People with institution matching "Northwestern University": Advanced Search
Name Institution Area Added by Date  
Julie L. Baher (Info) Northwestern Technology of Education, Curriculum and Instruction Education pq 2016‑03‑26
Prithviraj Banerjee (Info) Northwestern Electronics and Electrical Engineering, Computer Science pq 2016‑03‑23
Linda G. Berna (Info) Northwestern Music, Philosophy, General Literature pq 2016‑04‑19
Larry Birnbaum (Info) Northwestern Computer Science, Information Science, Web Studies pq 2016‑03‑29
Laurence Birnbaum (Info) Northwestern Computer Science pq 2016‑04‑18
Lawrence A. Birnbaum (Info) Northwestern Computer Science, Artificial Intelligence, Mass Communications pq 2016‑03‑29
J Robert Boston (Info) University of Pittsburgh Biomedical Engineering, Dentistry, Computer Science pq 2016‑03‑24
Shannon G. Bradshaw (Info) Northwestern Computer Science, Information Science pq 2016‑03‑25
Jon G. Bredeson (Info) Penn State, University of Oklahoma, University of Alabama, University of Oklahoma Data Communications,Switching Theory,Digital Systems,Microcontroller Systems dongseong 2016‑09‑25
Dennis Bricker (Info) University of Iowa Mathematics, Industrial Engineering, Electronics and Electrical Engineering, Computer Science pq 2016‑03‑23
Jerome L. Budzik (Info) Northwestern Computer Science pq 2016‑03‑25
Fabian E. Bustamante (Info) Georgia Tech Computer Science pq 2016‑03‑29
Rodrigo F. Cadiz (Info) Northwestern Music, Artificial Intelligence pq 2016‑03‑24
Dhruva R. Chakrabarti (Info) Northwestern Electronics and Electrical Engineering pq 2016‑03‑26
Junqing Chen (Info) Northwestern Electronics and Electrical Engineering, Computer Science pq 2016‑03‑25
Penny P. Chen (Info) Northwestern Electronics and Electrical Engineering, Computer Science pq 2016‑03‑26
David Choffnes (Info) Northeastern University, Boston jethrosun 2018‑07‑09
Katherine L. Compton (Info) Northwestern Electronics and Electrical Engineering, Computer Science pq 2016‑03‑25
Andrew J. Crossen (Info) Northwestern Computer Science, Artificial Intelligence pq 2016‑03‑25
Abhinav Dayal (Info) Northwestern Computer Science pq 2016‑03‑24
Morteza Dehghani (Info) Northwestern Artificial Intelligence, Cognitive Psychology pq 2016‑03‑26
Jacques Denavit (Info) Northwestern fycus-tree 2018‑10‑16
Narsingh Deo (Info) University of Central Florida Computer Science pq 2016‑03‑29
Dejan Depalov (Info) Northwestern Electronics and Electrical Engineering pq 2016‑03‑25
Hugh J. Devlin (Info) Northwestern Computer Science pq 2016‑03‑26
Peter A. Dinda (Info) Carnegie Mellon Computer Science pq 2016‑03‑24
Ben Duane (Info) Northwestern Music, Cognitive Psychology, Computer Science pq 2016‑04‑19
Mark H Eckman (Info) University of Cincinnati School of Medicine superraptor 2021‑03‑17
Daniel C. Edelson (Info) Northwestern Computer Science, Sciences Education pq 2016‑05‑21
David Etlinger (Info) Northwestern Music pq 2016‑03‑24
Martha W. Evens (Info) Illinois Institute of Technology david 2016‑01‑24
Jay Feng (Info) Northwestern Computer Science pq 2016‑03‑26
Chris S. Fernandes (Info) Northwestern Computer Science pq 2016‑03‑26
Joshua D. Flachsbart (Info) Northwestern Computer Science pq 2016‑03‑25
Kenneth D. Forbus (Info) Northwestern Computer Science, Cognitive Psychology pq 2016‑03‑23
David Lee Franklin (Info) Northwestern jeanl 2017‑09‑18
Lisa Gandy (Info) Northwestern Computer Science, General pq 2016‑03‑25
Qiang Gao (Info) Southwestern University of Finance and Economics, UESTC, Northwest University xovee 2023‑10‑08
Linda A. Garton (Info) Northwestern Music pq 2016‑04‑19
Oliviu C. Ghica (Info) Northwestern Computer Science pq 2016‑03‑26
Robert O. Gjerdingen (Info) Northwestern Music, Cognitive Psychology, Computer Science pq 2016‑04‑04
Amy A. Gooch (Info) Northwestern Computer Science pq 2016‑03‑27
Bruce S. Gooch (Info) University of Utah, Northwestern, University of Victoria Computer Science pq 2016‑03‑25
Bruche Gooch (Info) Northwestern Computer Science pq 2016‑03‑28
Susan C. Hagness (Info) UW Madison Optics Physics, Computer Science pq 2016‑03‑24
Seifollah Louis Hakimi (Info) UIUC dongseong 2016‑09‑25
Daniel T. Halstead (Info) Northwestern Artificial Intelligence, Computer Engineering pq 2016‑03‑26
Kristian J. Hammond (Info) Northwestern Artificial intelligence, Machine-generated content, Context-driven information systems pq 2016‑03‑24
Richard Scheunemann Hartenberg (Info) Northwestern fycus-tree 2018‑10‑16
Scott Hauck (Info) Northwestern Electronics and Electrical Engineering, Computer Science pq 2016‑03‑24
Lulu He (Info) Northwestern Electronics and Electrical Engineering, Computer Engineering pq 2016‑03‑25
Lawrence J. Henschen (Info) Northwestern Computer Science pq 2016‑03‑24
Ian D. Horswill (Info) Northwestern Computer Science pq 2016‑03‑23
Francisco Iacobelli (Info) Northwestern Computer Science, Artificial Intelligence, Web Studies pq 2016‑03‑29
Tianyi Jiang (Info) Northwestern Electronics and Electrical Engineering, Computer Science pq 2016‑03‑26
Pramod G. Joisha (Info) Northwestern Computer Science pq 2016‑03‑26
Matthew Kay (Info) University of Washington, University of Michigan, Northwestern smunson 2023‑05‑06
Gary S. Kendall (Info) Northwestern Music, Computer Science pq 2016‑03‑24
Aaron B. Khoo (Info) Northwestern Computer Science pq 2016‑03‑26
Matthew E. Klenk (Info) Northwestern Computer Science, Artificial Intelligence pq 2016‑03‑26
Konrad P. Kording (Info) Northwestern, Penn Motor Control, Bayesian statistics, Normative models david 2005‑03‑14
Gilbert K. Krulee (Info) Northwestern david 2016‑01‑24
David Jerome Kuck (Info) UIUC Architecture, Compilers, Parallel Computing jandh 2020‑12‑01
Sven E. Kuehne (Info) Northwestern Computer Science pq 2016‑03‑26
Eleni A. Kyza (Info) Northwestern Social Sciences Education, Technology of Education, Sciences Education pq 2016‑05‑21
Calvin Liang (Info) University of Washington, Northwestern smunson 2023‑05‑27
Wei-Chung Lin (Info) Northwestern Electronics and Electrical Engineering, Computer Science pq 2016‑03‑23
Jean M. Littlejohn (Info) Northwestern Music pq 2016‑04‑19
Jiahui Liu (Info) Northwestern Computer Science, Information Science, Web Studies pq 2016‑03‑29
Kevin M. Livingston (Info) Northwestern Computer Science, Artificial Intelligence pq 2016‑03‑25
Andrew Lovett (Info) Northwestern Artificial Intelligence, Cognitive Psychology pq 2016‑03‑26
Denis M. Manelski (Info) Northwestern Natural Language Processing htmanelski 2021‑10‑21
Duane F. Marble (Info) Ohio State Geography, Computer Science, Transportation pq 2016‑05‑18
Gerald Michael Masson (Info) Johns Hopkins jandh 2022‑09‑18
Gabrielle Matese (Info) Northwestern Sciences Education, Teacher Training Education pq 2016‑05‑21
Olga S. Matlin (Info) Northwestern Computer Science pq 2016‑03‑26
Patrick S. McNally (Info) Northwestern Computer Science pq 2016‑03‑25
Gaurav Mittal (Info) Northwestern Computer Science, Electronics and Electrical Engineering pq 2016‑03‑26
Ankit Mohan (Info) Northwestern Computer Science pq 2016‑03‑27
Swee M. Mok (Info) Northwestern Electronics and Electrical Engineering, Mechanical Engineering, Industrial Engineering pq 2016‑03‑26
Clyde V. Moseberry (Info) Northwestern Electronics and Electrical Engineering, Computer Science pq 2016‑03‑26
Nathan Nichols (Info) Northwestern Computer Science pq 2016‑03‑25
Shawn O'Banion (Info) Northwestern Computer Science, Artificial Intelligence pq 2016‑03‑29
Sara H. Owsley (Info) Northwestern Computer Science pq 2016‑03‑25
Thrasyvoulos N. Pappas (Info) Northwestern Electronics and Electrical Engineering, Computer Science pq 2016‑03‑24
Praveen K. Paritosh (Info) Northwestern Computer Science, Cognitive Psychology pq 2016‑03‑26
Zhen Qin (Info) UESTC, Northwestern, Queen Mary College, University of London xovee 2023‑10‑16
Yolanda A. Rankin (Info) Northwestern Computer Science pq 2016‑03‑28
Todd C. Reimer (Info) Northwestern Curriculum and Instruction Education, Technology of Education, Social Sciences Education pq 2016‑05‑21
Christopher K. Riesbeck (Info) Northwestern Computer Science pq 2016‑03‑24
Agnieszka Roginska (Info) Northwestern Music, Cognitive Psychology pq 2016‑03‑24
Mehmet O. Sayal (Info) Northwestern Computer Science pq 2016‑03‑25
Peter Scheuermann (Info) Northwestern Computer Science pq 2016‑03‑23
Peter Schevermann (Info) Northwestern Computer Science pq 2016‑03‑24
Jeremy Schofield (Info) University of Toronto Physical Chemistry, Computer Science pq 2016‑03‑24
Magy M. Seif El-Nasr (Info) Northwestern Computer Science pq 2016‑03‑26
David A. Shamma (Info) FXPAL, Northwestern computer science, artificial intelligence, human-computer interaction, multimedia shamurai 2017‑09‑15
Pubudu M. Silva (Info) Northwestern Electronics and Electrical Engineering, Acoustics Physics, Multimedia Communications pq 2016‑03‑25
Lisa Singh (Info) Georgetown Linguistics Language, Computer Science pq 2016‑04‑18
Richard T. Snodgrass (Info) University of Arizona Computer Science pq 2016‑04‑05
Sanjay C. Sood (Info) Northwestern Computer Science pq 2016‑03‑25
William J. Stone (Info) Northwestern Linguistics Language, Black Studies pq 2016‑01‑24
Brian Suchy (Info) Northwestern greinenc 2023‑09‑28
Pankaj Surana (Info) Northwestern Computer Science pq 2016‑03‑26
Xiaoyong Tang (Info) Northwestern Electronics and Electrical Engineering, Computer Science pq 2016‑03‑26
Taku A. Tokuyasu (Info) UC Berkeley Computer Science pq 2016‑03‑24
Emmett R. Tomai (Info) Northwestern Computer Science pq 2016‑03‑26
Goce Trajcevski (Info) Iowa State, University of Illinois, Chicago Databases, Mobility, Sensor Networks, Triggers pq 2016‑03‑26
Jack Tumblin (Info) Northwestern Computer Science pq 2016‑03‑26
John E. Tumblin (Info) Northwestern Computer Science, Electronics and Electrical Engineering pq 2016‑04‑18
John J. Uicker (Info) UW Madison Mechanical Engineering, Computer Science pq 2016‑03‑24
Richard A. Volz (Info) Texas A & M Computer Science pq 2016‑03‑23
Earl J. Wagner (Info) Northwestern Computer Science, Artificial Intelligence, Mass Communications pq 2016‑03‑29
Benjamin Watson (Info) Northwestern Computer Science pq 2016‑03‑24
Hui-Hua Wen (Info) Northwestern Electronics and Electrical Engineering, Computer Science pq 2016‑03‑26
Jon Wetzel (Info) Northwestern Computer Science pq 2016‑03‑26
Baba K. Weusijana (Info) Northwestern Technology of Education, Cognitive Psychology, Computer Science pq 2016‑03‑25
Nathan E. Wolek (Info) Northwestern Music, Computer Science pq 2016‑03‑24
Chi-Haur Wu (Info) Northwestern Electronics and Electrical Engineering, Computer Science pq 2016‑03‑24
Anan Y. Yaagoub (Info) Northwestern Computer Science pq 2016‑03‑26
Sausan Yazji (Info) Northwestern Computer Engineering, Electronics and Electrical Engineering pq 2016‑03‑26
Fan Zhai (Info) Northwestern Electronics and Electrical Engineering pq 2016‑03‑25
Fan Zhou (Info) UESTC, Northwestern xovee 2023‑05‑22
Robert Zubek (Info) Northwestern Computer Science, Information Science pq 2016‑03‑26
Jana Zujovic (Info) Northwestern Electronics and Electrical Engineering pq 2016‑03‑25
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