George L. Nemhauser
Affiliations: | Georgia Institute of Technology, Atlanta, GA |
Industrial Engineering, Statistics, Applied Mechanics, TransportationWebsite:
"George Nemhauser"Bio:
Cross-listing: E-Tree
Sign in to add mentorLoring Goodwin Mitten | grad student | 1961 | Northwestern | |
(A Dynamic Programming Approach for Optimal Design and Operation of Multistage Systems in Process Industries.) |
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Karabulut E, Ahmed S, Nemhauser G. (2020) Decentralized algorithms for distributed integer programming problems with a coupling cardinality constraint Discrete Optimization. 38: 100595 |
Siebert M, Ahmed S, Nemhauser GL. (2020) A linear programming based approach to the Steiner tree problem with a fixed number of terminals Networks. 75: 124-136 |
Munguía L, Ahmed S, Bader DA, et al. (2019) Tailoring parallel alternating criteria search for domain specific MIPs: Application to maritime inventory routing Computers & Operations Research. 111: 21-34 |
Siebert M, Bartlett K, Kim H, et al. (2018) Lot targeting and lot dispatching decision policies for semiconductor manufacturing: optimisation under uncertainty with simulation validation International Journal of Production Research. 56: 629-641 |
Zhang C, Nemhauser G, Sokol J, et al. (2018) Flexible solutions to maritime inventory routing problems with delivery time windows Computers & Operations Research. 89: 153-162 |
Munguía L, Ahmed S, Bader DA, et al. (2018) Alternating criteria search: a parallel large neighborhood search algorithm for mixed integer programs Computational Optimization and Applications. 69: 1-24 |
Andrade CEd, Ahmed S, Nemhauser GL, et al. (2017) A hybrid primal heuristic for finding feasible solutions to mixed integer programs European Journal of Operational Research. 263: 62-71 |
Munguía LM, Ahmed S, Bader DA, et al. (2017) A parallel local search framework for the Fixed-Charge Multicommodity Network Flow problem Computers and Operations Research. 77: 44-57 |
Dilkina B, Khalil EB, Nemhauser GL. (2017) Comments on: On learning and branching: a survey Top. 25: 242-246 |
Bodic PL, Nemhauser GL. (2017) Erratum to: An abstract model for branching and its application to mixed integer programming Mathematical Programming. 166: 407-407 |