Zhuo Chen

2013-2019 ECE Carnegie Mellon University, Pittsburgh, PA 
"Zhuo Chen"
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Chen Z, Stamoulis D, Marculescu D. (2018) Profit: Priority and Power/Performance Optimization for Many-Core Systems Ieee Transactions On Computer-Aided Design of Integrated Circuits and Systems. 37: 2064-2075
Kim RG, Choi W, Chen Z, et al. (2017) Imitation Learning for Dynamic VFI Control in Large-Scale Manycore Systems Ieee Transactions On Very Large Scale Integration (Vlsi) Systems. 25: 2458-2471
Kim RG, Choi W, Chen Z, et al. (2016) Wireless NoC and Dynamic VFI Codesign: Energy Efficiency Without Performance Penalty Ieee Transactions On Very Large Scale Integration (Vlsi) Systems
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