Aravind Joshi

University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, PA, United States 
natural language processing
"Aravind Joshi"
Mean distance: 17.13 (cluster 21)
Cross-listing: LinguisTree


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Anne Abeillé grad student Penn (LinguisTree)
Kathleen R. Mckeown grad student Columbia
Tatjana Scheffler grad student (LinguisTree)
Vijay K. Shanker grad student (MathTree)
Robert Frank grad student 1987-1992 Penn (LinguisTree)
Philip Resnik grad student 1989-1993 Penn (LinguisTree)
Owen Rambow grad student 1994 Penn (LinguisTree)
Seth N. Kulick grad student 2000 Penn
Fei Xia grad student 2001 Penn
Anoop Sarkar grad student 2002 Penn
Cassandre Y. Creswell grad student 2003 Penn
Eleni Miltsakaki grad student 2003 Penn (LinguisTree)
Carlos A. Prolo grad student 2003 Penn
William E. Schuler grad student 2003 Penn
David Chiang grad student 2004 Penn (LinguisTree)
Libin Shen grad student 2006 Penn
Liang Huang grad student 2003-2008 Penn (LinguisTree)
Nikhil Dinesh grad student 2010 Penn
BETA: Related publications


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Grosz BJ, Hajicova E, Joshi A. (2015) Jane J. Robinson Computational Linguistics. 41: 723-726
Prasad R, Webber B, Joshi A. (2014) Reflections on the Penn Discourse TreeBank, Comparable Corpora, and Complementary Annotation Computational Linguistics. 40: 921-950
Dinesh N, Joshi A, Lee I, et al. (2011) Permission to speak: A logic for access control and conformance Journal of Logic and Algebraic Programming. 80: 50-74
Miltsakaki E, Robaldo L, Lee A, et al. (2008) Sense annotation in the penn discourse treebank Lecture Notes in Computer Science (Including Subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics). 4919: 275-286
Lucas A, Huang L, Joshi A, et al. (2007) Statistical mechanics of helix bundles using a dynamic programming approach. Journal of the American Chemical Society. 129: 4272-81
Dill KA, Lucas A, Hockenmaier J, et al. (2007) Computational linguistics: A new tool for exploring biopolymer structures and statistical mechanics Polymer. 48: 4289-4300
Chiang D, Joshi AK, Searls DB. (2006) Grammatical representations of macromolecular structure. Journal of Computational Biology : a Journal of Computational Molecular Cell Biology. 13: 1077-100
Chiang D, Joshi AK, Dill KA. (2006) A grammatical theory for the conformational changes of simple helix bundles. Journal of Computational Biology : a Journal of Computational Molecular Cell Biology. 13: 21-42
Joshi AK, Prasad R, Miltsakaki E. (2006) Anaphora Resolution: Centering Theory Approach Encyclopedia of Language & Linguistics. 223-230
Shen L, Joshi AK. (2005) Ranking and Reranking with Perceptron Machine Learning. 60: 73-96
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