Barry E. Mullins

Air Force Institute of Technology 
Computer Science
"Barry Mullins"
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Beyer SM, Mullins BE, Graham SR, et al. (2018) Pattern-of-Life Modeling in Smart Homes Ieee Internet of Things Journal. 5: 5317-5325
Badenhop CW, Graham SR, Ramsey BW, et al. (2017) The Z-Wave routing protocol and its security implications Computers & Security. 68: 112-129
Badenhop CW, Ramsey BW, Mullins BE. (2016) An analytical black hole attack model using a stochastic topology approximation technique for reactive ad-hoc routing protocols International Journal of Network Security. 18: 667-677
Badenhop CW, Ramsey BW, Mullins BE, et al. (2016) Extraction and analysis of non-volatile memory of the ZW0301 module, a Z-Wave transceiver Digital Investigation. 17: 14-27
Ramsey BW, Mullins BE, Temple MA, et al. (2015) Wireless Intrusion Detection and Device Fingerprinting through Preamble Manipulation Ieee Transactions On Dependable and Secure Computing. 12: 585-596
Ramsey BW, Stubbs TD, Mullins BE, et al. (2015) Wireless infrastructure protection using low-cost radio frequency fingerprinting receivers International Journal of Critical Infrastructure Protection. 8: 27-39
Hagen JT, Mullins BE. (2014) Network vulnerability analysis of the Player command and control protocol International Journal of Security and Networks. 9: 154-166
Badenhop CW, Mullins BE. (2014) A black hole attack model using topology approximation for reactive ad-hoc routing protocols International Journal of Security and Networks. 9: 63-77
Henry WC, Mullins BE. (2014) VANISH: A variable advanced network IRC stealth handling system International Journal of Security and Networks. 9: 114-123
Ramsey BW, Mullins BE, Lowder WM, et al. (2014) Sharpening the stinger: Tuning KillerBee for critical infrastructure warwalking Proceedings - Ieee Military Communications Conference Milcom. 104-109
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