Stefan Saroiu, Ph.D.
Affiliations: | 2004 | University of Washington, Seattle, Seattle, WA |
Computer ScienceGoogle:
"Stefan Saroiu"Parents
Sign in to add mentorHenry M. Levy | grad student | 2004 | University of Washington | |
(Measurement and analysis of Internet content delivery systems.) |
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Cuervo E, Wolman A, Cox LP, et al. (2015) Kahawai: High-quality mobile gaming using GPU offload Mobisys 2015 - Proceedings of the 13th Annual International Conference On Mobile Systems, Applications, and Services. 121-135 |
Saroiu S, Wolman A, Agarwal S. (2015) Policy-carrying data: A privacy abstraction for attaching terms of service to mobile data Hotmobile 2015 - 16th International Workshop On Mobile Computing Systems and Applications. 129-134 |
Colp P, Zhang J, Gleeson J, et al. (2015) Protecting data on smartphones and tablets from memory attacks Acm Sigplan Notices. 50: 177-189 |
Smowton C, Lorch JR, Molnar D, et al. (2014) Zero-effort payments: Design, deployment, and lessons Ubicomp 2014 - Proceedings of the 2014 Acm International Joint Conference On Pervasive and Ubiquitous Computing. 763-774 |
Cuervo E, Wolman A, Cox L, et al. (2014) Demo: Kahawai: High-quality mobile gaming using GPU offload Mobisys 2014 - Proceedings of the 12th Annual International Conference On Mobile Systems, Applications, and Services. 345 |
Santos N, Raj H, Saroiu S, et al. (2014) Using ARM TrustZone to build a Trusted Language Runtime for mobile applications International Conference On Architectural Support For Programming Languages and Operating Systems - Asplos. 67-80 |
Raj H, Saroiu S, Wolman A, et al. (2013) Splitting the bill for mobile data with SIMlets Acm Hotmobile 2013: the 14th Workshop On Mobile Computing Systems and Applications |
Liu H, Saroiu S, Wolman A, et al. (2012) Software abstractions for trusted sensors Mobisys'12 - Proceedings of the 10th International Conference On Mobile Systems, Applications, and Services. 365-378 |
Nguyen A, Raj H, Rayanchu S, et al. (2012) Delusional boot: Securing cloud hypervisors without massive re-engineering Eurosys'12 - Proceedings of the Eurosys 2012 Conference. 141-154 |
Santos N, Raj H, Saroiu S, et al. (2011) Trusted Language Runtime (TLR): Enabling trusted applications on smartphones Hotmobile 2011: the 12th Workshop On Mobile Computing Systems and Applications. 21-26 |