Ewa Deelman

Computer Science University of Southern California, Los Angeles, CA, United States 
Computer Science
"Ewa Deelman"
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Versluis L, Matha R, Talluri S, et al. (2020) The Workflow Trace Archive: Open-Access Data From Public and Private Computing Infrastructures Ieee Transactions On Parallel and Distributed Systems. 31: 2170-2184
Deelman E, Silva RFd, Vahi K, et al. (2020) The Pegasus Workflow Management System: Translational Computer Science in Practice Journal of Computational Science. 101200
Silva RFd, Casanova H, Orgerie A, et al. (2020) Characterizing, Modeling, and Accurately Simulating Power and Energy Consumption of I/O-intensive Scientific Workflows Journal of Computational Science. 44: 101157
Wyrzykowski R, Deelman E. (2019) Guest editor’s note: Special issue on challenges and solutions for porting applications to emerging high performance computing systems: International Journal of High Performance Computing Applications. 33: 487-488
Silva RFd, Callaghan S, Do TMA, et al. (2019) Measuring the impact of burst buffers on data-intensive scientific workflows Future Generation Computer Systems. 101: 208-220
Silva RFd, Filgueira R, Deelman E, et al. (2019) Using simple PID-inspired controllers for online resilient resource management of distributed scientific workflows Future Generation Computer Systems. 95: 615-628
Tovar B, da Silva RF, Juve G, et al. (2018) A Job Sizing Strategy for High-Throughput Scientific Workflows Ieee Transactions On Parallel and Distributed Systems. 29: 240-253
Abbott BP, Abbott R, Abbott TD, et al. (2017) Upper Limits on Gravitational Waves from Scorpius X-1 from a Model-Based Cross-Correlation Search in Advanced LIGO Data The Astrophysical Journal. 847: 47
Deelman E, Peterka T, Altintas I, et al. (2017) The future of scientific workflows The International Journal of High Performance Computing Applications. 32: 159-175
Wyrzykowski R, Deelman E. (2017) Guest editor’s note: Special issue on algorithmic and run-time system advances for next-generation high performance computing systems: International Journal of High Performance Computing Applications. 109434201769427
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