Michael Devetsikiotis

North Carolina State University, Raleigh, NC 
Electronics and Electrical Engineering, Computer Science
"Michael Devetsikiotis"


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Bobby M. Ninan grad student 2004 NCSU
Jie Hui grad student 2005 NCSU
Srikant S. Nalatwad grad student 2005 NCSU
Chih-Chieh Hsu grad student 2007 NCSU
Robert D. Callaway grad student 2008 NCSU
Michael G. Kallitsis grad student 2010 NCSU
Daehyun Ban grad student 2012 NCSU
Vineet A. Kulkarni grad student 2012 NCSU
Ioannis Papapanagiotou grad student 2012 NCSU
Islam S. Bayram grad student 2013 NCSU
Boonyarith Saovapakhiran grad student 2013 NCSU
BETA: Related publications


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Wang Y, Becvarik M, Devetsikiotis M. (2016) Modeling of managed resources in a location aware smart building 2016 23rd International Conference On Telecommunications, Ict 2016
Sbordone DA, Carlini EM, Di Pietra B, et al. (2016) The future interaction between virtual aggregator-TSO-DSO to increase DG penetration Proceedings - 2015 International Conference On Smart Grid and Clean Energy Technologies, Icsgce 2015. 201-205
Christidis K, Devetsikiotis M. (2016) Blockchains and Smart Contracts for the Internet of Things Ieee Access. 4: 2292-2303
Kong C, Bayram IS, Devetsikiotis M. (2015) Revenue Optimization Frameworks for Multi-Class PEV Charging Stations Ieee Access. 3: 2140-2150
Bayram IS, Michailidis G, Devetsikiotis M. (2014) Unsplittable Load Balancing in a Network of Charging Stations Under QoS Guarantees Ieee Transactions On Smart Grid
Falvo MC, Sbordone D, Bayram IS, et al. (2014) EV charging stations and modes: International standards 2014 International Symposium On Power Electronics, Electrical Drives, Automation and Motion, Speedam 2014. 1134-1139
Sbordone DA, Falvo MC, Martirano L, et al. (2014) Interactive energy: An approach for the dynamic pricing and dispatching of EV charging service Proceedings, Iecon 2014 - 40th Annual Conference of the Ieee Industrial Electronics Society. 3556-3562
Bayram IS, Michailidis G, Devetsikiotis M. (2013) Electric power resource provisioning for large scale public EV charging facilities 2013 Ieee International Conference On Smart Grid Communications, Smartgridcomm 2013. 133-138
Bayram IS, Michailidis G, Devetsikiotis M, et al. (2013) Electric power allocation in a network of fast charging stations Ieee Journal On Selected Areas in Communications. 31: 1235-1246
Bayram IS, Michailidis G, Papapanagiotou I, et al. (2013) Decentralized control of electric vehicles in a network of fast charging stations Globecom - Ieee Global Telecommunications Conference. 2785-2790
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