Zhi-Pei Liang

University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign, Urbana-Champaign, IL 
Electronics and Electrical Engineering, Computer Science
"Zhi-Pei Liang"


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Paul Christian Lauterbur post-doc 1989-1991 UIUC (Neurotree)


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Mark B. Skouson grad student 2000 UIUC
Hao Pan grad student 2001 UIUC
Jim X. Ji grad student 2003 UIUC
Dan Xu grad student 2007 UIUC
Diego Hernando grad student 2010 UIUC
Justin P. Haldar grad student 2011 UIUC
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Guan Y, Li Y, Ke Z, et al. (2024) Learning-Assisted Fast Determination of Regularization Parameter in Constrained Image Reconstruction. Ieee Transactions On Bio-Medical Engineering
Guan Y, Li Y, Liu R, et al. (2023) Subspace Model-Assisted Deep Learning for Improved Image Reconstruction. Ieee Transactions On Medical Imaging
Jin R, Li Y, Shosted RK, et al. (2023) Optimization of 3D dynamic speech MRI: Poisson-disc undersampling and locally higher-rank reconstruction through partial separability model with regional optimized temporal basis. Magnetic Resonance in Medicine
Lam F, Peng X, Liang ZP. (2023) High-Dimensional MR Spatiospectral Imaging by Integrating Physics-Based Modeling and Data-Driven Machine Learning: Current progress and future directions. Ieee Signal Processing Magazine. 40: 101-115
Tang L, Zhao Y, Li Y, et al. (2022) JSENSE-Pro: Joint sensitivity estimation and image reconstruction in parallel imaging using pre-learned subspaces of coil sensitivity functions. Magnetic Resonance in Medicine
Li Y, Zhao Y, Guo R, et al. (2021) Machine Learning-Enabled High-Resolution Dynamic Deuterium MR Spectroscopic Imaging. Ieee Transactions On Medical Imaging
Zhao Y, Guo R, Li Y, et al. (2021) High-resolution sodium imaging using anatomical and sparsity constraints for denoising and recovery of novel features. Magnetic Resonance in Medicine
Guo R, Zhao Y, Li Y, et al. (2020) Simultaneous QSM and metabolic imaging of the brain using SPICE: Further improvements in data acquisition and processing. Magnetic Resonance in Medicine
Tang L, Zhao Y, Li Y, et al. (2020) Accelerated J-resolved H-MRSI with limited and sparse sampling of ( -space. Magnetic Resonance in Medicine
Clifford B, Gu Y, Liu Y, et al. (2020) High-Resolution Dynamic P-MR Spectroscopic Imaging for Mapping Mitochondrial Function. Ieee Transactions On Bio-Medical Engineering
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