University of Pennsylvania

Name Area Department Start Year Stop Year Advisor
Kook J. AhnTheory: Algorithms and Complexity Computer and Information Science2013 Sudipto Guha (grad student)
Arcana J. AlbrightRomance Literature, Cinema2009 Gerald Prince (grad student)
James M. AlexanderHardware and Software Systems: Real-Time, Embedded and Cyber-Physical Systems, Theory: Algorithms and Complexity2009 Rajeev Alur (grad student)
Jan M. AllbeckHardware and Software Systems: Real-Time, Embedded and Cyber-Physical Systems, Theory: Algorithms and Complexity2009 Rajeev Alur (grad student)
Rejeev AlurComputer Science, Bioinformatics Biology
Rajeev AlurHardware and Software Systems: Real-Time, Embedded and Cyber-Physical Systems, Theory: Algorithms and Complexity
Victor Amelkinnetwork science, social networks, economic networks, algorithms, systems and control Warren Center for Network and Data Sciences, Department of Electrical and Systems Engineering20182020 Rakesh Vohra (post-doc)
Stanislav P. AngelovInformation Management: Databases and Data Management, Theory: Algorithms and Complexity2007 Sanjeev Khanna (grad student)
Adnan AnsarIntelligent Systems: Computer Vision2001 Kostas Daniilidis (grad student)
Ravi AronManagement Business Administration, General Economics, Computer Science
Koji Ashida2003 Norman I. Badler (grad student)
Adam J. AvivNetworks: Networked Systems; Security and Privacy Computer and Information Science2012 Jonathan M. Smith (grad student)
Leon AxelBiomedical Engineering, Computer Science, Radiology
Norman I. Badlergraphics
Ruzena BajcsyArtificial Intelligence (AI); Biosystems & Computational Biology (BIO); Control, Intelligent Systems, and Robotics (CIR); Graphics (GR); Human-Computer Interaction (HCI), Computer vision; Bridging information technology to humanities and social sciences;
Zhuowei BaoInformation Systems: Computational Biology and Bioinformatics; Databases and Database Management Computer and Information Science2012 Susan Davidson (grad student)
Osbert BastaniTrustworthy ML
Madhur BehlCyber Physical Systems Electrical and Systems Engineering20092015 Rahul Mangharam (grad student)
Samuel Bergman1972 Morris Rubinoff (grad student), Hisao Yamada (grad student)
Mikhail BernadskyHardware and Software Systems: Real-Time, Embedded and Cyber-Physical Systems, Theory: Algorithms and Complexity2008 Rajeev Alur (grad student)
Elena BernardisIntelligent Systems: Computer Vision2011 Jianbo Shi (grad student)
Anand BhalgatInformation Management: Databases and Data Management, Theory: Algorithms and Complexity Computer and Information Science2013 Sanjeev Khanna (grad student)
Ramamani N. Bindiganavale2000 Norman I. Badler (grad student)
Ari J. BlattRomance Literature2005 Gerald Prince (grad student)
Matthew BlazeNetworks: Security and Privacy
Aaron S. Bloomfield2003 Norman I. Badler (grad student)
Colin BlundellSystems: Architecture and Compilers2010 Milo M.k. Martin (grad student)
Aaron BohannonInformation Systems: Databases and Information Management, Theory: Formal Methods and Logic; Programming Languages and Program Analysis Computer and Information Science2012 Benjamin C. Pierce (grad student)
Durell Bouchard2008 Norman I. Badler (grad student)
Anne W. BracyComputer Science2008 Amir Roth (grad student)
Vanessa BraganholoDatabases Computer Science20032006 Susan Davidson (grad student)
Michael BrautbarIntelligent Systems: Machine Learning, Networks: Security and Privacy, Theory: Algorithms and Complexity Computer and Information Science2013 Michael Kearns (grad student)
Eric BrillComputer Science1993 Mitchell P. Marcus (grad student)
Eugen C. BuehlerIntelligent Systems: Machine Learning, Information Systems: Computational Biology and Bioinformatics2003 Lyle H. Ungar (grad student)
Peter BunemanComputer Science
Sebastian BurckhardtHardware and Software Systems: Real-Time, Embedded and Cyber-Physical Systems, Theory: Algorithms and Complexity2007 Rajeev Alur (grad student)
Robert Ray Bush
Chris Callison-BurchIntelligent Systems: Natural Language Processing
Mario F. M. CamposComputer Vision; Robotics Department of Computer and Information Science19851992 Ruzena Bajcsy (grad student)
Katherine A. CardinRomance Literature, European History, Holocaust Studies2011 Gerald Prince (grad student)
Bruno M. CarvalhoComputer Science, Biomedical Engineering, Radiology2003 Gabor T. Herman (grad student)
Chris CasinghinoTheory: Formal Methods and Logic; Programming Languages and Program Analysis Computer and Information Science2014 Stephanie Weirich (grad student)
Alexandru CernicanuElectronics and Electrical Engineering, Biomedical Engineering, Radiology, Medical Biophysics2005 Leon Axel (grad student)
Pavol CernyHardware and Software Systems: Real-Time, Embedded and Cyber-Physical Systems, Theory: Algorithms and Complexity2009 Rajeev Alur (grad student)
Tanmoy ChakrabortyIntelligent Systems: Machine Learning, Networks: Security and Privacy, Theory: Algorithms and Complexity2011 Michael Kearns (grad student)
Swarat ChaudhuriHardware and Software Systems: Real-Time, Embedded and Cyber-Physical Systems, Theory: Algorithms and Complexity2007 Rajeev Alur (grad student)
Dmitry CherkasskyIntelligent Systems: Robotics2001 Max Mintz (grad student)
Koon K. ChoiComputer Science2006 Wenfei Fan (grad student)
Michael CollinsNatural Language Processing, Machine Learning1999 Mitchell P. Marcus (grad student)
Timothee CourHardware and Software Systems: Real-Time, Embedded and Cyber-Physical Systems, Theory: Algorithms and Complexity2009 Rajeev Alur (grad student)
Felipe A. CsaszarManagement Business Administration, Theory Economics2009 Daniel A. Levinthal (grad student)
Andries v. DamComputer Science Harry Joshua Gray (grad student)
Thao DangCyber-physical/Embedded systems, Systems Biology, Hybrid systems, Formal verification, Control synthesis20002001 Rajeev Alur (post-doc)
Kostas DaniilidisIntelligent Systems: Computer Vision
Susan DavidsonInformation Systems: Computational Biology and Bioinformatics; Databases and Database Management
Alin B. DeutschInformation Systems: Databases and Data Management, Theory: Formal Methods and Logic2002 Val Tannen (grad student)
Joe DeviettiHardware and Software Systems: Computer Architecture
Paramveer S. DhillonIntelligent Systems: Machine Learning, Information Systems: Computational Biology and Bioinformatics Computer and Information Science2014 Lyle H. Ungar (grad student)
Barbara Di EugenioNatural Language Processing1993 Bonnie Lynn Webber (grad student)
Sam DiIorioRomance Literature, Cinema2003 Gerald Prince (grad student)
Mark H. DredzeHardware and Software Systems: Real-Time, Embedded and Cyber-Physical Systems, Theory: Algorithms and Complexity2009 Rajeev Alur (grad student)
Geoffrey EgnalIntelligent Systems: Robotics2002 Max Mintz (grad student)
Charles A. Erignac2001 Norman I. Badler (grad student)
Sendil K. EthirajManagement Business Administration2002 Daniel A. Levinthal (grad student)
Wenfei FanComputer Science
Christina H. FangManagement Business Administration2003 Daniel A. Levinthal (grad student)
John Nathan FosterProgramming Languages, Networking20032009 Benjamin C. Pierce (grad student)
Aikaterini I. FragkiadakiIntelligent Systems: Computer Vision Computer and Information Science2013 Jianbo Shi (grad student)
Jean GallierIntelligent Systems: Computer Vision; Computer Graphics and Animation
Xuefeng GaoArchitecture, Architectural Engineering, Energy Architecture2013 Ali M. Malkawi (grad student)
Vladimir GapeyevInformation Systems: Databases and Information Management, Theory: Formal Methods and Logic; Programming Languages and Program Analysis2006 Benjamin C. Pierce (grad student)
Jacob R GardnerMachine learning, Probabilistic Machine Learning, Bayesian Machine Learning
Edgar N. Garduno AngelesBiomedical Engineering, Computer Science2002 Gabor T. Herman (grad student)
Giovanni GavettiManagement Business Administration2000 Daniel A. Levinthal (grad student)
Yael GertnerInformation Systems: Computational Biology and Bioinformatics, Theory: Algorithms and Complexity2003 Sampath Kannan (grad student)
Christopher M. GeyerIntelligent Systems: Computer Vision2002 Kostas Daniilidis (grad student)
Robert O. GjerdingenMusic, Cognitive Psychology, Computer Science Music1984 Leonard B. Meyer (grad student)
Siome K. GoldensteinComputer Science2002 Dimitris N. Metaxas (grad student)
John P. Granieri2000 Norman I. Badler (grad student)
James GrauNeurobiology Biology, Computer Science Robert A. Rescorla (post-doc)
Harry Joshua Gray1953 Morris Rubinoff (grad student)
Todd J. GreenInformation Management: Databases and Data Management, Systems: Networks and Distributed Systems2009 Zachary Ives (grad student)
Radu Grosu19982000 Rajeev Alur (grad student)
Erdan Gu2006 Norman I. Badler (grad student)
Sudipto GuhaTheory: Algorithms and Complexity
Isin GulerManagement Business Administration2003 Daniel A. Levinthal (grad student)
Idith HaberBiomedical Engineering, Electronics and Electrical Engineering2000 Dimitris N. Metaxas (grad student), Leon Axel (grad student)
Andreas HaeberlenNetworks: Networked Systems, Networks: Security and Privacy
Gregory D. HagerComputer Science Max Mintz (grad student)
Wendy HamManagement Business Administration, Computer Science Management2014 Daniel A. Levinthal (grad student)
S HannenhalliBioinformatics Biology, Genetics, Computer Science
Carmem S. HaraInformation Systems: Computational Biology and Bioinformatics; Databases and Database Management2004 Susan Davidson (grad student)
Boulos HarbTheory: Algorithms and Complexity2007 Sudipto Guha (grad student)
Daniel Alejandro Hashimotosurgery, computer vision, machine learning, surgical education
Andrew HeadHuman-Computer Interaction, Programming Systems, Literate Programming, Help Systems, Scholarly Documents, Reading Support, Data Science Tools
Brett HemenwayNetworks: Security and Privacy, Theory: Algorithms and Complexity
Nadia HeningerNetworks: Security and Privacy, Theory: Algorithms and Complexity
Gabor T. HermanBiomedical Engineering, Computer Science
Michael HicksProgramming Languages,Computer Systems2001 Scott M. Nettles (grad student)
Andrew D. HiltonSystems: Architecture and Compilers2010 Milo M.k. Martin (grad student)
Dorit S. HochbaumOperations Research, Computer Science1979 Marshall L. Fisher (grad student)
Zhenhua HuComputer Science, Medical Biophysics, Biomedical Engineering2005 Dimitris N. Metaxas (grad student), Leon Axel (grad student)
Zhiyi HuangInformation Systems: Computational Biology and Bioinformatics, Theory: Algorithms and Complexity Computer and Information Science2013 Sampath Kannan (grad student)
Suejung B. Huh2002 Norman I. Badler (grad student)
Joel HypoliteSecurity, Networks, Machine Learning, Artificial Intelligence Computer Science Computer Science2023 Andre Dehon (grad student), Jonathan M. Smith (grad student)
Giorgio Ingargiola1968 Morris Rubinoff (grad student)
Sotiris IoannidisNetworks: Networked Systems; Security and Privacy2005 Jonathan M. Smith (grad student)
Daphne Ippolitonatural language processing2022 Chris Callison-Burch (grad student)
Ibrahim V. IslerIntelligent Systems: Computer Vision2004 Kostas Daniilidis (grad student)
Franjo IvancicHardware and Software Systems: Real-Time, Embedded and Cyber-Physical Systems, Theory: Algorithms and Complexity2003 Rajeev Alur (grad student)
Zachary IvesInformation Management: Databases and Data Management, Systems: Networks and Distributed Systems
Siddharth JayantyInformation Science, Commerce-Business Economics, Management Business Administration2006 Ravi Aron (grad student)
David W. JelinekIntelligent Systems: Robotics; Computer Vision, Hardware and Software Systems: Real-Time, Embedded and Cyber-Physical Systems2001 Camillo Jose Taylor (grad student)
Jessica R. JensenRomance Literature, Modern Literature, Women's Studies2010 Gerald Prince (grad student)
Michael Johns2007 Norman I. Badler (grad student)
Sang-Hack JungIntelligent Systems: Robotics; Computer Vision, Hardware and Software Systems: Real-Time, Embedded and Cyber-Physical Systems2003 Camillo Jose Taylor (grad student)
Milo M. K. MartinComputer Science
Laveen KanalArtificial Intelligence1960 R Duncan Luce (grad student), Robert Ray Bush (grad student)
Vasileios KandylasIntelligent Systems: Machine Learning, Information Systems: Computational Biology and Bioinformatics2009 Lyle H. Ungar (grad student)
Sampath KannanInformation Systems: Computational Biology and Bioinformatics, Theory: Algorithms and Complexity
Grigorios KarvounarakisInformation Management: Databases and Data Management, Systems: Networks and Distributed Systems2009 Zachary Ives (grad student)
Ladislav KavanIntelligent Systems: Computer Graphics and Animation; Computer Vision
Michael KearnsIntelligent Systems: Machine Learning, Networks: Security and Privacy, Theory: Algorithms and Complexity
Angelos D. KeromytisSecurity, Cryptography, Networks, Operating Systems, Distributed Systems.2001 Jonathan M. Smith (grad student)
Sanjeev KhannaInformation Management: Databases and Data Management, Theory: Algorithms and Complexity
Alexy KhrabrovIntelligent Systems: Computer Vision2011 Jianbo Shi (grad student)
Joseph T. Kider Computer and Information Science2012 Norman I. Badler (grad student)
Konrad P. KordingMotor Control, Bayesian statistics, Normative models
Jana KoseckaComputer Science1996 Ruzena Bajcsy (grad student)
Reno Kriz2021 Chris Callison-Burch (grad student)
Ankita KumarIntelligent Systems: Computer Vision2008 Kostas Daniilidis (grad student)
Roy H. KwonIntelligent Systems: Machine Learning, Information Systems: Computational Biology and Bioinformatics2002 Lyle H. Ungar (grad student), G Anandalingam (grad student)
Salvatore La TorreHardware and Software Systems: Real-Time, Embedded and Cyber-Physical Systems, Theory: Algorithms and Complexity2001 Rajeev Alur (grad student)
Stephen LaneComputer Graphics and Animation
Sooha P. Lee2002 Norman I. Badler (grad student)
Seung-Joo Lee2006 Norman I. Badler (grad student)
Cornelius Thomas Leondes1954 Morris Rubinoff (grad student)
Daniel A. LevinthalManagement Business Administration, Computer Science
Yishuai LiProgramming Languages, Distributed Storage Computer and Information Science Computer and Information Science20162022 Benjamin C. Pierce (grad student), Steve Zdancewic (grad student)
Ying Liu2003 Norman I. Badler (grad student)
Changbin LiuInformation Systems: Databases and Data Management Computer and Information Science2012 Boon Thau Loo (grad student)
Ming-Tsan M. LiuComputer Science1964 George W. Patterson (grad student)
Boon Thau LooInformation Systems: Databases and Data Management
Ameesh MakadiaIntelligent Systems: Computer Vision2007 Kostas Daniilidis (grad student)
Ali M. MalkawiComputer Science, Environmental Engineering, Mechanical Engineering
William Mansky Computer and Information Science20152016 Steve Zdancewic (post-doc)
Yun Mao2008 Boon Thau Loo (grad student)
Alessandro MarinoManagement Business Administration Management2013 Daniel A. Levinthal (grad student)
Panagiotis M. MarkopoulosIntelligent Systems: Machine Learning, Information Systems: Computational Biology and Bioinformatics2004 Lyle H. Ungar (grad student)
Milo M.k. MartinSystems: Architecture and Compilers
Lara J. MartinApplied NLP, Story Generation, Computational Creativity, Natural Language Generation, Augmentative and Alternative Communication, Neurosymbolic Methods Computer and Information Science20212023 Chris Callison-Burch (post-doc)
Judith M. MausserRomance Literature2002 Gerald Prince (grad student)
Karl MazurakComputer Science Computer and Information Science2013 Steve Zdancewic (grad student)
Michael McDougallHardware and Software Systems: Real-Time, Embedded and Cyber-Physical Systems, Theory: Algorithms and Complexity2005 Rajeev Alur (grad student)
Andrew McGregorInformation Systems: Computational Biology and Bioinformatics, Theory: Algorithms and Complexity2007 Sampath Kannan (grad student)
Dan MelamedComputer Science1998 Mitchell P. Marcus (grad student)
Rebecca T. Mercuri2001 Norman I. Badler (grad student)
Rachel L. MeschRomance Literature, Women's Studies2000 Gerald Prince (grad student)
Danaë MetaxaHuman-Computer Interaction, Algorithm Audits, Social Justice & Technology, Human- Centered AI
Dimitris N. MetaxasComputer Science
Svilen R. MihaylovTheory: Algorithms and Complexity Computer and Information Science2012 Sudipto Guha (grad student)
Max MintzIntelligent Systems: Robotics
Albert MontilloBiomedical Engineering, Computer Science, Radiology2004 Dimitris N. Metaxas (grad student), Leon Axel (grad student)
Gary MorrisIntelligent Systems: Machine Learning, Information Systems: Computational Biology and Bioinformatics2008 Lyle H. Ungar (grad student)
Stephen J. MuirNetworks: Networked Systems; Security and Privacy2001 Jonathan M. Smith (grad student)
Supratik MukhopadhyayArtificial intelligence20012002 Rajeev Alur (post-doc)
Chris MurphyComputer Science Education; Software Engineering
Santosh G. NagarakatteSystems: Architecture and Compilers Computer and Information Science2012 Milo M.k. Martin (grad student)
Klara NahrstedtComputer Science1995 Jonathan M. Smith (grad student)
Mayur H. Naik
Oleg NaroditskyIntelligent Systems: Computer Vision Computer and Information Science2012 Kostas Daniilidis (grad student)
Ani NenkovaIntelligent Systems: Natural Language Processing
James J. O'Donnelllate antiquity, librarian
Kyoungju ParkComputer Science, Biomedical Engineering2005 Dimitris N. Metaxas (grad student)
Sangdon ParkTrustworthy AI/ML, Computer Security Computer and Information Science Computer and Information Science20192021 Osbert Bastani (grad student), Insup Lee (grad student)
David C. Parkes Lyle H. Ungar (grad student)
Alexander PattersonIntelligent Systems: Computer Vision Computer and Information Science2014 Kostas Daniilidis (grad student)
Ellie Pavlickcomputational semantics, computational pragmatics, natural language processing2017 Chris Callison-Burch (grad student)
Nuria Pelechano Gomez2006 Norman I. Badler (grad student)
Vlad PetricComputer Science2007 Amir Roth (grad student)
Benjamin C. PierceInformation Systems: Databases and Information Management, Theory: Formal Methods and Logic; Programming Languages and Program Analysis
Keith A. PoniewazComparative Literature, Theater2009 Gerald Prince (grad student)
Lucian PopaInformation Systems: Databases and Data Management, Theory: Formal Methods and Logic2000 Val Tannen (grad student)
Alexandrin PopesculIntelligent Systems: Machine Learning, Information Systems: Computational Biology and Bioinformatics2004 Lyle H. Ungar (grad student)
Hart E. PosenManagement Business Administration2005 Daniel A. Levinthal (grad student)
Gerald PrinceComputer Science
Noah S. PrywesComputer Science
Arun RaghavanSystems: Architecture and Compilers Computer and Information Science2013 Milo M.k. Martin (grad student)
Robert RandProgramming Languages, Formal Verification, Quantum Computing Computer Science20122018 Steve Zdancewic (grad student)
Aaron RothInformation Systems: Databases and Data Management, Theory: Algorithms and Complexity
Amir RothComputer Science
Sudeepa RoyInformation Systems: Computational Biology and Bioinformatics; Databases and Database Management Computer and Information Science2012 Susan Davidson (grad student)
Oleh Rybkin
Arnaud SahuguetInformation Systems: Databases and Data Management, Theory: Formal Methods and Logic2002 Val Tannen (grad student)
Dimitrios SamarasComputer Science2001 Dimitris N. Metaxas (grad student)
S. T. SandlerIntelligent Systems: Machine Learning, Information Systems: Computational Biology and Bioinformatics2009 Lyle H. Ungar (grad student)
Lawrence K. SaulMachine learning, high dimensional data analysis
Andrew I. ScheinIntelligent Systems: Machine Learning, Information Systems: Computational Biology and Bioinformatics2005 Lyle H. Ungar (grad student)
Jonathan SchugIntelligent Systems: Robotics2005 Max Mintz (grad student)
Praveen SethupathyBioinformatics Biology, Genetics, Computer Science2008 S Hannenhalli (grad student)
Tingting ShaComputer Science2011 Amir Roth (grad student)
Fei ShaStatistical Machine Learning, Principled Probabilistic Models and Algorithms2007 Lawrence K. Saul (grad student)
Micah SherrInformation Systems: Databases and Data Management2009 Boon Thau Loo (grad student)
Jianping Shi2000 Norman I. Badler (grad student)
Jianbo ShiIntelligent Systems: Computer Vision
Jangwoo ShinHardware and Software Systems: Real-Time, Embedded and Cyber-Physical Systems, Theory: Formal Methods and Logic2002 Oleg Sokolsky (grad student)
Babak ShirmohammadiIntelligent Systems: Robotics; Computer Vision, Hardware and Software Systems: Real-Time, Embedded and Cyber-Physical Systems Computer and Information Science2012 Camillo Jose Taylor (grad student)
Lucas Silver Computer and Information Science Computer and Information Science20192023 Steve Zdancewic (grad student), Steve Zdancewic (post-doc)
Marcelo SiqueiraIntelligent Systems: Computer Vision; Computer Graphics and Animation2006 Jean Gallier (grad student)
Jonathan M. SmithNetworks: Networked Systems; Security and Privacy
Andrew J. SobanetRomance Literature, Criminology and Penology2001 Gerald Prince (grad student)
Oleg SokolskyHardware and Software Systems: Real-Time, Embedded and Cyber-Physical Systems, Theory: Formal Methods and Logic
Gang SongIntelligent Systems: Computer Vision Computer and Information Science2013 Jianbo Shi (grad student)
Laura SpagnoliRomance Literature2002 Gerald Prince (grad student)
John R. SpletzerIntelligent Systems: Robotics; Computer Vision, Hardware and Software Systems: Real-Time, Embedded and Cyber-Physical Systems2003 Camillo Jose Taylor (grad student)
Praveen SrinivasanIntelligent Systems: Computer Vision2011 Jianbo Shi (grad student)
Caleb D Stanfordformal methods, theory of computation, logic2002 Rajeev Alur (grad student)
Christian J. StoeckertGenetics, Computer Science
Wu-pei SuGeneral Biophysics, Computer Science, General Physics J. Robert Schrieffer (grad student)
Harold C. SunComputer Science2000 Dimitris N. Metaxas (grad student)
Ben Sunshine-Hill2011 Norman I. Badler (grad student)
Siddharth SuriIntelligent Systems: Machine Learning, Networks: Security and Privacy, Theory: Algorithms and Complexity2007 Michael Kearns (grad student)
Jinsong TanIntelligent Systems: Machine Learning, Networks: Security and Privacy, Theory: Algorithms and Complexity2010 Michael Kearns (grad student)
Wang-Chiew TanInformation Management: Databases and Data Management, Theory: Algorithms and Complexity2002 Sanjeev Khanna (grad student)
Val TannenInformation Systems: Databases and Data Management, Theory: Formal Methods and Logic
Camillo Jose TaylorIntelligent Systems: Robotics; Computer Vision, Hardware and Software Systems: Real-Time, Embedded and Cyber-Physical Systems
Alexander ToshevIntelligent Systems: Computer Vision2011 Kostas Daniilidis (grad student)
Stephen C. TseNetworks: Security and Privacy, Theory: Programming Languages and Program Analysis2007 Stephan A. Zdancewic (grad student)
Lyle H. UngarIntelligent Systems: Machine Learning, Information Systems: Computational Biology and Bioinformatics
Annapurna ValluriIntelligent Systems: Machine Learning, Information Systems: Computational Biology and Bioinformatics2006 Lyle H. Ungar (grad student)
Jennifer Wortman Vaughanmachine learning, learning theory, algorithmic economics, and social computing2009 Michael Kearns (grad student)
Jeffrey A. VaughanComputer Science2009 Steve Zdancewic (grad student)
Christian P. VoglerComputer Science2003 Dimitris N. Metaxas (grad student)
Dimitrios VytiniotisTheory: Formal Methods and Logic; Programming Languages and Program Analysis2008 Stephanie Weirich (grad student)
Bow-Yaw WangHardware and Software Systems: Real-Time, Embedded and Cyber-Physical Systems, Theory: Algorithms and Complexity2001 Rajeev Alur (grad student)
Li-San Wangbioinformatics
Kilian Q. WeinbergerComputer Science2007 Lawrence K. Saul (grad student)
Stephanie WeirichTheory: Formal Methods and Logic; Programming Languages and Program Analysis
Mark E WhitingComputational Social Science, Social Computing, Collective Intelligence, CSCW, Future of Work CIS & OID2019 Duncan J. Watts (post-doc)
Baohua Wu Computer and Information Science2014 Norman I. Badler (grad student)
Li-yao Xia Computer and Information Science Computer and Information Science2022 Benjamin C. Pierce (grad student), Steve Zdancewic (grad student)
Dianna XuIntelligent Systems: Computer Vision; Computer Graphics and Animation2002 Jean Gallier (grad student)
Wei Xu Computer Information and Science20142016 Chris Callison-Burch (post-doc)
Linh Thi Xuan PhanHardware and Software Systems: Real-Time, Embedded and Cyber-Physical Systems
Bin YanArchitectural Engineering Architecture2013 Ali M. Malkawi (grad student)
Zijiang YangHardware and Software Systems: Real-Time, Embedded and Cyber-Physical Systems, Theory: Algorithms and Complexity2003 Rajeev Alur (grad student)
Irene Yoon Computer and Information Science20192023 Steve Zdancewic (grad student)
Brent A. YorgeyTheory: Formal Methods and Logic; Programming Languages and Program Analysis Computer and Information Science2014 Stephanie Weirich (grad student)
Yannick Zakowski Computer and Information Science20182020 Steve Zdancewic (post-doc)
Stephan A. ZdancewicNetworks: Security and Privacy, Theory: Programming Languages and Program Analysis
Steve ZdancewicComputer Science Computing and Information Science Andrew C Myers (grad student)
Qizhen Zhang2022 Boon Thau Loo (grad student)
Xin Zhang
Liwei Zhao2001 Norman I. Badler (grad student)
Liming Zhao2009 Norman I. Badler (grad student)
Jianzhou ZhaoComputer Science Computer and Information Science2013 Steve Zdancewic (grad student)
Yifeng ZhengInformation Systems: Computational Biology and Bioinformatics; Databases and Database Management2007 Susan Davidson (grad student)
Wenchao Zhou Computer and Information Science2012 Boon Thau Loo (grad student)
QIhui ZhuIntelligent Systems: Computer Vision2011 Jianbo Shi (grad student)