Yasushi Ishihama - Publications

Institute for Advanced Biosciences Keio University, Minato-ku, Tōkyō-to, Japan 

105 high-probability publications. We are testing a new system for linking publications to authors. You can help! If you notice any inaccuracies, please sign in and mark papers as correct or incorrect matches. If you identify any major omissions or other inaccuracies in the publication list, please let us know.

Year Citation  Score
2020 Uchiyama J, Ishihama Y, Imami K. Quantitative nascent proteome profiling by dual pulse labeling with O-propargyl-puromycin and stable isotope labeled amino acids. Journal of Biochemistry. PMID 32926143 DOI: 10.1093/Jb/Mvaa104  0.347
2020 Ogata K, Ishihama Y. Extending the Separation Space with Trapped Ion Mobility Spectrometry Improves the Accuracy of Isobaric Tag-Based Quantitation in Proteomic LC/MS/MS. Analytical Chemistry. 92: 8037-8040. PMID 32441512 DOI: 10.1021/Acs.Analchem.0C01695  0.321
2019 Masuda T, Sugiyama N, Tomita M, Ohtsuki S, Ishihama Y. Mass Spectrometry-compatible Subcellular Fractionation for Proteomics. Journal of Proteome Research. PMID 31599158 DOI: 10.1021/Acs.Jproteome.9B00347  0.413
2019 Sugiyama N, Imamura H, Ishihama Y. Large-scale Discovery of Substrates of the Human Kinome. Scientific Reports. 9: 10503. PMID 31324866 DOI: 10.1038/S41598-019-46385-4  0.328
2019 Iwasaki M, Tabata T, Kawahara Y, Ishihama Y, Nakagawa M. Removal of Interference MS/MS Spectra for Accurate Quantification in Isobaric Tag-Based Proteomics. Journal of Proteome Research. 18: 2535-2544. PMID 31039306 DOI: 10.1021/Acs.Jproteome.9B00078  0.384
2019 Shinkawa H, Kajikawa M, Nomura Y, Ogura M, Sawaragi Y, Yamano T, Nakagami H, Sugiyama N, Ishihama Y, Kanesaki Y, Yoshikawa H, Fukuzawa H. Algal Protein Kinase, Triacylglycerol Accumulation Regulator1, Modulates Cell Viability and Gametogenesis in Carbon/Nitrogen Imbalanced Conditions. Plant & Cell Physiology. PMID 30668822 DOI: 10.1093/Pcp/Pcz010  0.319
2019 Ishihama Y. Analytical Platforms for Mass Spectrometry-Based Proteomics Chromatography. 40: 89-97. DOI: 10.15583/Jpchrom.2019.023  0.322
2018 Moriya Y, Kawano S, Okuda S, Watanabe Y, Matsumoto M, Takami T, Kobayashi D, Yamanouchi Y, Araki N, Yoshizawa AC, Tabata T, Iwasaki M, Sugiyama N, Tanaka S, Goto S, ... Ishihama Y, et al. The jPOST environment: an integrated proteomics data repository and database. Nucleic Acids Research. PMID 30295851 DOI: 10.1093/Nar/Gky899  0.365
2018 Imami K, Milek M, Bogdanow B, Yasuda T, Kastelic N, Zauber H, Ishihama Y, Landthaler M, Selbach M. Phosphorylation of the Ribosomal Protein RPL12/uL11 Affects Translation during Mitosis. Molecular Cell. PMID 30220558 DOI: 10.1016/J.Molcel.2018.08.019  0.39
2018 Ogata K, Krokhin OV, Ishihama Y. Retention Order Reversal of Phosphorylated and Unphosphorylated Peptides in Reversed-Phase LC/MS. Analytical Sciences. 34: 1037-1041. PMID 30058604 DOI: 10.2116/Analsci.18Scp11  0.364
2018 Fustin JM, Kojima R, Itoh K, Chang HY, Shiqi Y, Zhuang B, Oji A, Gibo S, Narasimamurthy R, Virshup D, Kurosawa G, Doi M, Manabe I, Ishihama Y, Ikawa M, et al. Two transcripts regulated by m6A methylation code for two antagonistic kinases in the control of the circadian clock. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America. PMID 29784786 DOI: 10.1073/Pnas.1721371115  0.314
2018 Giese SH, Ishihama Y, Rappsilber J. Peptide Retention in Hydrophilic Strong Anion Exchange Chromatography is Driven by Charged and Aromatic Residues. Analytical Chemistry. PMID 29528219 DOI: 10.1021/Acs.Analchem.7B05157  0.304
2018 Murakami H, Horiba R, Iwata T, Miki Y, Uno B, Sakai T, Kaneko K, Ishihama Y, Teshima N, Esaka Y. Progress in a selective method for the determination of the acetaldehyde-derived DNA adducts by using HILIC-ESI-MS/MS. Talanta. 177: 12-17. PMID 29108566 DOI: 10.1016/J.Talanta.2017.09.055  0.327
2017 Tsai CF, Ku WC, Chen YJ, Ishihama Y. Absolute Phosphorylation Stoichiometry Analysis by Motif-Targeting Quantitative Mass Spectrometry. Methods in Molecular Biology (Clifton, N.J.). 1636: 313-325. PMID 28730488 DOI: 10.1007/978-1-4939-7154-1_20  0.372
2017 Imamura H, Wagih O, Niinae T, Sugiyama N, Beltrao P, Ishihama Y. Identifications of Putative PKA Substrates with Quantitative Phosphoproteomics and Primary-Sequence-Based Scoring. Journal of Proteome Research. PMID 28287266 DOI: 10.1021/Acs.Jproteome.7B00087  0.372
2017 Tsumagari K, Shirakabe K, Ogura M, Sato F, Ishihama Y, Sehara-Fujisawa A. Secretome analysis to elucidate metalloprotease-dependent ectodomain shedding of glycoproteins during neuronal differentiation. Genes to Cells : Devoted to Molecular & Cellular Mechanisms. PMID 28084684 DOI: 10.1111/Gtc.12466  0.332
2016 Urisman A, Levin RS, Gordan JD, Webber JT, Hernandez H, Ishihama Y, Shokat KM, Burlingame AL. An optimized chromatographic strategy for multiplexing in parallel reaction monitoring mass spectrometry: Insights from quantitation of activated kinases. Molecular & Cellular Proteomics : McP. PMID 27940637 DOI: 10.1074/Mcp.M116.058172  0.395
2016 Okuda S, Watanabe Y, Moriya Y, Kawano S, Yamamoto T, Matsumoto M, Takami T, Kobayashi D, Araki N, Yoshizawa AC, Tabata T, Sugiyama N, Goto S, Ishihama Y. jPOSTrepo: an international standard data repository for proteomes. Nucleic Acids Research. PMID 27899654 DOI: 10.1093/Nar/Gkw1080  0.324
2016 Suriyanarayanan T, Periasamy S, Lin MH, Ishihama Y, Swarup S. Flagellin FliC Phosphorylation Affects Type 2 Protease Secretion and Biofilm Dispersal in Pseudomonas aeruginosa PAO1. Plos One. 11: e0164155. PMID 27701473 DOI: 10.1371/Journal.Pone.0164155  0.315
2016 Miki T, Awa M, Nishikawa Y, Kiyonaka S, Wakabayashi M, Ishihama Y, Hamachi I. A conditional proteomics approach to identify proteins involved in zinc homeostasis. Nature Methods. PMID 27617391 DOI: 10.1038/Nmeth.3998  0.324
2016 Hirata H, Ku WC, Yip AK, Ursekar CP, Kawauchi K, Roy A, Guo AK, Vedula SR, Harada I, Chiam KH, Ishihama Y, Lim CT, Sawada Y, Sokabe M. MEKK1-dependent phosphorylation of calponin-3 tunes cell contractility. Journal of Cell Science. PMID 27528401 DOI: 10.1242/Jcs.189415  0.326
2016 Ohta S, Kimura M, Takagi S, Toramoto I, Ishihama Y. Identification of mitosis-specific phosphorylation in mitotic chromosome-associated proteins. Journal of Proteome Research. PMID 27504668 DOI: 10.1021/Acs.Jproteome.6B00512  0.331
2016 Adachi J, Hashiguchi K, Nagano M, Sato M, Sato A, Fukamizu K, Ishihama Y, Tomonaga T. Improved proteome and phosphoproteome analysis on a cation exchanger by a combined acid and salt gradient. Analytical Chemistry. PMID 27436111 DOI: 10.1021/Acs.Analchem.6B01232  0.336
2016 Sugiyama N, Ishihama Y. Large-scale profiling of protein kinases for cellular signaling studies by mass spectrometry and other techniques. Journal of Pharmaceutical and Biomedical Analysis. PMID 27301379 DOI: 10.1016/J.Jpba.2016.05.046  0.396
2016 Wagih O, Sugiyama N, Ishihama Y, Beltrao P. Uncovering Phosphorylation-Based Specificities through Functional Interaction Networks. Molecular & Cellular Proteomics : McP. 15: 236-45. PMID 26572964 DOI: 10.1074/Mcp.M115.052357  0.347
2016 Ishihama Y, Tsai C. Large-scale Determination of Phosphorylation Stoichiometries in Human Cells by Motif-targeting Quantitation Proteomics Seibutsu Butsuri. 56: 280-283. DOI: 10.2142/Biophys.56.280  0.316
2016 Nakao H, Ikeda K, Ishihama Y, Nakano M. Membrane-Spanning Sequences in Endoplasmic Reticulum Proteins Promote Phospholipid Flip-Flop Biophysical Journal. 110: 2689-2697. DOI: 10.1016/J.Bpj.2016.05.023  0.319
2016 Nakao H, Ikeda K, Ishihama Y, Nakano M. Flip-Flop Promotion by Membrane-Spanning Sequences in the ER Membrane Proteins Biophysical Journal. 110. DOI: 10.1016/J.Bpj.2015.11.3033  0.316
2015 Hu CW, Hsu CL, Wang YC, Ishihama Y, Ku WC, Huang HC, Juan HF. Temporal phosphoproteome dynamics induced by an ATP synthase inhibitor citreoviridin. Molecular & Cellular Proteomics : McP. PMID 26503892 DOI: 10.1074/Mcp.M115.051383  0.343
2015 Lin MH, Sugiyama N, Ishihama Y. Systematic profiling of the bacterial phosphoproteome reveals bacterium-specific features of phosphorylation. Science Signaling. 8: rs10. PMID 26373674 DOI: 10.1126/Scisignal.Aaa3117  0.333
2015 Piersma SR, Knol JC, de Reus I, Labots M, Sampadi BK, Pham TV, Ishihama Y, Verheul HM, Jimenez CR. Feasibility of label-free phosphoproteomics and application to base-line signaling of colorectal cancer cell lines. Journal of Proteomics. PMID 25841592 DOI: 10.1016/J.Jprot.2015.03.019  0.323
2015 Tsai CF, Wang YT, Yen HY, Tsou CC, Ku WC, Lin PY, Chen HY, Nesvizhskii AI, Ishihama Y, Chen YJ. Large-scale determination of absolute phosphorylation stoichiometries in human cells by motif-targeting quantitative proteomics. Nature Communications. 6: 6622. PMID 25814448 DOI: 10.1038/Ncomms7622  0.353
2015 Masuda K, Chiyoda T, Sugiyama N, Segura-Cabrera A, Kabe Y, Ueki A, Banno K, Banno K, Suematsu M, Aoki D, Ishihama Y, Saya H, Kuninaka S. LATS1 and LATS2 phosphorylate CDC26 to modulate assembly of the tetratricopeptide repeat subcomplex of APC/C. Plos One. 10: e0118662. PMID 25723520 DOI: 10.1371/Journal.Pone.0118662  0.31
2015 Iwano S, Satou A, Matsumura S, Sugiyama N, Ishihama Y, Toyoshima F. PCTK1 regulates integrin-dependent spindle orientation via protein kinase A regulatory subunit KAP0 and myosin X. Molecular and Cellular Biology. 35: 1197-208. PMID 25605337 DOI: 10.1128/Mcb.01017-14  0.301
2015 Wakabayashi M, Kyono Y, Sugiyama N, Ishihama Y. Extended Coverage of Singly and Multiply Phosphorylated Peptides from a Single Titanium Dioxide Microcolumn Analytical Chemistry. 87: 10213-10221. DOI: 10.1021/Acs.Analchem.5B01216  0.365
2014 Imamura H, Sugiyama N, Wakabayashi M, Ishihama Y. Large-scale identification of phosphorylation sites for profiling protein kinase selectivity. Journal of Proteome Research. 13: 3410-9. PMID 24869485 DOI: 10.1021/Pr500319Y  0.366
2014 Murakami H, Kawamura R, Sakakibara T, Esaka Y, Ishihama Y, Uno B. Facile and effective pretreatment using stop and go extraction tips for LC-MS/MS analysis of trace amounts of DNA adducts. Analytical Sciences : the International Journal of the Japan Society For Analytical Chemistry. 30: 519-22. PMID 24717664 DOI: 10.2116/Analsci.30.519  0.305
2014 Ishihama Y, Imami K. [Quantitation of cellular phosphorylation dynamics by phosphoproteomics approaches]. Yakugaku Zasshi : Journal of the Pharmaceutical Society of Japan. 134: 521-7. PMID 24694813 DOI: 10.1248/Yakushi.13-00251-4  0.364
2014 Kume H, Muraoka S, Kuga T, Adachi J, Narumi R, Watanabe S, Kuwano M, Kodera Y, Matsushita K, Fukuoka J, Masuda T, Ishihama Y, Matsubara H, Nomura F, Tomonaga T. Discovery of colorectal cancer biomarker candidates by membrane proteomic analysis and subsequent verification using selected reaction monitoring (SRM) and tissue microarray (TMA) analysis. Molecular & Cellular Proteomics : McP. 13: 1471-84. PMID 24687888 DOI: 10.1074/Mcp.M113.037093  0.317
2014 Horie K, Kamakura T, Ikegami T, Wakabayashi M, Kato T, Tanaka N, Ishihama Y. Hydrophilic interaction chromatography using a meter-scale monolithic silica capillary column for proteomics LC-MS. Analytical Chemistry. 86: 3817-24. PMID 24666247 DOI: 10.1021/Ac4038625  0.366
2014 Wakabayashi M, Yoshihara H, Masuda T, Tsukahara M, Sugiyama N, Ishihama Y. Phosphoproteome analysis of formalin-fixed and paraffin-embedded tissue sections mounted on microscope slides. Journal of Proteome Research. 13: 915-24. PMID 24328109 DOI: 10.1021/Pr400960R  0.319
2014 Zhou Y, Tanaka T, Sugiyama N, Yokoyama S, Kawasaki Y, Sakuma T, Ishihama Y, Saiki I, Sakurai H. p38-Mediated phosphorylation of Eps15 endocytic adaptor protein. Febs Letters. 588: 131-7. PMID 24269888 DOI: 10.1016/J.Febslet.2013.11.020  0.32
2014 Ikawa K, Satou A, Fukuhara M, Matsumura S, Sugiyama N, Goto H, Fukuda M, Inagaki M, Ishihama Y, Toyoshima F. Inhibition of endocytic vesicle fusion by Plk1-mediated phosphorylation of vimentin during mitosis. Cell Cycle (Georgetown, Tex.). 13: 126-37. PMID 24196446 DOI: 10.4161/Cc.26866  0.306
2013 Umezawa T, Sugiyama N, Takahashi F, Anderson JC, Ishihama Y, Peck SC, Shinozaki K. Genetics and phosphoproteomics reveal a protein phosphorylation network in the abscisic acid signaling pathway in Arabidopsis thaliana. Science Signaling. 6: rs8. PMID 23572148 DOI: 10.1126/Scisignal.2003509  0.364
2013 Yamana R, Iwasaki M, Wakabayashi M, Nakagawa M, Yamanaka S, Ishihama Y. Rapid and deep profiling of human induced pluripotent stem cell proteome by one-shot NanoLC-MS/MS analysis with meter-scale monolithic silica columns. Journal of Proteome Research. 12: 214-21. PMID 23210603 DOI: 10.1021/Pr300837U  0.402
2013 Muraoka S, Kume H, Adachi J, Shiromizu T, Watanabe S, Masuda T, Ishihama Y, Tomonaga T. In-depth membrane proteomic study of breast cancer tissues for the generation of a chromosome-based protein list. Journal of Proteome Research. 12: 208-13. PMID 23153008 DOI: 10.1021/Pr300824M  0.327
2012 Imami K, Sugiyama N, Imamura H, Wakabayashi M, Tomita M, Taniguchi M, Ueno T, Toi M, Ishihama Y. Temporal profiling of lapatinib-suppressed phosphorylation signals in EGFR/HER2 pathways. Molecular & Cellular Proteomics : McP. 11: 1741-57. PMID 22964224 DOI: 10.1074/Mcp.M112.019919  0.333
2012 Helmy M, Sugiyama N, Tomita M, Ishihama Y. Mass spectrum sequential subtraction speeds up searching large peptide MS/MS spectra datasets against large nucleotide databases for proteogenomics. Genes to Cells : Devoted to Molecular & Cellular Mechanisms. 17: 633-44. PMID 22686349 DOI: 10.1111/J.1365-2443.2012.01615.X  0.345
2012 Imamura H, Wakabayashi M, Ishihama Y. Analytical strategies for shotgun phosphoproteomics: status and prospects. Seminars in Cell & Developmental Biology. 23: 836-42. PMID 22683501 DOI: 10.1016/J.Semcdb.2012.05.007  0.396
2012 Chiyoda T, Sugiyama N, Shimizu T, Naoe H, Kobayashi Y, Ishizawa J, Arima Y, Tsuda H, Ito M, Kaibuchi K, Aoki D, Ishihama Y, Saya H, Kuninaka S. LATS1/WARTS phosphorylates MYPT1 to counteract PLK1 and regulate mammalian mitotic progression. The Journal of Cell Biology. 197: 625-41. PMID 22641346 DOI: 10.1083/Jcb.201110110  0.314
2012 Helmy M, Sugiyama N, Tomita M, Ishihama Y. The Rice Proteogenomics Database OryzaPG-DB: Development, Expansion, and New Features. Frontiers in Plant Science. 3: 65. PMID 22639657 DOI: 10.3389/Fpls.2012.00065  0.339
2012 Takahata Y, Inoue M, Kim K, Iio Y, Miyamoto M, Masui R, Ishihama Y, Kuramitsu S. Close proximity of phosphorylation sites to ligand in the phosphoproteome of the extreme thermophile Thermus thermophilus HB8. Proteomics. 12: 1414-30. PMID 22589190 DOI: 10.1002/Pmic.201100573  0.329
2012 Horie K, Sato Y, Kimura T, Nakamura T, Ishihama Y, Oda Y, Ikegami T, Tanaka N. Estimation and optimization of the peak capacity of one-dimensional gradient high performance liquid chromatography using a long monolithic silica capillary column. Journal of Chromatography. A. 1228: 283-91. PMID 22265351 DOI: 10.1016/J.Chroma.2011.12.088  0.339
2012 Iwasaki M, Sugiyama N, Tanaka N, Ishihama Y. Human proteome analysis by using reversed phase monolithic silica capillary columns with enhanced sensitivity. Journal of Chromatography. A. 1228: 292-7. PMID 22078304 DOI: 10.1016/J.Chroma.2011.10.059  0.381
2012 Kitagawa D, Gouda M, Kirii Y, Sugiyama N, Ishihama Y, Fujii I, Narumi Y, Akita K, Yokota K. Characterization of kinase inhibitors using different phosphorylation states of colony stimulating factor-1 receptor tyrosine kinase. Journal of Biochemistry. 151: 47-55. PMID 21880693 DOI: 10.1093/Jb/Mvr112  0.308
2011 Masuda T, Sugiyama N, Tomita M, Ishihama Y. Microscale phosphoproteome analysis of 10,000 cells from human cancer cell lines. Analytical Chemistry. 83: 7698-703. PMID 21888424 DOI: 10.1021/Ac201093G  0.385
2011 Helmy M, Tomita M, Ishihama Y. OryzaPG-DB: rice proteome database based on shotgun proteogenomics. Bmc Plant Biology. 11: 63. PMID 21486466 DOI: 10.1186/1471-2229-11-63  0.302
2011 Yachie N, Saito R, Sugiyama N, Tomita M, Ishihama Y. Integrative features of the yeast phosphoproteome and protein-protein interaction map. Plos Computational Biology. 7: e1001064. PMID 21298081 DOI: 10.1371/Journal.Pcbi.1001064  0.396
2010 Ujihara S, Oishi T, Mouri R, Tamate R, Konoki K, Matsumori N, Murata M, Oshima Y, Sugiyama N, Tomita M, Ishihama Y. Detection of Rap1A as a yessotoxin binding protein from blood cell membranes. Bioorganic & Medicinal Chemistry Letters. 20: 6443-6. PMID 20943388 DOI: 10.1016/J.Bmcl.2010.09.080  0.334
2010 Kyono Y, Sugiyama N, Tomita M, Ishihama Y. Chemical dephosphorylation for identification of multiply phosphorylated peptides and phosphorylation site determination. Rapid Communications in Mass Spectrometry : Rcm. 24: 2277-82. PMID 20623713 DOI: 10.1002/Rcm.4627  0.389
2010 Nakagami H, Sugiyama N, Mochida K, Daudi A, Yoshida Y, Toyoda T, Tomita M, Ishihama Y, Shirasu K. Large-scale comparative phosphoproteomics identifies conserved phosphorylation sites in plants. Plant Physiology. 153: 1161-74. PMID 20466843 DOI: 10.1104/Pp.110.157347  0.346
2010 Imamura H, Yachie N, Saito R, Ishihama Y, Tomita M. Towards the systematic discovery of signal transduction networks using phosphorylation dynamics data. Bmc Bioinformatics. 11: 232. PMID 20459641 DOI: 10.1186/1471-2105-11-232  0.336
2010 Iwasaki M, Miwa S, Ikegami T, Tomita M, Tanaka N, Ishihama Y. One-dimensional capillary liquid chromatographic separation coupled with tandem mass spectrometry unveils the Escherichia coli proteome on a microarray scale. Analytical Chemistry. 82: 2616-20. PMID 20222674 DOI: 10.1021/Ac100343Q  0.372
2010 Imami K, Sugiyama N, Tomita M, Ishihama Y. Quantitative proteome and phosphoproteome analyses of cultured cells based on SILAC labeling without requirement of serum dialysis. Molecular Biosystems. 6: 594-602. PMID 20174688 DOI: 10.1039/B921379A  0.323
2010 Shinoda K, Tomita M, Ishihama Y. emPAI Calc--for the estimation of protein abundance from large-scale identification data by liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry. Bioinformatics (Oxford, England). 26: 576-7. PMID 20031975 DOI: 10.1093/Bioinformatics/Btp700  0.343
2010 Imami K, Tomita M, Ishihama Y. Development of Dual Stable Isotope Labeling by Amino Acids in Cell Culture and Application to Quantitative Proteomics Journal of the Mass Spectrometry Society of Japan. 58: 81-87. DOI: 10.5702/Massspec.58.81  0.319
2010 Kyono Y, Sugiyama N, Imami K, Miyazaki S, Ohira M, Tomita M, Ishihama Y. Development of Titania Particles Used for Phosphopeptide Enrichment in Mass Spectrometry-Based Phosphoproteomics Journal of the Mass Spectrometry Society of Japan. 58: 129-138. DOI: 10.5702/Massspec.58.129  0.33
2009 Umezawa T, Sugiyama N, Mizoguchi M, Hayashi S, Myouga F, Yamaguchi-Shinozaki K, Ishihama Y, Hirayama T, Shinozaki K. Type 2C protein phosphatases directly regulate abscisic acid-activated protein kinases in Arabidopsis. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America. 106: 17588-93. PMID 19805022 DOI: 10.1073/Pnas.0907095106  0.33
2009 Masuda T, Saito N, Tomita M, Ishihama Y. Unbiased quantitation of Escherichia coli membrane proteome using phase transfer surfactants. Molecular & Cellular Proteomics : McP. 8: 2770-7. PMID 19767571 DOI: 10.1074/Mcp.M900240-Mcp200  0.362
2009 Ravichandran A, Sugiyama N, Tomita M, Swarup S, Ishihama Y. Ser/Thr/Tyr phosphoproteome analysis of pathogenic and non-pathogenic Pseudomonas species. Proteomics. 9: 2764-75. PMID 19405024 DOI: 10.1002/Pmic.200800655  0.389
2009 Iwasaki M, Masuda T, Tomita M, Ishihama Y. Chemical cleavage-assisted tryptic digestion for membrane proteome analysis. Journal of Proteome Research. 8: 3169-75. PMID 19348461 DOI: 10.1021/Pr900074N  0.347
2009 Yachie N, Saito R, Sugahara J, Tomita M, Ishihama Y. In silico analysis of phosphoproteome data suggests a rich-get-richer process of phosphosite accumulation over evolution. Molecular & Cellular Proteomics : McP. 8: 1061-71. PMID 19136663 DOI: 10.1074/Mcp.M800466-Mcp200  0.389
2009 Masuda T, Ishihama Y. Sample Preparation Methods for Large-Scale Analysis of Membrane Proteins Using Shotgun Proteomics Journal of the Mass Spectrometry Society of Japan. 57: 145-151. DOI: 10.5702/Massspec.57.145  0.363
2008 Kyono Y, Sugiyama N, Imami K, Tomita M, Ishihama Y. Successive and selective release of phosphorylated peptides captured by hydroxy acid-modified metal oxide chromatography. Journal of Proteome Research. 7: 4585-93. PMID 18767875 DOI: 10.1021/Pr800305Y  0.312
2008 Shinoda K, Tomita M, Ishihama Y. Aligning LC peaks by converting gradient retention times to retention index of peptides in proteomic experiments. Bioinformatics (Oxford, England). 24: 1590-5. PMID 18492686 DOI: 10.1093/Bioinformatics/Btn240  0.357
2008 Imami K, Ishihama Y, Terabe S. On-line selective enrichment and ion-pair reaction for structural determination of sulfated glycopeptides by capillary electrophoresis-mass spectrometry. Journal of Chromatography. A. 1194: 237-42. PMID 18466910 DOI: 10.1016/J.Chroma.2008.04.050  0.311
2008 Sugiyama N, Nakagami H, Mochida K, Daudi A, Tomita M, Shirasu K, Ishihama Y. Large-scale phosphorylation mapping reveals the extent of tyrosine phosphorylation in Arabidopsis. Molecular Systems Biology. 4: 193. PMID 18463617 DOI: 10.1038/Msb.2008.32  0.369
2008 Ishihama Y, Schmidt T, Rappsilber J, Mann M, Hartl FU, Kerner MJ, Frishman D. Protein abundance profiling of the Escherichia coli cytosol. Bmc Genomics. 9: 102. PMID 18304323 DOI: 10.1186/1471-2164-9-102  0.311
2008 Shinoda K, Sugimoto M, Tomita M, Ishihama Y. Informatics for peptide retention properties in proteomic LC-MS. Proteomics. 8: 787-98. PMID 18214845 DOI: 10.1002/Pmic.200700692  0.336
2008 Imami K, Sugiyama N, Kyono Y, Tomita M, Ishihama Y. Automated phosphoproteome analysis for cultured cancer cells by two-dimensional nanoLC-MS using a calcined titania/C18 biphasic column. Analytical Sciences : the International Journal of the Japan Society For Analytical Chemistry. 24: 161-6. PMID 18187866 DOI: 10.2116/Analsci.24.161  0.356
2008 Masuda T, Tomita M, Ishihama Y. Phase transfer surfactant-aided trypsin digestion for membrane proteome analysis. Journal of Proteome Research. 7: 731-40. PMID 18183947 DOI: 10.1021/Pr700658Q  0.362
2007 Hashimoto M, Ishihama Y, Tomita M, Soga T. Microelectrospray interface with coaxial sheath flow for high-resolution capillary electrophoresis/mass spectrometry separation. Rapid Communications in Mass Spectrometry : Rcm. 21: 3579-84. PMID 17935119 DOI: 10.1002/Rcm.3256  0.303
2007 Rappsilber J, Mann M, Ishihama Y. Protocol for micro-purification, enrichment, pre-fractionation and storage of peptides for proteomics using StageTips. Nature Protocols. 2: 1896-906. PMID 17703201 DOI: 10.1038/Nprot.2007.261  0.365
2007 Kotake Y, Sagane K, Owa T, Mimori-Kiyosue Y, Shimizu H, Uesugi M, Ishihama Y, Iwata M, Mizui Y. Splicing factor SF3b as a target of the antitumor natural product pladienolide. Nature Chemical Biology. 3: 570-5. PMID 17643112 DOI: 10.1038/Nchembio.2007.16  0.312
2007 Sato T, Ishihama Y, Oda Y. Quantitative proteomics of mouse brain and specific protein-interaction studies using stable isotope labeling. Methods in Molecular Biology (Clifton, N.J.). 359: 53-70. PMID 17484110 DOI: 10.1007/978-1-59745-255-7_4  0.394
2007 Imami K, Monton MR, Ishihama Y, Terabe S. Simple on-line sample preconcentration technique for peptides based on dynamic pH junction in capillary electrophoresis-mass spectrometry. Journal of Chromatography. A. 1148: 250-5. PMID 17382949 DOI: 10.1016/J.Chroma.2007.03.014  0.314
2007 Ishihama Y, Wei FY, Aoshima K, Sato T, Kuromitsu J, Oda Y. Enhancement of the efficiency of phosphoproteomic identification by removing phosphates after phosphopeptide enrichment. Journal of Proteome Research. 6: 1139-44. PMID 17330947 DOI: 10.1021/Pr060452W  0.376
2007 Sugiyama N, Masuda T, Shinoda K, Nakamura A, Tomita M, Ishihama Y. Phosphopeptide enrichment by aliphatic hydroxy acid-modified metal oxide chromatography for nano-LC-MS/MS in proteomics applications. Molecular & Cellular Proteomics : McP. 6: 1103-9. PMID 17322306 DOI: 10.1074/Mcp.T600060-Mcp200  0.341
2007 Ishihama Y. Optimization of Nano-Liquid Chromatography Coupled with Mass Spectrometry Systems for Proteomics Journal of the Mass Spectrometry Society of Japan. 55: 157-164. DOI: 10.5702/Massspec.55.157  0.352
2006 Saito H, Oda Y, Sato T, Kuromitsu J, Ishihama Y. Multiplexed two-dimensional liquid chromatography for MALDI and nanoelectrospray ionization mass spectrometry in proteomics. Journal of Proteome Research. 5: 1803-7. PMID 16823989 DOI: 10.1021/Pr0601178  0.361
2006 Murata K, Mano N, Asakawa N, Ishihama Y. Simplified gradient generator for micro- and nano-liquid chromatography. Journal of Chromatography. A. 1123: 47-52. PMID 16714026 DOI: 10.1016/J.Chroma.2006.05.004  0.349
2006 Ishihama Y, Rappsilber J, Mann M. Modular stop and go extraction tips with stacked disks for parallel and multidimensional Peptide fractionation in proteomics. Journal of Proteome Research. 5: 988-94. PMID 16602707 DOI: 10.1021/Pr050385Q  0.381
2005 Kokubu M, Ishihama Y, Sato T, Nagasu T, Oda Y. Specificity of immobilized metal affinity-based IMAC/C18 tip enrichment of phosphopeptides for protein phosphorylation analysis. Analytical Chemistry. 77: 5144-54. PMID 16097752 DOI: 10.1021/Ac050404F  0.372
2005 Kerner MJ, Naylor DJ, Ishihama Y, Maier T, Chang HC, Stines AP, Georgopoulos C, Frishman D, Hayer-Hartl M, Mann M, Hartl FU. Proteome-wide analysis of chaperonin-dependent protein folding in Escherichia coli. Cell. 122: 209-20. PMID 16051146 DOI: 10.1016/J.Cell.2005.05.028  0.313
2005 Ishihama Y, Oda Y, Tabata T, Sato T, Nagasu T, Rappsilber J, Mann M. Exponentially modified protein abundance index (emPAI) for estimation of absolute protein amount in proteomics by the number of sequenced peptides per protein. Molecular & Cellular Proteomics : McP. 4: 1265-72. PMID 15958392 DOI: 10.1074/Mcp.M500061-Mcp200  0.38
2005 Ishihama Y. Proteomic LC-MS systems using nanoscale liquid chromatography with tandem mass spectrometry. Journal of Chromatography. A. 1067: 73-83. PMID 15844511 DOI: 10.1016/J.Chroma.2004.10.107  0.344
2004 Katayama H, Tabata T, Ishihama Y, Sato T, Oda Y, Nagasu T. Efficient in-gel digestion procedure using 5-cyclohexyl-1-pentyl-beta-D-maltoside as an additive for gel-based membrane proteomics. Rapid Communications in Mass Spectrometry : Rcm. 18: 2388-94. PMID 15386632 DOI: 10.1002/Rcm.1637  0.381
2003 Rappsilber J, Ishihama Y, Mann M. Stop and go extraction tips for matrix-assisted laser desorption/ionization, nanoelectrospray, and LC/MS sample pretreatment in proteomics. Analytical Chemistry. 75: 663-70. PMID 12585499 DOI: 10.1021/Ac026117I  0.316
2002 Lasonder E, Ishihama Y, Andersen JS, Vermunt AMW, Pain A, Sauerwein RW, Eling WMC, Hall N, Waters AP, Stunnenberg HG, Mann M. Analysis of the Plasmodium falciparum proteome by high-accuracy mass spectrometry Nature. 419: 537-542. PMID 12368870 DOI: 10.1038/Nature01111  0.336
2002 Ishihama Y, Katayama H, Asakawa N, Oda Y. Highly robust stainless steel tips as microelectrospray emitters. Rapid Communications in Mass Spectrometry. 16: 913-918. PMID 11968120 DOI: 10.1002/Rcm.647  0.313
2000 Ishihama Y, Katayama H, Asakawa N. Surfactants Usable for Electrospray Ionization Mass Spectrometry Analytical Biochemistry. 287: 45-54. PMID 11078582 DOI: 10.1006/Abio.2000.4836  0.371
2000 Katayama H, Ishihama Y, Oda Y, Asakawa N. Electrophoretic mobility-assisted identification of proteins by nanoelectrospray capillary electrophoresis/mass spectrometry under methanolic conditions. Rapid Communications in Mass Spectrometry. 14: 1167-1178. PMID 10918364 DOI: 10.1002/1097-0231(20000730)14:14<1167::Aid-Rcm5>3.0.Co;2-R  0.392
1998 Takenawa T, Oda Y, Ishihama Y, Iwakura M. Cyanocysteine-Mediated Molecular Dissection of Dihydrofolate Reductase: Occurrence of Intra- and Inter-Molecular Reactions Forming a Peptide Bond Journal of Biochemistry. 123: 1137-1144. PMID 9604003 DOI: 10.1093/Oxfordjournals.Jbchem.A022053  0.306
1997 Ishihama Y, Oda Y, Asakawa N, Iwakura M. Nano-Scale Monitoring of the Thermally-Induced Unfolding of Proteins Using Capillary Electrophoresis with In-Column Incubation Analytical Sciences. 13: 931-938. DOI: 10.2116/Analsci.13.931  0.312
1995 Mano N, Ishihama Y, Oda Y, Asakawa N. Relationship between the Association Constant and Enantioselectivity on the Flavoprotein-Conjugated Chiral Stationary Phase for High-Performance Liquid Chromatography Analytical Sciences. 11: 983-987. DOI: 10.2116/Analsci.11.983  0.301
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