Geoffrey E. Hinton

Computer Science University of Toronto, Toronto, ON, Canada 
machine learning
"Geoffrey Hinton"
Cross-listing: Neurotree


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Hugh Christopher Longuet-Higgins grad student 1972-1975 Edinburgh University (Chemistry Tree)
Don Norman post-doc (Neurotree)


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Arjun Bharioke research assistant (Neurotree)
Quaid Morris research assistant 1994-1996 University of Toronto (Neurotree)
Blake Aaron Richards research assistant 2005-2006 University of Toronto (Neurotree)
Jimmy Ba grad student University of Toronto (Neurotree)
Suzanna Becker grad student University of Toronto (Neurotree)
Virginia R. de Sa grad student University of Toronto (Neurotree)
Danijar Hafner grad student (Neurotree)
David C. Plaut grad student Carnegie Mellon (Neurotree)
Ruslan Salakhutdinov grad student University of Toronto (Neurotree)
Joshua M. Susskind grad student 2004- University of Toronto (Neurotree)
David H. Ackley grad student 1987 Carnegie Mellon
Peter Brown grad student 1987 University of Toronto
Richard Szeliski grad student 1988 Carnegie Mellon
Kevin Lang grad student 1989 University of Toronto
Michelle Wahl Craig grad student 1991 University of Toronto (Neurotree)
Conrad Galland grad student 1992 University of Toronto
Sidney Fels grad student 1994 University of Toronto
Radford Neal grad student 1994 University of Toronto (MathTree)
Tony A. Plate grad student 1994 University of Toronto (Neurotree)
Christopher Williams grad student 1994 University of Toronto
Rich S. Zemel grad student 1994 University of Toronto (Neurotree)
Lisa White grad student 1995 University of Toronto (Neurotree)
Carl Rasmussen grad student 1996 University of Toronto
Ava ChiKwan To grad student 1996 University of Toronto (Neurotree)
Brendan J. Frey grad student 1997 University of Toronto
Evan Steeg grad student 1997 University of Toronto
Radek Grzeszczuk grad student 1998 University of Toronto
Josh H. McDermott grad student 1998-2000 UCL (Neurotree)
Marco Buiatti grad student 2001 University of Toronto (Neurotree)
Andrew Brown grad student 2002 University of Toronto
Steve S. Oore grad student 2002 University of Toronto (Neurotree)
Brian Sallans grad student 2002 University of Toronto
Alberto Paccanaro grad student 1996-2002 University of Toronto (Neurotree)
Yee W. Teh grad student 2003 University of Toronto (Neurotree)
Simon Osindero grad student 2004 University of Toronto
Nina Thiessen grad student 2004 University of Toronto (Neurotree)
Roland Memisevic grad student 2007 University of Toronto
Andriy Mnih grad student 2009 University of Toronto
Graham Taylor grad student 2009 University of Toronto
Martin Renqiang Min grad student 2010 University of Toronto (Neurotree)
Vinod Nair grad student 2004-2010 University of Toronto
Ilya Sutskever grad student 2012 University of Toronto (Neurotree)
Volodymyr Mnih grad student 2013 University of Toronto (Neurotree)
Vlad Mnih grad student 2013 University of Toronto (Neurotree)
Navdeep Jaitly grad student 2014 University of Toronto (Neurotree)
Abdel-rahman Mohamed grad student 2014 University of Toronto (Neurotree)
Tijmen Tieleman grad student 2014 University of Toronto (Neurotree)
George Dahl grad student 2015 University of Toronto (Neurotree)
(Charlie) Yichuan Tang grad student 2015 University of Toronto (Neurotree)
Nitish Srivastava grad student 2016 University of Toronto (Neurotree)
Peter Dayan post-doc University of Toronto (Neurotree)
Zoubin Ghahramani post-doc University of Toronto (Neurotree)
Mike Mozer post-doc University of Toronto (Neurotree)
Sam T. Roweis post-doc UCL
David Touretzky post-doc University of Toronto (Neurotree)
Ray Watrous post-doc University of Toronto (Neurotree)
Yann LeCun post-doc 1987-1988 University of Toronto (Neurotree)
Michael C. Mozer post-doc 1987-1988 University of Toronto (MathTree)
Ryan P. Adams post-doc 2009-2011 University of Toronto (Neurotree)
Simon Kornblith research scientist 2017- Google (Neurotree)
BETA: Related publications


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Azizi S, Culp L, Freyberg J, et al. (2023) Robust and data-efficient generalization of self-supervised machine learning for diagnostic imaging. Nature Biomedical Engineering
Lillicrap TP, Santoro A, Marris L, et al. (2020) Backpropagation and the brain. Nature Reviews. Neuroscience
LeCun Y, Bengio Y, Hinton G. (2015) Deep learning. Nature. 521: 436-44
Ranzato M’, Hinton G, LeCun Y. (2015) Guest Editorial: Deep Learning International Journal of Computer Vision. 113: 1-2
Hinton G. (2014) Where do features come from? Cognitive Science. 38: 1078-1101
Sarikaya R, Hinton GE, Deoras A. (2014) Application of deep belief networks for natural language understanding Ieee Transactions On Audio, Speech and Language Processing. 22: 778-784
Srivastava N, Hinton G, Krizhevsky A, et al. (2014) Dropout: A simple way to prevent neural networks from overfitting Journal of Machine Learning Research. 15: 1929-1958
Ranzato M, Mnih V, Susskind JM, et al. (2013) Modeling natural images using gated MRFs. Ieee Transactions On Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence. 35: 2206-22
Ranzato M, Mnih V, Susskind JM, et al. (2013) Modeling Natural Images Using Gated MRFs. Ieee Transactions On Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence
Graves A, Mohamed AR, Hinton G. (2013) Speech recognition with deep recurrent neural networks Icassp, Ieee International Conference On Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing - Proceedings. 6645-6649
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