Ido Roll, Ph.D.

2009 Carnegie Mellon University, Pittsburgh, PA 
Cognitive Psychology, Mathematics Education, Computer Science
"Ido Roll"


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Kenneth R. Koedinger grad student 2009 Carnegie Mellon
 (Structured invention tasks to prepare students for future learning: Means, mechanisms, and cognitive processes.)
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Kapur M, Saba J, Roll I. (2023) Prior math achievement and inventive production predict learning from productive failure. Npj Science of Learning. 8: 15
Seo K, Tang J, Roll I, et al. (2021) The impact of artificial intelligence on learner-instructor interaction in online learning. International Journal of Educational Technology in Higher Education. 18: 54
Roll I, Butler D, Yee N, et al. (2018) Understanding the Impact of Guiding Inquiry: The Relationship between Directive Support, Student Attributes, and Transfer of Knowledge, Attitudes, and Behaviours in Inquiry Learning. Instructional Science. 46: 77-104
Roll I, Wylie R. (2016) Evolution and Revolution in Artificial Intelligence in Education International Journal of Artificial Intelligence in Education. 26: 582-599
Aleven V, Roll I, McLaren BM, et al. (2016) Help Helps, but only so Much: Research on Help Seeking with Intelligent Tutoring Systems International Journal of Artificial Intelligence in Education. 26: 205-223
Loibl K, Roll I, Rummel N. (2016) Towards a Theory of When and How Problem Solving Followed by Instruction Supports Learning Educational Psychology Review. 1-23
Aleven V, Haywood J, Kay J, et al. (2016) Learning at scale 2016 preface L@S 2016 - Proceedings of the 3rd 2016 Acm Conference On Learning At Scale. iii-iv
Roll I, Winne PH. (2015) Understanding, evaluating, and supporting self-regulated learning using learning analytics Journal of Learning Analytics. 2: 7-12
Roll I, Macfadyen LP, Sandilands D. (2015) Evaluating the relationship between course structure, learner activity, and perceived value of online courses L@S 2015 - 2nd Acm Conference On Learning At Scale. 385-388
Conati C, Fratamico L, Kardan S, et al. (2015) Comparing representations for learner models in interactive simulations Lecture Notes in Computer Science (Including Subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics). 9112: 74-83
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