Arlette R. Baljon

School of Mathematical Sciences The Claremont Graduate University 
General Physics, General Biophysics, Computer Science, Polymer Chemistry
"Arlette Baljon"
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Billen J, Wilson M, Baljon AR. (2015) Shear banding in simulated telechelic polymers Chemical Physics. 446: 7-12
Billen J, Wilson M, Baljon A, et al. (2009) Eigenvalue spectra of spatial-dependent networks. Physical Review. E, Statistical, Nonlinear, and Soft Matter Physics. 80: 046116
Baljon AR, Billen J, Khare R. (2004) Percolation of immobile domains in supercooled thin polymeric films. Physical Review Letters. 93: 255701
Baljon AR. (2004) Transitory response of confined polymer films subjected to oscillatory shear. The Journal of Chemical Physics. 121: 11402-7
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