Ralph Gross, Ph.D.

2008 Carnegie Mellon University, Pittsburgh, PA 
Computer Science
"Ralph Gross"


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Latanya A. Sweeney grad student 2008 Carnegie Mellon
 (Face de-identification using multi-factor active appearance models.)
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Gross R, Matthews I, Cohn J, et al. (2010) Multi-PIE. Proceedings of the ... International Conference On Automatic Face and Gesture Recognition. International Conference On Automatic Face and Gesture Recognition. 28: 807-813
Gross R, Sweeney L, Cohn J, et al. (2008) Model-Based de-identification of facial images. Amia ... Annual Symposium Proceedings / Amia Symposium. Amia Symposium. 262
Gross R, Matthews I, Baker S. (2006) Active appearance models with occlusion Image and Vision Computing. 24: 593-604
Gross R, Matthews I, Baker S. (2005) Generic vs. person specific active appearance models Image and Vision Computing. 23: 1080-1093
Gross R, Matthews I, Baker S. (2004) Appearance-based face recognition and light-fields. Ieee Transactions On Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence. 26: 449-65
Gross R, Brajovic V. (2003) An image preprocessing algorithm for illumination invariant face recognition Lecture Notes in Computer Science. 10-18
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