Arshad Chowdhury, Ph.D.

2006 Georgia Institute of Technology, Atlanta, GA 
Electronics and Electrical Engineering
"Arshad Chowdhury"


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Gee-Kung Chang grad student 2006 Georgia Tech
 (Optical label switching technologies for optical packet switched networks.)
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Hossain FA, Chowdhury AM. (2014) User mobility prediction based handoff scheme for 60 GHz radio over fiber network 2014 Ieee 11th Consumer Communications and Networking Conference, Ccnc 2014. 557-562
Chowdhury AZ. (2014) Performance study of silica-on-silicon based multimode interference (MMI) optical coupler Photonic Sensors. 4: 34-42
Hsueh Y, Chien H, Chowdhury A, et al. (2011) Performance Assessment of Radio Links Using Millimeter-Wave Over Fiber Technology With Carrier Suppression Through Modulation Index Enhancement Journal of Optical Communications and Networking. 3: 254
Hsueh Y, Jia Z, Chien H, et al. (2011) Multiband 60-GHz Wireless Over Fiber Access System With High Dispersion Tolerance Using Frequency Tripling Technique Journal of Lightwave Technology. 29: 1105-1111
Chowdhury A, Chien HC, Fan SH, et al. (2011) Radio over fiber technology for next-generation e-health in converged optical and wireless access network 2011 Optical Fiber Communication Conference and Exposition and the National Fiber Optic Engineers Conference, Ofc/Nfoec 2011
Chowdhury A, Chien HC, Khire S, et al. (2010) Next-deneration E-health communication infrastructure using converged super-broadband optical and wireless access system 2010 Ieee International Symposium On "a World of Wireless, Mobile and Multimedia Networks", Wowmom 2010 - Digital Proceedings
Chien H, Hsueh Y, Chowdhury A, et al. (2010) On Frequency-Doubled Optical Millimeter-Wave Generation Technique Without Carrier Suppression for In-Building Wireless Over Fiber Applications Ieee Photonics Technology Letters. 22: 182-184
Jian W, Chowdhury A, Jia Z, et al. (2010) Energy-Efficient Multi-Access Technologies for Very-High-Throughput Avionic Millimeter Wave, Wireless Sensor Communication Networks Journal of Lightwave Technology. 28: 2398-2405
Chowdhury A, Chien H, Fan S, et al. (2010) Multi-Band Transport Technologies for In-Building Host-Neutral Wireless Over Fiber Access Systems Journal of Lightwave Technology. 28: 2406-2415
Chien H, Hsueh Y, Chowdhury A, et al. (2010) Optical Millimeter-Wave Generation and Transmission Without Carrier Suppression for Single- and Multi-Band Wireless Over Fiber Applications Journal of Lightwave Technology. 28: 2230-2237
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