974 Jacob A. Abraham (grad student)
Michael C. Huang
Zixia HuangComputer Science Computer Science2012 Klara Nahrstedt (grad student)
Christopher J. HughesComputer Science2003 Sarita Adve (grad student)
Hillery C. HunterElectronics and Electrical Engineering, Computer Science2004 Wen-mei W. Hwu (grad student)
Seung-Won HwangComputer Science2005 Kevin C. Chang (grad student)
Wen-mei W. HwuElectronics and Electrical Engineering, Computer Science
Sungjin ImComputer Science Computer Science2012 Chandra Chekuri (grad student)
George L. IsraelAsia History2008 Wing F. Chow (grad student)
Ravishankar K. IyerComputer Science
Gabriela Jacques Da SilvaComputer Engineering, Computer Science2010 Ravishankar K. Iyer (grad student)
Vilas S. JagannathComputer Science Computer Science2012 Darko Marinov (grad student)
Ashish JagmohanElectronics and Electrical Engineering, Computer Science2004 Narendra Ahuja (grad student)
Sonia JahidComputer Science, Computer Engineering Computer Science2013 Nikita Borisov (grad student)
Soumya JanaElectronics and Electrical Engineering, Computer Science2005 Richard E. Blahut (grad student)
Vikram JandhyalaElectronics and Electrical Engineering, Electricity and Magnetism Physics, Computer Science1998 Eric Michielssen (grad student)
Juan J. Jaramillo JimenezElectronics and Electrical Engineering2010 Rayadurgam Srikant (grad student)
V. S. JayasenaComputer Science, Electronics and Electrical Engineering2003 Saburo Muroga (grad student)
Won J. JeonComputer Science2007 Klara Nahrstedt (grad student)
Pritish JetleyComputer Science Computer Science2014 Laxmikant V. Kale (grad student)
Jim X. JiElectronics and Electrical Engineering, Biomedical Engineering2003 Zhi-Pei Liang (grad student)
Tianxiong JiElectronics and Electrical Engineering Electrical and Computer Engineering2012 Rayadurgam Srikant (grad student)
Changhao JiangComputer Science2007 Marc Snir (grad student)
Dan JiaoElectronics and Electrical Engineering2001 Jian-Ming Jin (grad student)
Jian-Ming JinElectronics and Electrical Engineering, Computer Science
Jingyi JinComputer Science2008 Michael Garland (grad student)
Jianming JinElectronics and Electrical Engineering, Computer Science, Electricity and Magnetism Physics
Ralf JohnsonComputer Science
Anil JoshiNumerical Analysis, Algorithms, LInear E Computer Science19901996 Pravin M. Vaidya (grad student)
Brian E. JurczykNuclear Engineering, Fluid and Plasma Physics2001 George Hunter Miley (grad student)
Sachin KadloorElectronics and Electrical Engineering, Statistics Electrical and Computer Eng2013 Negar Kiyavash (grad student)
Laxmikant V. KaleParallel computing
Sam KaminComputer Science
Samuel N. KaminComputer Science
Sun-Mo ( KangComputer Science, Electronics and Electrical Engineering
Yi Kang
Karrie KarahaliosComputer Science
Rahmet U. KarpuzcuComputer Engineering
Akshay KashyapElectronics and Electrical Engineering2007 Rayadurgam Srikant (grad student)
Debessay F. KassaComputer Science, Computer Engineering, Electronics and Electrical Engineering Computer Science2013 Klara Nahrstedt (grad student)
Michael K. KatelmanComputer Science Computer Science2011 Jose Meseguer (grad student)
Rini KaushikComputer Science Computer Science2012 Klara Nahrstedt (grad student)
Nikhil KazaUrban and Regional Planning2008 Lewis D. Hopkins (grad student)
Michelle M. KazmerInformation Science, Technology of Education2002 Caroline Haythornthwaite (grad student)
Thomas KerkhovenComputer Science
Yong-Bin KimComputer Science2010 Geneva G. Belford (grad student)
Hong-Seok KimComputer Science2004 Wen-mei W. Hwu (grad student)
Sun-Il KimComputer Science2008 Steven S. Lumetta (grad student)
HyunJoo Kim2002 Lucio Soibelman (grad student)
Sangkyum KimComputer Science, Artificial Intelligence Computer Science2011 Jiawei Han (grad student)
Wooil Kim Computer Science20102015 Josep Torrellas (grad student)
Samuel T. KingComputer Science
Scott I. KircherComputer Science2007 Michael Garland (grad student)
Negar KiyavashElectronics and Electrical Engineering2006 Richard E. Blahut (grad student)
Walden KoElectronics and Electrical Engineering2006 Constantine D. Polychronopoulos (grad student)
Gregory A. KoenigComputer Science2007 Laxmikant V. Kale (grad student)
Schalk KokMechanical Engineering2002 Daniel A. Tortorelli (grad student)
Apostolos Kokolis Computer Science20162022 Josep Torrellas (grad student)
Hui KongComputer Engineering, Electronics and Electrical Engineering2010 Martin D. F. Wong (grad student)
Nitish J. KorulaComputer Science2010 Chandra Chekuri (grad student)
Alexander L. KosorukoffComputer Science, Bioinformatics Biology2006 Sylvian Ray (grad student)
David Koufaty Computer Science19921997 Josep Torrellas (grad student)
Marc E. KowalskiElectronics and Electrical Engineering, Biomedical Engineering2002 Jian-Ming Jin (grad student)
Sumant J. KowshikComputer Science2006 Lui Sha (grad student)
Joseph N. KozhayaElectronics and Electrical Engineering2001 Farid N. Najm (grad student)
Robin KravetsComputer Science
Venkata Krishnan Computer Science19931998 Josep Torrellas (grad student)
David Jerome KuckArchitecture, Compilers, Parallel Computing
Deepak V. KulkarniMechanical Engineering, Applied Mechanics2005 Daniel A. Tortorelli (grad student)
Nirman KumarComputer Science Computer Science2014 Sariel Har-Peled (grad student)
P.R KumarComputer Science
Sameer KumarComputer Science2005 Laxmikant V. Kale (grad student)
Srisankar S. KunniyurElectronics and Electrical Engineering, Computer Science2001 Rayadurgam Srikant (grad student)
David M. KunzmanComputer Science Computer Science2012 Laxmikant V. Kale (grad student)
Franklin F. Kuocomputer networking1958 Mac Elwyn Van Valkenburg (grad student)
Siriphon KusonsinwutInternational Law and Relations, Law2008 Thomas Ulen (grad student)
Liyang LaiElectronics and Electrical Engineering, Computer Science2005 Janak H. Patel (grad student)
John M. LakeComputer Science2000 Gerald F. DeJong (grad student)
Ashvin LakshmikanthaElectronics and Electrical Engineering2008 Rayadurgam Srikant (grad student)
Manika LambaText as Data, Text Mining, Information Retrieval, Digital Libraries, Computational Social Science, Digital Humanities Information Sciences20232024 J Stephen Downie (post-doc)
Sai LanManagement Business Administration, Computer Science Business Administration2011 Glenn Hoetker (grad student)
Christopher A. LattnerComputer Science2005 Vikram Adve (grad student)
Adam D. LaudComputer Science2004 Gerald F. DeJong (grad student)
Steven T. LauterburgComputer Science2011 Darko Marinov (grad student)
Duncan H. Lawrie1973 David Jerome Kuck (grad student)
Kihwal LeeComputer Science2006 Lui Sha (grad student)
Shih-Hao LeeElectronics and Electrical Engineering, Computer Science2009 Jian-Ming Jin (grad student)
Sang-Chul LeeComputer Science2006 Narendra Ahuja (grad student)
Kang-Won LeeComputer Science2000 Vaduvur Bharghavan (grad student)
Andrew D. LenharthComputer Science2010 Vikram Adve (grad student)
Geoffrey LevineComputer Science, Artificial Intelligence Computer Science2011 Gerald F. DeJong (grad student)
Man-Lap LiComputer Science2009 Sarita Adve (grad student)
Ruey-Hsia LiComputer Science2001 Geneva G. Belford (grad student)
Chien-Wei LiComputer Science2006 Wen-mei W. Hwu (grad student)
Jia-Ru LiElectronics and Electrical Engineering2001 Vaduvur Bharghavan (grad student)
Jinghuan LiUrban and Regional Planning, Information Science, Computer Science2009 Lewis D. Hopkins (grad student)
Baochun LiComputer Science2000 Klara Nahrstedt (grad student)
Qiao LiComputer Science, Electronics and Electrical Engineering2001 Sun-Mo ( Kang (grad student)
Yujia LiElectronics and Electrical Engineering2009 Jianming Jin (grad student)
Rui Li Computer Science2014 Kevin C. Chang (grad student)
Chengkai LiComputer Science2007 Kevin C. Chang (grad student)
Zhenhui LiComputer Science, Information Science, General Engineering Computer Science2012 Jiawei Han (grad student)
Zihao Li Computer Science2023 Jingrui He (grad student)
Zhi-Pei LiangElectronics and Electrical Engineering, Computer Science Medical Information Sciences19891991 Paul Christian Lauterbur (post-doc)
Shiau H. LimComputer Science, Artificial Intelligence2009 Gerald F. DeJong (grad student)
Kenyu Lin Lucio Soibelman (grad student)
Ken-Yu Lin2005 Lucio Soibelman (grad student)
Hui Lin Electrical and Computer Engineering2017 Ravishankar K. Iyer (grad student)
Feng LingElectronics and Electrical Engineering2000 Jian-Ming Jin (grad student)
Che-Bin LiuComputer Science2006 Narendra Ahuja (grad student)
Shao LiuElectronics and Electrical Engineering2007 Rayadurgam Srikant (grad student)
Jane W. S. LiuComputer Science
Liang Y. Liu
Virginia M. Lo
Nicolas LoeffElectrical and Computer Engineering20032005 Narendra Ahuja (grad student)
Vanessa LopezComputer Science2004 Michael Heath (grad student)
Zheng LouElectronics and Electrical Engineering2006 Jian-Ming Jin (grad student)
Ninglong LuElectronics and Electrical Engineering2000 Ibrahim N. Hajj (grad student)
King-Shan LuiComputer Science2002 Klara Nahrstedt (grad student)
Steven S. LumettaElectronics and Electrical Engineering, Computer Science Electrical and Computer Engineering David E. Culler (grad student)
Lijuan LuoComputer Engineering, Electronics and Electrical Engineering Electrical & Computer Eng2011 Martin D. F. Wong (grad student)
Xiaosong MaComputer Science2003 Marianne Winslett (grad student)
Norman K. MaComputer Science, Management Business Administration, Acquisition
Marko MadunicManagement Business Administration, Commerce-Business Economics2008 Glenn Hoetker (grad student)
Luiz C. MagalhaesComputer Science2005 Robin Kravets (grad student)
M. M. MahmudComputer Science, Artificial Intelligence2008 Gerald F. DeJong (grad student)
Haohui MaiComputer Science Computer Science2013 Samuel T. King (grad student)
Hemanta K. MajiComputer Science Computer Science2011 Manoj Prabhakaran (grad student)
Ruperto P. MajucaGeneral Economics, Law, Computer Science2006 Thomas Ulen (grad student)
Rahul MalikComputer Science2010 Klara Nahrstedt (grad student)
Renato Mancuso Computer Science2017 Marco Caccamo (grad student)
Eric G. Manning1965 Sundaram Seshu (grad student)
William Mansky Computer Science2014 Elsa L. Gunter (grad student)
Darko MarinovComputer Science
Jose F. Martinez
Paul F. MartyLibrary Science, Information Science2002 Michael B. Twidale (grad student)
Wataru Mayeda Electrical engineering1958 Mac Elwyn Van Valkenburg (grad student)
Robert J. McElieceElectronics and Electrical Engineering, Computer Science
Archie Charles McKellar1965 Sundaram Seshu (grad student)
Philip K. McKinleyEvolutionary robotics, high-assurance software, self-adaptive systems, autonomic computing, cyber-physical systems, artificial life1989 Jane W. S. Liu (grad student)
Regina C. McNallyMarketing Business Administration, Management Business Administration2002 Abbie Griffin (grad student)
Chao MeiComputer Science Computer Science2012 Laxmikant V. Kale (grad student)
Esteban Meneses RojasComputer Science Computer Science2013 Laxmikant V. Kale (grad student)
Matthew C. MertenComputer Science, Electronics and Electrical Engineering2002 Wen-mei W. Hwu (grad student)
Jose MeseguerComputer Science
M Dennis MickunasComputer Science, Artificial Intelligence
George Hunter MileyNuclear Engineering, Electronics and Electrical Engineering, Computer Science
Ali MiliComputer Science1981 Gernot Albert Metze (grad student)
Svetoslav S. MinkovLaw, Finance2004 Thomas Ulen (grad student)
Barbara S. MinskerEnvironmental Engineering, Computer Science
Soumyadeb MitraComputer Science2008 Marianne Winslett (grad student)
Jeffrey P. MonksElectronics and Electrical Engineering2001 Wen-mei W. Hwu (grad student)
Pablo Montesinos OrtegoComputer Science Computer Science20042009 Josep Torrellas (grad student)
Jung-Hai MoonLaw2009 Thomas Ulen (grad student)
Raymond J. MooneyComputer Science, Artificial Intelligence Gerald F. DeJong (grad student)
Benjamin J. MoseleyGeomorphology Computer Science2012 Chandra Chekuri (grad student)
Trevor N. MudgeElectronics and Electrical Engineering, Computer Science1977 Gernot Albert Metze (grad student)
Saburo MurogaComputer Science, Electronics and Electrical Engineering
Abdullah Muzahid
Klara NahrstedtComputer Science
Farid N. NajmElectrical and Computer Engineering
Jun NakanoComputer Science
Kalyana B. NakshatralaCivil Engineering2007 Keith D. Hjelmstad (grad student)
Praveen NakshatralaMechanical Engineering Mechanical Sci and Engineering2013 Daniel A. Tortorelli (grad student)
Min Y. NamComputer Science, Computer Engineering, General Engineering Computer Science2012 Lui Sha (grad student)
Myra NamComputer Engineering, Electronics and Electrical Engineering Electrical and Computer Eng2012 Narendra Ahuja (grad student)
Thyagarajan NandagopalElectronics and Electrical Engineering, Computer Science2002 Vaduvur Bharghavan (grad student)
Samuel C. NelsonComputer Science Computer Science2011 Robin Kravets (grad student)
Hanna J. NeradtComputer Science2007 Michael Heath (grad student)
Anthony-Trung D. NguyenComputer Science Computer Science20072002 Josep Torrellas (grad student)
Julian A. NoratoMechanical Engineering2005 Daniel A. Tortorelli (grad student)
Boyana R. NorrisComputer Science2000 Michael Heath (grad student)
Erik M. NystromElectronics and Electrical Engineering2005 Wen-mei W. Hwu (grad student)
Tuna OezerComputer Science2008 Sylvian Ray (grad student)
Ghazala OvaiceManagement Business Administration2001 Tim Wentling (grad student)
Muhammet M. OzdalComputer Science2005 Martin D. F. Wong (grad student)
Fusun OzgunerComputer Science1975 Gernot Albert Metze (grad student)
David A. PaduaCompilers, Parallel Computing1980 David Jerome Kuck (grad student)
Kannappan PalaniappanComputer Science, Mechanical Engineering1991 Thomas S. Huang (grad student)
Hao PanElectronics and Electrical Engineering, Computer Science2001 Zhi-Pei Liang (grad student)
Chunshen PanAgronomy Agriculture, Plant Culture Agriculture, Statistics, Computer Science2000 John D. Hesketh (grad student)
George PapavassilopoulosElectronics and Electrical Engineering, Computer Science1979 Jose B. Cruz (grad student)
Ji-Hye ParkVocational Education, Technology of Education2005 Tim Wentling (grad student)
Kyoungsoo ParkCivil Engineering, Mechanical Engineering, Applied Mechanics2009 Jeffery R. Roesler (grad student)
D. Stott ParkerData Mining; Bioinformatics; Database Management and Scientific Data Management; Modeling Computer Science1978 David Jerome Kuck (grad student)
Madhusudan ParthasarathyComputer Science
Janak H. PatelElectronics and Electrical Engineering, Computer Science
Karthik PattabiramanComputer Science2009 Ravishankar K. Iyer (grad student)
Phillip D. PattilloMechanical Engineering2004 Daniel A. Tortorelli (grad student)
Chad E. PeiperComputer Science, Technology of Education2008 Samuel N. Kamin (grad student)
Rodolfo PellizzoniComputer Science, Computer Engineering2010 Lui Sha (grad student)
Ali PinarComputer Science2001 Michael Heath (grad student)
Leonard B. PittComputer Science
Jordan B. Pollack Computer Science David Waltz (grad student)
Constantine D. PolychronopoulosComputer Science
Thadpong PongthawornkamolComputer Science2010 Klara Nahrstedt (grad student)
Antonio J. PortoLaw, General Economics2009 Thomas Ulen (grad student)
Thanyawat PothisiriCivil Engineering2001 Keith D. Hjelmstad (grad student)
Raghavendra Pothukuchi
Christopher PottleComputer Science1962 Mac Elwyn Van Valkenburg (grad student)
Manoj PrabhakaranComputer Science
Arun PrakashCivil Engineering, Applied Mechanics2007 Keith D. Hjelmstad (grad student)
Franco P. PreparataComputational Geometry
Milos PrvulovicComputer Science
Shangxiang Qi Computer Science20082013 Josep Torrellas (grad student)
Minglun QianComputer Science2005 Benjamin W Wah (grad student)
Xuehai QianComputer Science, Computer Engineering
Xiaokang QiuComputer Science Computer Science2013 Madhusudan Parthasarathy (grad student)
Roy RadaComputer Science, Information Technology, Finance Computer Science19771981 David Waltz (grad student)
Mallory L. RaheUrban and Regional Planning, General Economics, Theory and Methods Urban & Regional Planning2013 Lewis D. Hopkins (grad student)
Ragunathan RajkumarComputer Science Computer Science Lui Sha (grad student)
Pradeep RamachandranComputer Science, Computer Engineering Computer Science2011 Sarita Adve (grad student)
Edgar A. RamosComputer Science
S Ranji RanjithanCivil Engineering, Computer Science1992 J Wayland Eheart (grad student), James H. Garrett (grad student)
Shreenath P. RaoCivil Engineering2005 Jeffery R. Roesler (grad student)
Dinesh RathiComputer Science, Library Science2008 Michael B. Twidale (grad student)
Lawrence RauchwergerComputer Science1995 David A. Padua (grad student)
Sylvian RayComputer Science1961 James Evans Robertson (grad student)
Claudia M. RebazaLibrary Science, Information Science, Mass Communications, Women's Studies2009 Caroline Haythornthwaite (grad student)
Uday S. ReddyComputer Science
Patrick M. ReedCivil Engineering, Geotechnology, Operations Research, System Science Engineering2002 Barbara S. Minsker (grad student)
Daniel Allen Reedadvanced computing strategy, research, and policy
Adam H. ReichertComputer Science2011 Michael Heath (grad student)
Shangping RenComputer Science1997 Gul Agha (grad student)
Jose RenauComputer Science
Esther I. ResendizElectronics and Electrical Engineering, Civil Engineering2010 Narendra Ahuja (grad student)
Raoul V. Rivas ToledanoComputer Science Computer Science2013 Klara Nahrstedt (grad student)
Hernan C. Rocha NinoComputer Science, Information Science, General Engineering Computer Science2012 Jose Meseguer (grad student)
Christopher RodriguesComputer Engineering, Computer Science Electrical and Computer Engineering2014 Wen-mei W. Hwu (grad student)
Jeffery R. RoeslerCivil Engineering, Applied Mechanics, Computer Science
Glen S. RomineAtmospheric Sciences2008 Robert B. Wilhelmson (grad student)
Elizabeth M. RudnickElectronics and Electrical Engineering, Computer Science
Dulce M. RufinoCivil Engineering2003 Jeffery R. Roesler (grad student)
Shane RyooElectronics and Electrical Engineering2008 Wen-mei W. Hwu (grad student)
Paul D. SackComputer Science Computer Science2011 William Gropp (grad student)
Bardia SadriComputer Science2006 Edgar A. Ramos (grad student)
Swarup K. SahooComputer Science, Computer Engineering, Electronics and Electrical Engineering Computer Science2012 Vikram Adve (grad student)
Ahmed Hamdy Mohamed SamehMathematics1968 Alfredo Hua-Sing Ang (grad student)
Sujay R. SanghaviElectronics and Electrical Engineering2006 Bruce Hajek (grad student)
Smruti R. SarangiComputer Science
Osman SaroodComputer Science Computer Science2014 Laxmikant V. Kale (grad student)
Ruchira SasankaComputer Science2005 Sarita Adve (grad student)
Ralf SasseComputer Science Computer Science2012 Jose Meseguer (grad student)
Batu SatElectronics and Electrical Engineering, Computer Science, Multimedia Communications2010 Benjamin W Wah (grad student)
Nabil A. SchearComputer Science, Statistics, Computer Engineering Computer Science2011 Nikita Borisov (grad student)
Franklin W. SchwartzEnvironmental Sciences, Geology, Computer Science Geology1972 Patrick A. Domenico (grad student)
Earl J. Schweppe
Kent E. SeamonsComputer Science1996 Marianne Winslett (grad student)
Joshua B. SearsManagement Business Administration Business Administration2012 Glenn Hoetker (grad student)
Anthony V. SebaldComputer Science, Electronics and Electrical Engineering1976 Abraham H. Haddad (grad student)
Anshul SehgalElectronics and Electrical Engineering2004 Narendra Ahuja (grad student)
Koushik SenProgramming Systems (PS), Software Engineering, Programming Languages, and Formal Methods: Software Testing, Verification, Model Checking, Runtime Monitoring, Performance Evaluation, and Computational Logic.; Security (SEC) EECS Gul Agha (grad student)
Cigdem SengulComputer Science2007 Robin Kravets (grad student)
Sundaram Seshu1955 Willis Laurens Emery (grad student)
Vignesh SethuramanElectronics and Electrical Engineering2006 Bruce Hajek (grad student)
Lui ShaComputer Science
Eric G. ShafferComputer Science2005 Michael Garland (grad student)
Srinivas G. ShakkottaiElectronics and Electrical Engineering2007 Rayadurgam Srikant (grad student)
Yasser Shalabi Electrical and Computer Engineering20152020 Josep Torrellas (grad student)
Mallikarjun ShankarComputer Science2001 Jane W. S. Liu (grad student)
Amir ShavizkyLaw2008 Thomas Ulen (grad student)
Jude W. ShavlikComputer Science1988 Gerald F. DeJong (grad student)
Xuehua ShenComputer Science2007 ChenXiang Zhai (grad student)
Sanketh V. ShettyComputer Engineering Electrical & Computer Eng2011 Narendra Ahuja (grad student)
Humphrey Shi ECE2017 Thomas S. Huang (grad student)
Xianbiao ShuComputer Engineering, Computer Science, Electronics and Electrical Engineering Electrical and Computer Eng2013 Narendra Ahuja (grad student)
Thomas Shull Computer Science20142020 Josep Torrellas (grad student)
John W. SiasElectronics and Electrical Engineering, Computer Science2005 Wen-mei W. Hwu (grad student)
Maneesh K. SinghElectronics and Electrical Engineering, Computer Science2003 Narendra Ahuja (grad student)
Vandana SinghInformation Science, Computer Science2008 Michael B. Twidale (grad student)
Prasun SinhaComputer Science2001 Vaduvur Bharghavan (grad student)
Raghupathy SivakumarElectronics and Electrical Engineering, Computer Science2000 Vaduvur Bharghavan (grad student)
Dimitrios Skarkatos
Robert D. SkeelComputer Science
Mark B. SkousonElectronics and Electrical Engineering, Computer Science, Biomedical Engineering2000 Zhi-Pei Liang (grad student)
Paris Smaragdis
Robin A. SnaderComputer Science2009 Nikita Borisov (grad student)
Marc SnirComputer Science
Gurindar S. SohiComputer Science1985 Edward Steinberg Davidson (grad student)
Mariana S. SohnApplied Mechanics2009 Daniel A. Tortorelli (grad student)
Elahe SoltanaghaiWireless sensing and networking
Ramavarapu SreenivasAutomotive Engineering, System Science Engineering, Computer Science, Artificial Intelligence, Agricultural Engineering
Rayadurgam SrikantCommunication Networks, Applied Probability, Stochastic Networks, Machine Learning, Cloud Computing1991 M. Tamer (Mustafa) Basar (grad student)
Jayanth SrinivasanComputer Science2006 Sarita Adve (grad student)
David T. StottComputer Science, Electronics and Electrical Engineering2001 Ravishankar K. Iyer (grad student)
John A. StrattonComputer Engineering Electrical and Computer Eng2013 Wen-mei W. Hwu (grad student)
Karin Strauss Computer Science20022007 Josep Torrellas (grad student)
Robert A. StubbersNuclear Engineering, Electronics and Electrical Engineering, Computer Science2002 George Hunter Miley (grad student)
Xiao SuComputer Science2001 Benjamin W Wah (grad student)
Yizhou SunComputer Science, Information Science, General Engineering Computer Science2012 Jiawei Han (grad student)
I-Jui SungComputer Engineering Electrical and Computer Eng2013 Wen-mei W. Hwu (grad student)
Robert E. Swartwout1963 James Evans Robertson (grad student)
Samarth SwarupComputer Science, Artificial Intelligence2007 Sylvian Ray (grad student)
Vanish TalwarComputer Science2006 Klara Nahrstedt (grad student)
Roberto TamassiaAlgorithms and Theory, Security and Cryptography1988 Franco P. Preparata (grad student)
Kar-Han TanElectronics and Electrical Engineering, Computer Science2003 Narendra Ahuja (grad student)
Mircea-Radu TeodorescuComputer Science
Arash TermehchyComputer Science Computer Science2012 Marianne Winslett (grad student)
Nathanel A. ThompsonComputer Science2010 Robin Kravets (grad student)
Ajay S. TirumalaComputer Science2006 Lui Sha (grad student)
Abhishek Tiwari Computer Science20032008 Josep Torrellas (grad student)
Michael R. TonksMechanical Engineering, Materials Science Engineering, Applied Mechanics2008 Daniel A. Tortorelli (grad student)
Josep TorrellasComputer Science
Daniel A. TortorelliMechanical Engineering, Materials Science Engineering, Computer Science
Vetle I. TorvikOperations Research, Statistics, Computer Science
Pedro Trancoso
Kai-Wen Tu Computer Science1972 C. William Gear (grad student)
Mihran TuceryanComputer Science, Artificial Intelligence1986 Narendra Ahuja (grad student)
James M. TuckComputer Science
Michael B. TwidaleInformation Science, Computer Science
Thomas UlenGeneral Economics, Law, Computer Science
Benjamin A. UlmenFluid and Plasma Physics, Nuclear Engineering Nuclear, Plasma, & Rad Engr2013 George Hunter Miley (grad student)
Elizabeth (Beth) Buschlen UngerData security, database design, learning systems Mathematics Earl J. Schweppe (grad student)
Mahmut Selim ÜnlüElectronics and Electrical Engineering, Computer Science Electrical Engineering1992 Hadis Morkoç (grad student)
Richard J. UrbanInformation Science, Library Science Library and Information Science2012 Michael B. Twidale (grad student)
Pravin M. Vaidya Computer Science Chung Laung Liu (grad student)
Mac Elwyn Van Valkenburgcircuit and system theory
Nalini VenkatasubramanianComputer Science1998 Gul Agha (grad student)
Heinz von FoersterCybernetics
Long H. VuComputer Science2010 Klara Nahrstedt (grad student)
Andrew J. WadsworthTechnology of Education2001 Tim Wentling (grad student)
Benjamin W WahComputer Science
Qixin WangComputer Science2008 Lui Sha (grad student)
Hongcheng WangElectronics and Electrical Engineering, Computer Science2006 Narendra Ahuja (grad student)
Chao-Ming WangComputer Science2000 Geneva G. Belford (grad student)
Li-Lun WangComputer Science Computer Science2012 Gerald F. DeJong (grad student)
Long WangComputer Engineering, Computer Science, Electronics and Electrical Engineering2010 Ravishankar K. Iyer (grad student)
Qiyan WangComputer Science Computer Science2013 Nikita Borisov (grad student)
Tandy Jo WarnowComputer Science
Seth WattsMechanical Engineering, Materials Science Engineering, Computer Science Mechanical Sci and Engineering2013 Daniel A. Tortorelli (grad student)
Mingliang WeiComputer Science2007 Marc Snir (grad student)
Tim Weningernetworks Computer Science20092013 Jiawei Han (grad student)
Tim WentlingComputer Science
Duangdao WichadakulComputer Science2003 Klara Nahrstedt (grad student)
Robert B. WilhelmsonAtmospheric Science Physics, Computer Science Atmospheric Sciences1972 Yoshi Ogura (grad student)
Terry L. WilmarthComputer Science2005 Laxmikant V. Kale (grad student)
Marianne WinslettComputer Science
Linchun WuNuclear Engineering, Atomic Physics, Electronics and Electrical Engineering2007 George Hunter Miley (grad student)
Le-Chun WuComputer Science2000 Wen-mei W. Hwu (grad student)
Xiao-Long WuBioinformatics Biology, Computer Science, Computer Engineering Electrical & Computer Eng2013 Wen-mei W. Hwu (grad student)
Xinzhou WuElectronics and Electrical Engineering2004 Rayadurgam Srikant (grad student)
Wanmin WuComputer Science2011 Klara Nahrstedt (grad student)
Tianyi WuComputer Science2010 Jiawei Han (grad student)
Chun Xia Computer Science19921996 Josep Torrellas (grad student)
Hua XiangComputer Science, Electronics and Electrical Engineering2004 Martin D. F. Wong (grad student)
Zixiang XiongElectronics and Electrical Engineering, Biomedical Engineering, Molecular Biology, Computer Science1996 Michael T. Orchard (grad student), Kannan Ramchandran (grad student)
Dan XuElectronics and Electrical Engineering, Biomedical Engineering2007 Zhi-Pei Liang (grad student)
Daqing XuCivil Engineering, Applied Mechanics2008 Keith D. Hjelmstad (grad student)
Hui XueComputer Science Computer Science2013 Samuel T. King (grad student)
Yuan XueComputer Science2005 Klara Nahrstedt (grad student)
Shengquan YanEnvironmental Engineering, Environmental Sciences2006 Barbara S. Minsker (grad student)
Tan YanElectronics and Electrical Engineering, Computer Engineering, Computer Science2010 Martin D. F. Wong (grad student)
Su Yan Electrical and Computer Engineering2016 Jianming Jin (grad student)
Mengjia Yan
Liuxi Yang Computer Science19931997 Josep Torrellas (grad student)
Ming-Hsuan YangComputer Science2000 Narendra Ahuja (grad student)
Qingxiong YangComputer Engineering, Computer Science, Electronics and Electrical Engineering2010 Narendra Ahuja (grad student)
Sichao YangElectronics and Electrical Engineering, Operations Research, General Economics2007 Bruce Hajek (grad student)
Hongseok YangComputer Science2001 Uday S. Reddy (grad student)
Zhenyu YangComputer Science2007 Klara Nahrstedt (grad student)
Andrew C. YaoComputer Science Chung Laung Liu (grad student)
Ariel YehezkelLaw2005 Thomas Ulen (grad student)
Dmytro S. YershovComputer Science, Applied Mathematics Department of Computer Science2013 Michael Heath (grad student)
Serif Yesil Computer Science20162022 Josep Torrellas (grad student)
Pen-Chung YewComputer Science1981 Duncan H. Lawrie (grad student)
Seung YiComputer Science2005 Robin Kravets (grad student)
Keun S. YimComputer Science, Statistics, Aerospace Engineering Computer Science2013 Ravishankar K. Iyer (grad student)
Xiaoxin YinComputer Science2007 Jiawei Han (grad student)
Lei YingElectronics and Electrical Engineering2007 Rayadurgam Srikant (grad student)
Seung-Moon YooElectronics and Electrical Engineering Electrical and Computer Engineering19962001 Josep Torrellas (grad student)
Seung C. YoonElectronics and Electrical Engineering, Computer Science2003 Narendra Ahuja (grad student)
Peter S. YoungComputer Science Computer Science2013 Julia Hockenmaier (grad student)
Tianli YuElectronics and Electrical Engineering2006 Narendra Ahuja (grad student)
Xiaoming YuElectronics and Electrical Engineering, Computer Science2002 Elizabeth M. Rudnick (grad student)
Yizohu YuComputer Science
Hwan-Jo YuComputer Science2004 Jiawei Han (grad student)
Wanghong YuanComputer Science2004 Klara Nahrstedt (grad student)
Debra L. ZahayMarketing Business Administration, Management Business Administration, Computer Science2000 Abbie Griffin (grad student)
Stephen D. ZelinkaComputer Science2005 Michael Garland (grad student)
ChenXiang ZhaiComputer Science
Lynn Y. ZhangComputer Science2005 Lui Sha (grad student)
Chengqiang ZhangComputer Science2009 Marianne Winslett (grad student)
Zhen Zhang2007 Kevin C. Chang (grad student)
Kaiqing Zhang
Jiansong ZhangNatural Language Processing, Building Information Modeling, Logic-based Reasoning, Explainable AI, Semantic Modeling, Construction Robotics Civil and Environmental Engineering Civil and Environmental Engineering Civil and Environmental Engineering Civil and Environmental Engineering Linguistics2015 Nora El-Gohary (grad student), Mani Golparvar-Fard (grad student), Liang Y. Liu (grad student), Khaled El-Rayes (grad student), Roxana Girju (grad student)
Ye Zhang Electrical and Computer Engineering19941999 Josep Torrellas (grad student)
Zheng Zhang
Peixiang ZhaoComputer Science Computer Science2012 Jiawei Han (grad student)
Zirui Neil Zhao
Zhijun ZhaoElectronics and Electrical Engineering2006 Richard E. Blahut (grad student)
Rongkai ZhaoComputer Science2005 Geneva G. Belford (grad student)
Rong ZhengComputer Science2004 Lui Sha (grad student)
Gengbin ZhengComputer Science2005 Laxmikant V. Kale (grad student)
Yu ZhongElectronics and Electrical Engineering2008 Martin D. F. Wong (grad student)
Feida ZhuComputer Science2009 Jiawei Han (grad student)
Gang ZouComputer Science, General Biophysics2002 Robert D. Skeel (grad student)