Stacy Marsella

Computer Science University of Southern California, Los Angeles, CA, United States 
Computer Science
"Stacy Marsella"


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Brent J. Lance grad student 2008 USC
Mei Si grad student 2010 USC
Jina Lee grad student 2012 USC
Jonathan Ito grad student 2013 USC
Chung-Cheng Chiu grad student 2014 USC
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Doroudi R, Sequeira P, Marsella S, et al. (2020) Effects of trust-based decision making in disrupted supply chains. Plos One. 15: e0224761
Miller LC, Shaikh SJ, Jeong DC, et al. (2019) Causal Inference in Generalizable Environments: Systematic Representative Design. Psychological Inquiry. 30: 173-202
Barrett LF, Adolphs R, Marsella S, et al. (2019) Emotional Expressions Reconsidered: Challenges to Inferring Emotion From Human Facial Movements. Psychological Science in the Public Interest : a Journal of the American Psychological Society. 20: 1-68
Ravenet B, Pelachaud C, Clavel C, et al. (2018) Automating the Production of Communicative Gestures in Embodied Characters. Frontiers in Psychology. 9: 1144
De Melo C, Marsella S, Gratch J. (2016) People do not feel guilty about exploiting machines Acm Transactions On Computer-Human Interaction. 23
Yongsatianchot N, Marsella S. (2016) Integrating model-based prediction and facial expressions in the perception of emotion Lecture Notes in Computer Science (Including Subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics). 9782: 234-243
Stratou G, Morency LP, Devault D, et al. (2015) A demonstration of the perception system in SimSensei, a virtual human application for healthcare interviews 2015 International Conference On Affective Computing and Intelligent Interaction, Acii 2015. 787-789
Alfonso B, Pynadath DV, Lhommet M, et al. (2015) Emotional perception for updating agents' beliefs 2015 International Conference On Affective Computing and Intelligent Interaction, Acii 2015. 201-207
Morency LP, Stratou G, De Vault D, et al. (2015) SimSensei demonstration: A perceptive virtual human interviewer for healthcare applications Proceedings of the National Conference On Artificial Intelligence. 6: 4307-4308
Miller LC, Christensen JL, Appleby PR, et al. (2014) Socially Optimized Learning in Virtual Environments (SOLVE): Developing, Evaluating, and Disseminating a Game HIV Prevention Intervention Nationally Over the Web Journal of Mobile Technology in Medicine. 3: 4-4
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