Fang Teng, Ph.D.

2001 The University of Texas Graduate School of Biomedical Sciences at Houston 
Microbiology Biology, Molecular Biology
"Fang Teng"


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George M. Weinstock grad student 2001 The University of Texas Graduate School of Biomedical Sciences at Houston
 (Identification and characterization of antigens and potential virulence factors in Enterococcus.)
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Teng F, Singh KV, Bourgogne A, et al. (2009) Further characterization of the epa gene cluster and Epa polysaccharides of Enterococcus faecalis. Infection and Immunity. 77: 3759-67
Mohamed JA, Teng F, Nallapareddy SR, et al. (2006) Pleiotrophic effects of 2 Enterococcus faecalis sagA-like genes, salA and salB, which encode proteins that are antigenic during human infection, on biofilm formation and binding to collagen type i and fibronectin. The Journal of Infectious Diseases. 193: 231-40
Nannini EC, Teng F, Singh KV, et al. (2005) Decreased virulence of a gls24 mutant of Enterococcus faecalis OG1RF in an experimental endocarditis model. Infection and Immunity. 73: 7772-4
Zeng J, Teng F, Murray BE. (2005) Gelatinase is important for translocation of Enterococcus faecalis across polarized human enterocyte-like T84 cells. Infection and Immunity. 73: 1606-12
Teng F, Nannini EC, Murray BE. (2005) Importance of gls24 in virulence and stress response of Enterococcus faecalis and use of the Gls24 protein as a possible immunotherapy target. The Journal of Infectious Diseases. 191: 472-80
Mohamed JA, Huang W, Nallapareddy SR, et al. (2005) Influence of Origin of Isolates, Especially Endocarditis Isolates, and Various Genes on Biofilm Formation by Enterococcus faecalis Infection and Immunity. 73: 7075-7075
Mohamed JA, Huang W, Nallapareddy SR, et al. (2004) Influence of origin of isolates, especially endocarditis isolates, and various genes on biofilm formation by Enterococcus faecalis. Infection and Immunity. 72: 3658-63
Zeng J, Teng F, Weinstock GM, et al. (2004) Translocation of Enterococcus faecalis strains across a monolayer of polarized human enterocyte-like T84 cells. Journal of Clinical Microbiology. 42: 1149-54
Teng F, Kawalec M, Weinstock GM, et al. (2003) An Enterococcus faecium secreted antigen, SagA, exhibits broad-spectrum binding to extracellular matrix proteins and appears essential for E. faecium growth. Infection and Immunity. 71: 5033-41
Teng F, Jacques-Palaz KD, Weinstock GM, et al. (2002) Evidence that the enterococcal polysaccharide antigen gene (epa) cluster is widespread in Enterococcus faecalis and influences resistance to phagocytic killing of E. faecalis. Infection and Immunity. 70: 2010-5
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