Torsten Moller

Simon Fraser University, Burnaby, British Columbia, Canada 
Computer Science
"Torsten Moller"
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Fröhler B, Elberfeld T, Möller T, et al. (2019) A Visual Tool for the Analysis of Algorithms for Tomographic Fiber Reconstruction in Materials Science Computer Graphics Forum. 38: 273-283
Torsney-Weir T, Möller T, Sedlmair M, et al. (2018) Hypersliceplorer: Interactive visualization of shapes in multiple dimensions Computer Graphics Forum. 37: 229-240
Muhlbacher T, Linhardt L, Moller T, et al. (2017) TreePOD: Sensitivity-Aware Selection of Pareto-Optimal Decision Trees. Ieee Transactions On Visualization and Computer Graphics
Isenberg P, Isenberg T, Sedlmair M, et al. (2017) Visualization as Seen through its Research Paper Keywords. Ieee Transactions On Visualization and Computer Graphics. 23: 771-780
Isenberg P, Heimerl F, Koch S, et al. (2016) A Metadata Collection about IEEE Visualization (VIS) Publications. Ieee Transactions On Visualization and Computer Graphics
Younesy H, Nielsen CB, Lorincz MC, et al. (2016) ChAsE: Chromatin analysis and exploration tool. Bioinformatics (Oxford, England)
Torsney-Weir T, Bergner S, Bingham D, et al. (2016) Predicting the interactive rendering time threshold of Gaussian process models with HyperSlice. Ieee Transactions On Visualization and Computer Graphics
Younesy H, Möller T, Lorincz MC, et al. (2015) VisRseq: R-based visual framework for analysis of sequencing data. Bmc Bioinformatics. 16: S2
Sedlmair M, Heinzl C, Bruckner S, et al. (2014) Visual Parameter Space Analysis: A Conceptual Framework. Ieee Transactions On Visualization and Computer Graphics. 20: 2161-70
Sicat R, Krüger J, Möller T, et al. (2014) Sparse PDF Volumes for Consistent Multi-Resolution Volume Rendering. Ieee Transactions On Visualization and Computer Graphics. 20: 2417-26
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