Naftaly H. Minsky

Rutgers University, New Brunswick, New Brunswick, NJ, United States 
Computer Science
"Naftaly Minsky"
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Wang Z, Minsky NH. (2016) Towards secure distributed hash table Lecture Notes of the Institute For Computer Sciences, Social-Informatics and Telecommunications Engineering, Lnicst. 163: 257-266
Wang Z, Minsky NH. (2015) Regularity based decentralized social networks Lecture Notes in Computer Science (Including Subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics). 8924: 255-262
Minsky NH. (2012) Decentralized governance of distributed systems via interaction control Lecture Notes in Computer Science (Including Subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics). 7360: 374-400
Serban C, Tyszberowicz SS, Feldman YA, et al. (2008) Developing law-governed systems using aspects The Journal of Object Technology. 7: 25-46
Serban C, Chen Y, Zhang W, et al. (2008) The concept of decentralized and secure electronic marketplace Electronic Commerce Research. 8: 79-101
Ao X, Jeeves A, Minsky NH. (2006) Regulated delegation in distributed systems Proceedings - Seventh Ieee International Workshop On Policies For Distributed Systems and Networks, Policy 2006. 2006: 215-223
Minsky N. (2005) Law-governed multi-agent systems: from anarchy to order Acm Sigsoft Software Engineering Notes. 30: 1-1
Fontoura M, Ionescu M, Minsky N. (2005) Decentralized peer-to-peer auctions Electronic Commerce Research. 5: 7-24
Minsky NH. (2004) A decentralized treatment of a highly distributed Chinese-wall policy Proceedings - Fifth Ieee International Workshop On Policies For Distributed Systems and Networks, Policy 2004. 181-184
Ao X, Minsky NH. (2004) On the role of roles: From role-based to role-sensitive access control Proceedings of Acm Symposium On Access Control Models and Technologies (Sacmat 2002). 9: 51-60
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