People with institution matching "DeepMind": Advanced Search
Name Institution Area Added by Date  
Demis Hassabis (Info) Google DeepMind Neuroscience, machine learning, episodic memory Vigyaanik 2024‑10‑12
Denis Hassabis (Info) Google DeepMind Episodic memory, machine learning, algorithms for protein structure prediction Vigyaanik 2024‑10‑09
John M. Jumper (Info) Chicago, Google DeepMind Computational biochemistry, algorithms for protein structure prediction wangzongan 2022‑01‑07
Rudolf Kadlec (Info) DeepMind s2amp 2022‑05‑20
Ang Li (Info) Google DeepMind Machine learning lyonangli 2017‑10‑14
Oiwi Parker Jones (Info) Oxford, Oxford Neuroscience, Deep Learning, Natural Language Processing oiwi 2010‑10‑12
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