Andrew Witkin

Carnegie Mellon University, Pittsburgh, PA 
Computer Science
"Andrew Witkin"


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Whitman Richards grad student 1977 MIT (Neurotree)


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Michael L. Gleicher grad student 1998-1994 Carnegie Mellon
Zoran Popovic grad student 1991-1998 Carnegie Mellon (Robotree)
Frank S. Grassia grad student 2000 Carnegie Mellon
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Gleicher M, Witkin A. (1994) Drawing with constraints The Visual Computer. 11: 39-51
Witkin A, Gleicher M, Welch W. (1990) Interactive dynamics Proceedings of the 1990 Symposium On Interactive 3d Graphics, I3d 1990. 11-21
Terzopoulos D, Witkin A, Kass M. (1988) Shape, Depth, and Nonrigid Motion from Profiles Proceedings of Spie - the International Society For Optical Engineering. 937: 245-255
Terzopoulos D, Witkin A. (1988) Physically Based Models with Rigid and Deformable Components Ieee Computer Graphics and Applications. 8: 41-51
Terzopoulos D, Witkin A, Kass M. (1988) Constraints on deformable models:Recovering 3D shape and nonrigid motion Artificial Intelligence. 36: 91-123
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