Yolanda A. Rankin, Ph.D.

2008 Computer Science Northwestern University, Evanston, IL 
Computer Science
"Yolanda Rankin"


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Bruche Gooch grad student 2008 Northwestern
 (Design and evaluation of Massive Multiplayer Online Role Playing Games that facilitate second language acquisition.)
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Rankin YA, Morrison D, McNeal M, et al. (2009) Time will tell: In-game social interactions that facilitate second language acquisition Fdg 2009 - 4th International Conference On the Foundations of Digital Games, Proceedings. 161-168
Rankin YA, McNeal M, Shute MW, et al. (2008) User centered game design: Evaluating massive multiplayer online role playing games for Second Language Acquisition Proceedings of Sandbox 2008: An Acm Siggraph Videogame Symposium, Sandbox'08. 43-50
Rankin YA, Lechner T, Gooch B. (2007) Team-based pedagogy for CS102 using game design Acm Siggraph 2007: Educators Program
Rankin YA, Gold R, Gooch B. (2006) Playing for keeps: Gaming as a language learning tool Acm Siggraph 2006 Educators Program - International Conference On Computer Graphics and Interactive Techniques
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