Kostas Daniilidis
Affiliations: | Computer and Information Science | University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, PA, United States |
Intelligent Systems: Computer VisionGoogle:
"Kostas Daniilidis"Children
Sign in to add traineeMonroe David Kennedy | grad student | Penn (Physics Tree) | |
Oleh Rybkin | grad student | ||
Adnan Ansar | grad student | 2001 | Penn |
Christopher M. Geyer | grad student | 2002 | Penn |
Ibrahim V. Isler | grad student | 2004 | Penn |
Ameesh Makadia | grad student | 2007 | Penn |
Ankita Kumar | grad student | 2008 | Penn |
Alexander Toshev | grad student | 2011 | Penn |
Oleg Naroditsky | grad student | 2012 | Penn |
Alexander Patterson | grad student | 2014 | Penn |
Andrew C Jaegle | grad student | 2012-2018 | (Neurotree) |
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Gallego G, Delbruck T, Orchard GM, et al. (2020) Event-based Vision: A Survey. Ieee Transactions On Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence |
Esteves C, Allen-Blanchette C, Makadia A, et al. (2019) Learning SO(3) Equivariant Representations with Spherical CNNs International Journal of Computer Vision. 128: 588-600 |
Zhou X, Zhu M, Pavlakos G, et al. (2018) MonoCap: Monocular Human Motion Capture using a CNN Coupled with a Geometric Prior. Ieee Transactions On Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence |
Zhou X, Zhu M, Leonardos S, et al. (2016) Sparse Representation for 3D Shape Estimation: A Convex Relaxation Approach. Ieee Transactions On Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence |
Zhou X, Zhu M, Leonardos S, et al. (2016) Sparse Representation for 3D Shape Estimation: A Convex Relaxation Approach. Ieee Transactions On Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence |
Atanasov N, Zhu M, Daniilidis K, et al. (2016) Localization from semantic observations via the matrix permanent International Journal of Robotics Research. 35: 73-99 |
Thomas J, Loianno G, Daniilidis K, et al. (2016) The role of vision in perching and grasping for MAVs Proceedings of Spie. 9836 |
Thomas J, Loianno G, Daniilidis K, et al. (2016) Visual Servoing of Quadrotors for Perching by Hanging From Cylindrical Objects Ieee Robotics and Automation Letters. 1: 57-64 |
Cleveland J, Thakur D, Dames P, et al. (2015) An automated system for semantic object labeling with soft object recognition and dynamic programming segmentation Ieee International Conference On Automation Science and Engineering. 2015: 683-690 |
Phillips CJ, Lecce M, Davis C, et al. (2015) Grasping surfaces of revolution: Simultaneous pose and shape recovery from two views Proceedings - Ieee International Conference On Robotics and Automation. 2015: 1352-1359 |