Michael Terry, Ph.D.

2005 Georgia Institute of Technology, Atlanta, GA 
Computer Science
"Michael Terry"


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Elizabeth Mynatt grad student 2005 Georgia Tech
 (Set-based user interaction.)
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Bunt A, Terry M, Lank E. (2013) Challenges and Opportunities for Mathematics Software in Expert Problem Solving Human-Computer Interaction. 28: 222-264
Terry M, Mynatt ED. (2005) Enhancing general-purpose tools with multi-state previewing capabilities Knowledge-Based Systems. 18: 415-425
Terry M, Mynatt ED. (2002) Supporting Experimentation with Side-Views Communications of the Acm. 45: 106-108
Terry M, Mynatt ED. (2002) Recognizing Creative Needs in User Interface Design Proceedings of the Fourth Creativity and Cognition Conference. 38-44
Terry M, Mynatt ED. (2002) Side views: Persistent, on-demand previews for open-ended tasks Uist (User Interface Software and Technology): Proceedings of the Acm Symposium. 71-80
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