Rolf Rysdyk
Affiliations: | University of Washington, Seattle, Seattle, WA |
Mechanical Engineering, Electronics and Electrical Engineering, Computer ScienceGoogle:
"Rolf Rysdyk"
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Lum CW, Vagners J, Rysdyk RT. (2010) Search algorithm for teams of heterogeneous agents with coverage guarantees Journal of Aerospace Computing, Information and Communication. 7: 1-31 |
Lum C, Rysdyk R. (2008) Time constrained randomized path planning using spatial networks Proceedings of the American Control Conference. 3725-3732 |
Lum CW, Rowland ML, Rysdyk RT. (2008) Human-in-the-loop distributed simulation and validation of strategic autonomous algorithms 26th Aiaa Aerodynamic Measurement Technology and Ground Testing Conference |
Wise RA, Pongpunwattana A, Rysdyk RT. (2008) Modular tactical autonomous guidance using evolution-based algorithms Aiaa Guidance, Navigation and Control Conference and Exhibit |
Rysdyk R. (2007) Course and heading changes in significant wind Journal of Guidance, Control, and Dynamics. 30: 1168-1171 |
Pongpunwattana A, Rysdyk R. (2007) Evolution-based dynamic path planning for autonomous vehicles Studies in Computational Intelligence. 70: 113-145 |
Stevenson D, Wheeler M, Campbell ME, et al. (2007) Cooperative tracking flight test Collection of Technical Papers - Aiaa Guidance, Navigation, and Control Conference 2007. 4: 3942-3953 |
Wise RA, Rysdyk R. (2007) Robust UAV coordination under variable communication rates Collection of Technical Papers - 2007 Aiaa Infotech At Aerospace Conference. 1: 437-452 |
Wise RA, Rysdyk RT. (2007) Recovery of UAV coordination robustness lost by slow information update rates Collection of Technical Papers - Aiaa Guidance, Navigation, and Control Conference 2007. 1: 974-988 |
Wheeler M, Wise R, Rysdyk R, et al. (2007) Autonomous cooperative geo-location and coordinated tracking of moving targets Collection of Technical Papers - 2007 Aiaa Infotech At Aerospace Conference. 2: 1479-1488 |